Ranger Report # 46 (2001-03-20)

This report was submitted by LC Toran Dan

Yeah yeah! After some hard days of learning and writing I am back to full action. :-)
This week was very succesfull for our Squadron, you will see.
Squadron News
  • XWA league 3 CR#5 - We did it! We won round #5. That brings us a big lead because Demon Squadron only placed 2nd and Beth squadron is also not a thread for us. Thanks for your hard work.
  • CPT Banger - CPT Banger did it again. I think we can give him the title "God of XWA" because he is again the Top Gun for an XWA league round.
  • LCM Curly changed his emailaddy to: arso@pop3free.com
  • LT Coyote is serving Ranger for a long time now. That's why I recommended him for a promotion to LCM. Congrats LCM Coyote, drinks are on you :P
  • I am currently looking for a new competition. Mail me against which Squadron we should fly or anything else which can be converted into a competition.
  • Please note: Go here http://www.kawolski.com/xo/newsletters.asp and make sure you submit your image for the EH Newsletter. You will get a LoA for it!
Squadron Status/Orders
  • XWA league 3 CR#6 - The last round is up. Mission to fly is FXWA-5 until the 31st of this month. I expect a 100 % participation and I know you will do it because we are gods, ehm, I meant good :P
Activity reports
LC Toran Dan(141) - Completed FXWA 24(+8), admin. work, created image for OCR(+7)
LCM Curly(54) - Completed FXWA 24(+8), created image for OCR(+7)
CM Mark Stephenson(316) - Completed FXWA 24(+8), DB-TIE 1(5),2(5),3(4),created image for OCR(7)
LCM Coyote(70) - Completed FXWA 24(8), created image for OCR(7)
LT Corran Maxwell(8) - Completed FXWA24(8)
CM Gidda(251) - Completed FXWA24(HS-9), TIE 2(HS-7), DB-TIE6(HS-7)
CPT Banger(220)  -  Completed FXWA24(HS-12), TIE 117(5),119(4),121(4),140(5),144(6)
*Please note - CPT Banger will be punished for flying TIE battles, but saying that he hates TIE Fighter.

CMDR/LC Toran Dan/Ranger/Wing XI/ISD Immortal
BSx2/PCx12/ISMx15/MoI/LoCx4/CoL/CoB/LoA/OV [GALL] {IWATS-CBX-GFX-IIC/1/2/3-M/1/2-PHP/1/2-SM/2}
DOC/CPT Toran Dan/Reserve
http://www.corellia.de | Ranger Squadron
"Fortuna favet fortibus" - Fortune favours the Bold

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