Report Basics Notes

Table of Contents

Section 2: Sections

As you go up in position there are more parts to add to your reports. I will show what you should have as a Governor General because that is most likely the first position of command you'll be given within the Directorate.

As a Governor General (GG) you should have at least these basic sections in a basic report:

  • Introduction
  • News
    • Directorate-wide News
    • Planet News
  • Competitions
  • Promotions
  • Medals and Awards
  • Transfers
  • Activity
  • Closing

Section details:
Each section of a report contains different information. In this section of the course you will learn about each section, its purpose and level of importance.

  • Introduction:
    An introduction is the part of a report where you'll be able to welcome people to the report and say important things you'd like to your governors. It's really just a very, very tiny summary of what will be happening in the report. Some people even do an In-character scene on what they were doing or thinking right before they send in their report. It should be at least a paragraph long depending on the contents that follow.
  • News:
    The category news is well, news! This category contains everything new that is happening within the Directorate, your current sector, your current system and your planet.
  • Directorate-wide News:
    You should include things on the Directorate homepage, important things you've read in Ministry council reports and other Directorate wide important events. Important notices from the ministry council always go in this section.
  • Planet News:
    Planet news will include things from your sector, system and planet. Here you should include things like new members, orders from your High and System Moffs, important things like LoA and your orders.
  • Competitions:
    This one is kind of obvious. You write about the competitions currently out that your lieutenant and regional governors can take part in. in this you can either list the competitions with links to their page or you can name the competition then describe what it is about. Both of them work fine. Many prefer the first.
  • Promotions:
    In this category you'll list the recent promotions that have happened since your last report. Promotions include position to position and rank to rank. The most common way to list these are Rank-Name to Rank (i.e. Knight Sam Rajax has been promoted to Baronet Sam Rajax).
  • Medals an Awards:
    This is another obvious category. In this section you'll list the medals that were awarded to your subordinates during the grace period between the reports. If two of the same medals are being awarded to the same person a common way to abbreviate it instead of writing it twice people just write xY after it (i.e. KGT Sam Rajax was awarded SotTx4). In that Y was the variable for medals awarded.
  • Transfers:
    Transfers include people moving from planet to planet, system to system, sector to sector, retirees to active, active to retirees and CIT (NEW MEMBERS) getting assigned to a planet. The first three don't happen too much, except when a new planet opens. The most common way to write these are Rank-Name has been transferred to Location! (i.e. Knight Sam Rajax has been transferred to Aurora!)
  • Activity:
    Activity is based on what the governor has done in the grace period. It involved things from communication to participating in competitions. Some people use Activity Tracking Records and others just write the activities they've done. A common template for writing the activity section is:


    An example of this would be:

    KGT Sam Rajax
    Comments: Well done this week!
    Communication: AIM, MSN, IRC and E-mail all daily.
    Awarded SotTx4
    Awarded SotCx2
    Wrote 3 fiction submissions
    Submit 4 competitions
    Submit his planetary report

  • Closing
    Finally, the closing. This is the final section you will write. It will do as it says, close the report. It should be wishes and orders for the week if it isn't a recap. It could also be things that are going to come up in the future. There are many different ways to write closings, but one thing remains the same. It is an important part to any report.