TIE Fighter Total Conversion Mission Design (TFTC)

The Emperor's Hammer (EH) has adopted the TIE Fighter Total Conversion (TFTC) mod for X-Wing Alliance (XWA) as a supported platform for custom EH missions. The content of this guide is taken from experience using the different hooks and features. But the initial guide used to enable the author to use these features was the readmes that are posted with all hooks added by Jeremy Ansel and posted on his GitHub for the hooks. Please refer to the readme and guides in the GitHub for additional information or hooks not discussed in the course.

Review the course notes (linked below) in detail to become confident with the course material. When you are ready, access the TIE Fighter Total Conversion Mission Design Exam to begin testing.

Questions regarding this course should be directed to its assigned Professor, CPT Jagged Fell III.

Course Administrative Data
Course Category: Tactical Office
Prerequisite Courses: X-Wing Alliance Mission Design
Proponent Academy: Imperial Weapons and Tactics School
Status: Active
Assigned Professor: CPT Jagged Fell III
Passing Score: 75%
Automated Scoring: No
Number of Graduates: 3