Flayer Report # 8 (2001-04-25)

This report was submitted by CPT Predator

Captain Predator dismissed Lieutenant Sharpthief with a salute, and said "Well done!"
Lieutenant Braxus heard this as he passed down the corridor, and asked, what was that about?
Lieutenant Braxus heard this as he passed down the corridor, and asked, "What was that about?"
Sharp laughed, and said, "For beating you and everyone else in the last exercise!"
Braxus scowled, and Sharp smiled in return.
"You know, you can't kill me today, even if you want to"
Braxus opened his eyes in surprise.
"The squadron needs me for the upcoming exercises against Wing 1"
"Starting next month. Those complacent pilots probably don't know how to start their star fighters any more."
Both pilots laughed, and went to read the report Captain Predator had posted:

Flayer Squadron Report #8

Pred’s thought for the week “this is a real thought I had and should give you an insight into the sad sick world of your Captains mind I was on Mirc talking about promotion and it came to me that I cannot be promoted. CAN ANYONE TELL ME WHY? (Think about it the answer is at the bottom of the page)

Flayer has been a commissioned squadron for two months now and we are going from strength to strength and we gained another pilot and he has already told me to thank you all for the welcome and let me give the official report welcome to LT. Denton.
This takes us up to nine pilots so well done.
If anyone wants a go at being a CMDR I am willing to turn my pride and joy over to you for a week {Pred’s girlfriend hits him} OW! I meant Flayer squadron so if any of you wants to try running a squad for a week mail me and we will sort something out if nothing else when you apply for a CMDR position you can say you have run one for a week.
OK on to the Comps!


Ok last weeks comp’s first I had lots submission for the flying comp which is good but only one for the non-flying stop giving Brightsaber easy medals!
Ok on to next weeks comps
After talking to a number of you about challenging another squadron.
Well I did it we are in a comp with Fury squadron and CHAOS (the cmdr who like cap locks) thinks he is going to beat us. He is so wrong! As this is the first inter squad comp both of us has set up we are going to keep it very simple fly Free-TIE #32 (that’s the ones with all the TIE’s) and the highest score wins and gets a IS-BW and their squadron will win. (That’s us) please send all Pilot files for this to me and CC. Chaos Angel

Here are the normal weekly comps

Flying comp
Is TC-XWA #10 IS-BW to the highest score
Other comp
This is another idea I got from you lot and it is a web hunt
The question is

There is a new standing comp it is not a new idea half of the wing is already doing it
Fly all the DB-TIE battles and get an ISM this will be on-going

This is still on hold but only for one more week.

Standing orders

Inform me of all clones (Including DB)
Inform me of all medals and promotions within the DB
Do at least one thing per week – if any pilot fails to do this and does not contact me with a reason they will be classed as AWOL if you are AWOL twice in a month you leave and are put in the reserves
Every month I will contact each of you either via e-mail or live on-line to discuss your progress (Medals, promotions ideas etc.) Failure to respond will result in a pilot being classed as AWOL.
This is to test if any of you read this. If you are then mail me and we will have a good laugh at the people who didn’t in my next report.
If you do anything which I am not sent an automatic e-mail then write to me yourself! (I can reward if I do not know what you are doing)
If you note that a BSF has not been done with in 36 hours something is wrong! Mail me with the file again as it may have been lost.
If you feel that you deserve a medal or promotion TELL ME! I will never say no what I might say is “ you need to do this… ”
Sending me ideas is considered activity all of them are noted and the really good ones earn rewards you may not feel your idea is much good however I may think it is great SEND THEM TO ME.
And finally and most importantly being Cruel to my goldfish is a court-martial offence and I will have you shot!

Activity Records

CPT Predator – Busy week for me I got awarded the Gold Star of the Empire for my work at IWATS and a MoI for getting Denton to join I have also flew a load of battles (mainly IW ones)

LT Braxus – this is the third week of being AWOL mail me Braxus

LT Denton – Joined the squadron and did Rebellion Tactics at IWATS (I hear this is a really good course) and therefore got a promotion to LT.

LCM Brightsaber – For working for the squadron at an impressive level ever this he joined Brightsaber has been promoted to the rank of LCM. (Congrats you deserve it)
Won the non-flying comp.

LT Nexus – Working on the website and hit the books this week doing lots of IWATS courses

LT Drosha Krablaad - Awarded ISM for 50 FCHG points

LT Shade – On leave

LT Sharpthief – Won the flying comp

SL Mikhail Rheinhardt – responds to e-mail

Final Rant

Ok we are still not hitting the targets but we are moving forward and the activity on the message board brought a smile to my face and I hope it will turn in to pilot files on my desk I know you guys can do it.

In case any one is wondering the answer to the question at the start why can I not get promoted because.. I would be a Major Predator. If you need this explaining then you are too stupid to live.

Respectfully Submitted

CMDR/CPT Predator/Flayer/Avenger Wing II/SSD Avenger

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