Kaph Report # 20 (2000-01-10)

This report was submitted by LC Reaper


Listen up here is the latest edition of the Kaph Weekly News,

Kaph Squadron News

* I have been awarded the Commendation of Loyalty in the EH Anniversary Honours
* LCM Damien Warchild has been awarded 2 Imperial Security Medals for his work on the Flight 2 Homepage as well as his Work for Project Pheonix.

WingIV News

* LT Adume (Cheth) has been promoted to Flight Leader of Flight Two in Cheth Squadron.

* All the following members of Wing IV have rec'd the Commendation of Loyalty in the EH Anniversary Honours

CM Jonathon (Teth)
MAJ Mortu (Lamed)

As well as Major Guthwulf who left Wing IV not so long ago, congrats to all.

SSSD Sovereign News

* The Domain Name for tiecorps.org is back up! You can access it at it's proper place, http://www.tiecorps.org/ instead of by it's ISP number.

* Lieutenant Colonel Corran Force, has been promoted to Rear Admiral, and to Commodore of the ISD Challenge, after COM Torres resignation from that spot.

* RA Nighthawk, former COM of the ISD Colossus, has been promoted to Wing Commander of the ISD Challenge, and been moved to the rank of Colonel.

* TAC/HA Kawolski reminds: When you fill out BSFs for XWA pilot files, make SURE you add the bonus score with the regular score for each mission.

* High Admiral Kawolski is seeking a new Tactical Office Command Attaché, to split duties with himself, and the existing CA:TAC.. To see the new CA: TAC's duties, visit http://news.tiecorps.org .

* Our own commodore FA Kramer has been awarded the Grand Order of the Empire in the EH Anniversary Awards

* BGCOM/VA Ricaud and CMDR/LC Callista have been awarded the Gold Star of the Empire in the EH Anniversary Awards.

* TO/FA Astantine is looking for budding journalists to help put together the EH Cosmo. You can find details at www.news.tiecorps.org . As well as that he has also released the latest version of EH Cosmo, it can be viewed at www.impstart.net/ehcosmo/ .

Squadron Status

Keep those Flight nicknames, mottos and homepages coming in, as between myself and WC/COL Ricardo, we shall make sure you receive an ISM for you efforts.

LT Josh Wilkins can you please report in as I have not heard anything from you recently, just want to make sure you're still alive after the holiday period.

After gallons of coffee and enough smokes to kill an elephant I have nearly completed the revision of the Kaph Homepage. I have requested the domain name, so it should be up and running within the next couple of days. I'll keep you all informed.

On that note, If any of you have come up with the mottos etc for your flight please let me know so they can be included on the Roster as well as the Kaph Page. As mentioned above you will be rewarded for your efforts.

Squadron Activity

* CMDR/CPT Reaper (me) - completed CAB-Battle 2

* FM/LT Josh Wilkins - Have not heard from, please report in

* FL/LCM Damien Warchild - Has maintained contact via E-mail and m/IRC

* FL/LT Feran Daemas - Has maintained contact via ICQ, E-mail as well as m/IRC

That was the news, until next week

CPT Reaper
CMDR/CPT Reaper/Kaph/Wing IV/SSSD Sovereign
PC/ISMx2/MoC-2BoC-1GoC/CoB/CoL [GALL], {IWATS-SM1/2-M/1/2-IIC/1-TT-XTT-XTM} T/A-"The Grim Reaper"
JH Reaper (Sith)/Oriens Obscurum of Arcona, DC
Flight Leader, Flight 2, Sidious Squadron
ICQ#: 17504067

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