Kaph Report # 19 (2000-01-04)

This report was submitted by LC Reaper

Hope you all had a Good Xmas and a Happy New Year. Well my computer hasn't
died on me and it even tells the correct date (wonders of modern technology
:P). So here is the first Squadron report of the new year.

Kaph Squadron News

* LCM Damien Warchild has now got the Flight 2 Homepage up and running, it
can be viewed at www.redrival.com/damienwarchild/KaphFlight2.htm .

* SL Josh Wilkins has joined Kaph Squadron, he has been assigned Kaph 1-2

* LT Josh Wilkins has been promoted to the Rank of Lieutenant

* LCM Damien Warchild has advanced to the FCHG Rank of Cavalier.

* LCM Damien Warchild has set many new Highscores this week, see Activity to
see which ones.

* LT Feran Daemas and myself had a quick multiplayer game of XvT where he
kicked my butt !! If you would like to know the scores I'm sure he would
love to let you know :P

WingIV News

* SL Mini Minkus has joined Teth Squadron.

* SL Azreal had joined Teth Squadron, but was transferred out almost
immediately (don't ask me why.. ?).

* LCM Thrawn (Cheth) has been declared AWOL.

* SL Mini Minkus (Teth) has been promoted to Lieutenant, and to Flight
Leader of Flight Three in Teth.

* We had a decent amount of battle submissions this week, especially from
our newer members. We have so far: 5 submissions for Wing IV: Battle of the
Continents Round 3, and 6 subs for Wing IV vs. Wing VI competition!

* No Multiplayer Events this week! LCM Bret K'thraz will be on leave from
the 1st to the 14th of January.

* The tenth Wing IV Honor Guard matchup went on earlier this week, between
LCM Bret K'thraz and LCM Damien Warchild.. LCM Bret came out on top, but
only by 3K! Good work both of you.

* #Wing_IV, our IRC room has finally been registered!! CPT Astin/Wing III
set this up for us, so finally, we have a bot :)

SSSD Sovereign News

* A new Chancellor has been chosen for the Imperial Senate, following CHS
Nighthawk's resignation. It is White Tiger.

* Faethor, an Inquisitor, has been promoted to Fleet Admiral, following his
updating of the Emperor's Hammer Domian.

* Grand Moff of the EH Directorate, Z'lar Kahn has stepped down from his
position. Armus was promoted to GMF.

* CA:OPS Howlader has been awarded a Grand Order of the Emperor medal..

* FCA-FM/CPT Atrus/Rho 2-2/Wing II/SSSD Sov has been appointed as the Fleet
Commander's Assistant.

* One thing I probably haven't stressed enough, is Training Office
Competition #5. Please visit the page at http://www.impstar.net/to/comp5/
and check out all the details.

* Rat Pack update: The competition between the Rat Pack (the Sovereign Flag
Officers, GN Devin, and FO Kessler) and Rho Squadron is going on until the
10th of January. I have not heard details on the Rat Pack vs. the Brat Pack
(BattleGroup Flag Officers) competition.

* Vice Admiral Ricaud (valricaud@aol.com) will be accepting submissions of
any kind: fiction, interviews, reviews, previews, personnel records, music,
graphics,missions, battles, plotlines, speeches, uniforms for a TIE Corps
magazine.. Your submissions will also be included in the EH Newsletter, and
you will be awarded Letters of Achievement for this.

* Following the News of CM Cracoucas stepping down as CMDR of Cheth, we
welcome Major Mooks to take over. Congrats on the Command Position and the
best of luck Major.

Squadron Status

* Remember to fly Free Mission Shin Squadron's Ambush! This is for the Wing
IV vs. Wing VI competition, obviously. I have attached it again to this
message, in hopes it will inspire every one to fly it! Remember, it is due
to me by the 7th of January. You only have 3 days left.

* The beginning of the Squadron League 2K has been announced. The first
mission to be flown is The Belhassa Marches. Your pilot files are due to me
by 15th January. I would ask as many of you to fly this as possible. Lets
show the Fleet what Kaph Squadron can do!!!

* WC/COL Ricardo is trying to get Nicknames and Mottos for all the Flights
within Wing IV. I have already had them for Flight 2 (thanks LCM Damien
Warchild). LT Feran Daemas can you come up with them for Flight 3 and LT
Josh Wilkins I know you have only been in Kaph for a week but could you let
me know your suggestions for Flight 1.

Squadron Activity

* CMDR/CPT Reaper (me) - Still working on the Kaph Homepage (it will get
done soon), Designed the uniforms for Teth Squadron, Completed TIE-FREE
Imperial and Shin Squadron Ambush.

* FM/LT Josh Wilkins - Completed TC-TIE Battle 19, been in contact via

* FL/LCM Damien Warchild - Completed the Flight 2 Homepage, Submitted his
suggestions for Flight 2 Motto/Nickname which has been added to the Roster,
Completed DB-TIE 12 (Battle HS and HS Missions 1-5), Completed DB-TIE 13
(Battle HS and Missions 1, 3, 4, 5, 6)

* FL/LT Feran Daemas - Has beaten me a XvT on the Zone, been in contact via
E-mail and ICQ

That was the news, until next week

CPT Reaper
CMDR/CPT Reaper/Kaph/Wing IV/SSSD Sovereign
T/A-"The Grim Reaper"
JH Reaper (Sith)/Oriens Obscurum of Arcona, DC
Flight Leader, Flight 2, Sidious Squadron
Kaph Home Page: http://kaph.tsx.org
ICQ#: 17504067

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