Flayer Report # 6 (2001-04-11)

This report was submitted by CPT Predator

The space went on forever. An endless black void sucking at the sanity of all who see it, an infinity incomphrehensible to all sentient species. Clad in their shields of metal and plastic, rock and gas, most beings manage to ignore the vastness of the space around them, trapped in their small lives and smaller perceptions.
However I had been stripped of my protective coating, and all that was left was me, a standard combat flightsuit and odd pieces of space debris that was all that remained of a five hundred thousand credit Tie Defender. As a small chunk of debris bounced off my back I checked my suit integrity for the fourth time in what, an hour- two? All was in order- the light from the systems sun- no more than a small glowbulb at this distance, reflected brightly off my insignia and name badge- the black name carved from the silvered plate spelling $H^RPTH!FF for all the stars to see- it was about the only thing right on the entire uniform. The insignia indicated a Sub-Lieutenant Flight Leader and the helmet's two white imperial insignia a Daedalus Cadet. I shook my head slightly at the thought and promised myself I'd update my uniform if I ever got out of this.
Half of me wished I would never be found- the bosses would be...well...upset. Luckily, if they found me before my oxygen ran out, at least they would have recovered the investment in my training, after all I'm just another "resource" in the imperial war machine. By the Emperor! The silence, the chilling, utter quiet of space was unnerving for a man who'd never been further than fifty metres from some sort of whining machinery in his short life. These are the sort of things that wandered through the skewed alleys of my mind as I drifted- I shook my head within the close confines of the bulky black helmet and my vision swam- definitely concussed. I swore silently as my mind slipped and fell into a quiet darkness.

Flayer squadron Report #6

What you have just read was part of the wining fiction for last weeks comp the rest of it is attached to the mail so Congrats to LT. Sharp who gets the medal. All of the fictions were of the highest standard and it was a real problem choosing a winner I hope all the pilots who entered will submit it to the EH Newsletter and share them with whole fleet.
Well this week has been mad and I have been rushed off my feet. The big news of the big is the Flayer family has grown with LT. Nexus and SL. Mikhail Rheinhardt joining us. This takes us up to NINE pilots which is great work as we have only been open a month and a half. We also thanks to LT. Nexus have a website http://www.geocities.com/flayersquad/ although not all the pages are up yet this great work and Nexus will be rewarded. We are a good sized squadron now this means we have to start fighting for are position within the wing to be blunt I WANT WC Own but more about that later on in the report.
Last weeks Avenger Training / Flayer zone night went well although only two turned by we fought Fury squadron and beat them! (It was 2 vs. 1 but we won so who cares) if you have a MP game then come along and fly!
XWA skirmishing room at - 7:00:00 PM EST on Thursday which is an hour before the Avenger comp on the Zone
Oh, by the way promoted me to Captain so send drink and cash to my rooms on Avenger.


Ok last week’s comps first
The flying medal goes to LT. Brightsaber who gets the IS-BW

And the fiction comp goes to LT. Sharp who gets an IS-BR

Well done to both of you.

This weeks comps will center on us trying to get WC own.
Tiger has changed the rules of this so it will be based on how many of us are flying his battles.

So this week’s battle is

TC-TIE 42 (at the moment no medal but hopefully I will get one sorted)

As the non-flying comp I want you all to write a letter offering cadets help (DO NOT SEND THEM TO CADETS)
After I review them the best will be used to offer cadets whatever help they need.
The letter cannot ask the cadet to join and must offer help and try to give some useful advice to help them.


This week LT. Nexus challenged LT. Shade for his Flight leader spot so the battle is on within two weeks we will know who wins.
Some people have told me this is a cruel and evil comp but it does make sure I have only the best and most active as my FL’s so tough and I am a dark Jedi so I have to be cruel and evil it is part of my job.

Standing orders

Inform me of all clones (Including DB)
Inform me of all medals and promotions within the DB
Do at least one thing per week – if any pilot fails to do this and does not contact me with a reason they will be classed as AWOL if you are AWOL twice in a month you leave and are put in the reserves
Every month I will contact each of you either via e-mail or live on-line to discuss your progress (Medals, promotions ideas etc.) Failure to respond will result in a pilot being classed as AWOL.
If you do anything which I am not sent an automatic e-mail then write to me yourself! (I can reward if I do not know what you are doing)
If you note that a BSF has not been done with in 36 hours something is wrong! Mail me with the file again as it may have been lost.
If you feel that you deserve a medal or promotion TELL ME! I will never say no what I might say is “ you need to do this… ”
Sending me ideas is considered activity all of them are noted and the really good ones earn rewards you may not feel your idea is much good however I may think it is great SEND THEM TO ME.
And finally and most importantly being Cruel to my goldfish is a court-martial offence and I will have you shot!

Activity Reports

Please not if I miss something MAIL ME about it as it may have been lost

CPT Predator – I got command of a DB battleteam so that has taken up some time but I have been doing some probing about doing a comp with another squad. What do you lot think?

LT Braxus - Have not heard from you one more week and you go AWOL drop me a line (last chance)

LT Brightsaber – Flew DB-TIE 2, TC-XWA 9(WC own battle) he also did IWATS courses Squadron Management 2 and M2 (you after my job Brightsaber?)

LT Nexus – Working on the website, and flew TC-TIE 68, 27 and 10
Promotion to LT.

LT. Drosha Krablaad – Flew TC-XWA 9(WC own battle) and TC-XWA 2 and TC-XvT 1

LT. Shade – Took Computer Basics IWATS course

LT Sharp – Won fiction comp

SL Mikhail Rheinhardt – Just joined please contact me.

Final rant
We have got some people taking the WC’s battle now this is good if you are going to fly battles fly the ones you might get a medal for you know it makes sense!
The message board has gone dead. (both squadron and wing) POST OR DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Respectfully submitted

CMDR/CPT Predator/Flayer/Avenger Wing II/SSD Avenger

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