Emperor's Hammer at War!

Competition ID #: 3416
Status: Finished
Submitted by: LC Vapen Van’an
Competition dates: 2022-08-01 - 2022-09-30
Subgroup: TIE Corps
Units involved: TIE Corps

Pilots of the TIE Corps:

To honor the addition of Empire at War to the TIE Corps‘ supported games, you are challenged to partner up and complete the fastest PvE match of Empire at War. You and your partner must face 2 AI opponents on Hard, No Superweapons, No Heroes, and 2000 starting credits with a win condition of destroy enemy space station.

Only one submission per team sent via Discord DM or email (vapinvanman@gmail.com) to CPT Vapen Vanman. You must include a screenshot of the game settings and a screenshot of the win screen (with the Base displayed on the right for IS-CW credit).

Good luck and pilots, to your fighters!

Competition awards:

1st Place: IS-GW,
2nd Place: IS-SW,
3rd Place: IS-SW,
4th Place: IS-BW,
5th Place: IS-BW,
6th Place: IS-BW

ORA to any team with a Tier 4 (or higher) base destroyed

Competition runtime starts on the first day at 00:00:01 UTC, and ends on the last day at 23:59:59 UTC.

Competition Awards Presented
Award Recipient Reason Date
IS-GW COL Gytheran For first place in the Emperor's Hammer at War 2022-10-03
IS-GW RA Genie For first place in the Emperor's Hammer at War 2022-10-03
IS-SW ST Legion Ordo For second place in the Emperor's Hammer at War 2022-10-03
IS-SW COL Westric Davalorn For third place in the Emperor's Hammer at War 2022-10-03
IS-SW COL Miles Prower For second place in the Emperor's Hammer at War 2022-10-03
IS-BW ACO JetMech For fourth place in the Emperor's Hammer at War Competition 2022-10-03
IS-BW CPT Ryuzokin For fifth place in the Emperor's Hammer at War Competition 2022-10-03
IS-BW RA Colo Delste For sixth place in the Emperor's Hammer at War Competition 2022-10-03
ORA LC Solohan50 For destroying a Tier 4 base in Emperor's Hammer at War 2022-10-03
ORA COL TheBlackxRanger For destroying a Tier 4 base in Emperor's Hammer at War 2022-10-03
ORA GN Stryker For destroying a Tier 4 base in Emperor's Hammer at War 2022-10-03
ORA CPT Atashi Rain For destroying a Tier 4 base in Emperor's Hammer at War 2022-10-03