Certificate in Sniper Operations

Covering one of the most coveted positions in any military, this certificate provides training in sniper operations, from the basics to the advanced tactics of an Elite Sniper.

Qualification Administrative Data
Status: Active
Program Level: Certificate
Number of Personnel Awarded: 13

To earn the Certificate in Sniper Operations qualification, complete all of the following requirements:

  • Complete the course Apprentice Sniper Course with a passing score.
  • Complete the course Observer with a passing score.
  • Complete the course Sniper with a passing score.
  • Complete the course Expert Sniper with a passing score.
  • Apply for qualification following completion of all requirements.
Member Date
CM Jai Thorne 2024-05-06
CM Matt Brass 2024-04-10
VA Locke Setzer 2023-12-13
CPT Habu 2023-09-29
CPT Jagged Fell III 2023-09-24
LC Vapen Van’an 2023-09-17
GN Triji Boliv 2023-03-09
GN Elwood the Brave 2023-02-26
LCM Matthew Steel 2023-02-13
MAJ Erryc Lasitter 2023-01-21
CM Dathka Graush 2023-01-19
CM Bonebolt 2023-01-18
VA Robert Hogan 2023-01-18