Avenger Report # 27 (2000-05-06)

This report was submitted by MAJ Death

Alright ladies,
I must confess that I am EXTREMELY pissed off!!!! Those little kids from the Grey Wolf think they can mess with
me and my squad?? AAAAAAARrRRggghhhhhhhhhhh!!!! We're gonna kick their asses so bad that when they look
at the scoring board, they'll have to resize it because of all the Avenger points!!! WE WILL AND CAN NOT
TOLERATE THIS!!! People, destroy them, destroy them all, and make them look miserable, feast upon their misery
and let them learn humility!
We are Avengers, we are the Execturos of the Emperor's Will and we are ELITE! Noone is allowed to even think
about messing with us! It is time to explain this to the rest of the ASF!
I want activity, I want pilot files, pictures, missions whatever... take a look at the website and see what YOU can do
and DO IT! Remamber that flying (read: WINNING) online really brings you most points. Give yourself to the
darkside and annihilate your enemies!
Alright... I let off some steam :)...
In related news... We have a new member, everybody welcome Lt. Peh (who transfered to the empty spot Lt.
Zukarev left when he retired) to our squadron. I am most confident that he will prove a most valuable adition! He is
one of the most active pilots in the ASF:SC and was in Crusader squadron prior to his transfer...
Also, Maj. Smitroc left us to go serve in Butcher squadron of SSD Avenger. This leaves us a free spot again... Death
would you be kind enough to deal with it? Lt. Verr might still be interested in joining us...
I would like to commend our Flight Leaders, CPT Tarkin and CPT Archon on maintining the highest standards of
hyperactivity! You guys kick ass :) Keep it up, you are an inspiration to us all... look up to them all you lowly FMs
While at it.... (sheesh this is turning into a squadron report... and I hate those :) I would like all the Flight Members
to write a short email on their activities (aside from offline flying), so I can get a better view of the situation and
give out a few medals (this iI like :) or even promos (this I like even more :)....
Alright, I will stop now... people go earning points, I myself have btw submited 5 pix, am finishing up a custom
XvT battle and flew a bunch of missions, from now on I will set my self a minimum of 5 missions per day.. if
anyone can keep up with me, you better work on your chest muscles so you can wear all the medals that are gonna
be hangin there :)
Till next time,
I am Colonel NiksaVel, and you've been listening to Avenger HoloNet reports - 6-5-2000,
CMDR/COL NiksaVel/Avenger/ISD Intrepid
BSx3/PCx5/ISMx5/MoI/MoT-rhx15/LoCx3/MoC-3BoC-1GoC/OV-2E [PLDN] {IWATS-IIC/1/2/3-M/1-R-RPG-SM/1/2-

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