Sin Report # 18 (2001-01-14)

This report was submitted by MAJ Stele Pellaeon

CMDR/CPT Stele Pellaeon reporting in for Sin Squadron 1.14.01

I have a dream... that I'll catch that "Squeaker"!!! Well, I hope all of you have a good holiday this monday. I know I will.

If you hadn't noticed, we have a critter loose in the EH territory. I've been able to track him down to every messageboard since the first of this month and have flown the battle and the 24 hour mission. It's not too late to join in on the fun. There's a fiction part too which I need to get to.

Also, have you ever wanted to get a sinner for leaving us? Well now is the PERFECT oppurtunity. Praetorian and RA Calias will be taking us on in the "Sin+Psi vs Praetorian Match" which starts tomarrow. Show them what Sinners and Psiers (is that a word) are all about. We are to fly TC-88(attached) starting as of tomarrow Jan 15th and ending Jan 25th. Lets get em!!!

Squadron News

An upset in the Gladiator Challenge has occurred. GLADIATOR LT Desmos and CHALLENGER CPT Mordred have just finished up their match. Scores are as followed:
GLADITOR Desmos: 122628
CHALLENGER Mordred: 194044
-The new GLADIATOR OF SIN is CPT Mordred!
Good work to both pilots and lets get ready for our next match. CPT Mordred has the option to use his score or to switch to another battle. Are there any volunteers? If no one volunteers by Monday night... I will take him down!! dun Dun DUN!!!

The Wing II competition "Squeaker Hunt" started the 1st of this month and will continue until the end of the month. It is based upon finding Private Squeaker, LC Inkwolf's ground crew member. There will be flying, writing, graphics, and message board hunting and medals will be given out. Further details in the Squadron Orders. So far, one 24 hour mission has passed and another is in progress.

Squadron Orders

Fly TC-88 for the Sin+Psi vs Praetorian match. We've all gotta fly this one if we want to defeat those elite boys! Knock em off their high chair!

For the Wing II Where's Squeaker competition, fly TC-107
-at random times of January, Inkwolf will order missions to be flown and must be turned in within 24 hrs of that order. So keep your eyes peeled through mail and on the Wing 2 messageboard
Sergeant Akela and Melvin will be making a search
of the Emperor's Hammer. Each day in January, a message will be posted on one of the EH messageboards, possibly with a clue
as to where the next post will appear. Can you
keep up to Akela and Melvin? Post a reply to
their message within 24 hours to prove your
Squeakorienteering prowess!
Several Wing 2rs and myself have been posting but it's not too late to join the fun. Just check the first message on the Wing 2 messageboard to catch up to the following messages on the other ones.
Submit a graphic showing Squeaker's current location!
Write a work of, er, documentary dealing with the
disappearance and return of Squeaker!
-Not only will medals be awarded in each category,
but there will also be medals for whoever
participated the most! If, in Inkwolf's opinion, the
wing has not shown any particular effort, medals
will not be awarded. So be sure to take part.
Send all TFRs to me, CPT Stele Pellaeon, send all
graphics and fiction files to Inkwolf directly (cc your
CMDR!) Good luck to all, and may your Squeaker
hunt be successful!

We're still working on our next citation for TC-26 but I'll postpone it for the Sin+Psi vs Praetorian match.

As usual, check your squadron and or flight webpage to keep posted on orders and such.

Fly to your hearts content...

Activity Reports

CMDR/CPT Stele Pellaeon 1-1
-1/8-14 kept up with every message post for "Squeaker Hunt"
-1/13 flew TC-107
-1/13 flew FM-49

FL/LCM MacCredu 2-1
-no reported activity

FM/LT Desmos 2-2
-no reported activity

FL/CM Pendragon 3-1
-1/14 flew FM-49
-1/15 flew TC-19

FM/LT Strahd Pendragon 3-2
-no reported activity

FM/LT Squall Lionheart 3-3
-no reported activity


TC News

Battlecry 11 Released
22:43 - CPT Werdna Elbee []
Battlecry 11 is out now. You can get if from Here is what is in this months issue: -

XvT & XWA Week of War Stats
Big Competition Still Running (except Flying Contest)
Flying Contest Results (and news on a little problem with that)
Writing Contest comes to a close, but there is still a new part to read
Also, there are a lot of great submissions this month (which explains the large file-size). Off the top of my head, there is a history of the EH by VA Jarak, a Flash animation by CM Tack and RA Moreco, the next parts of "Old Friends" by CPT Werdna Elbee and "Sword Squadron" by LCM Badlan, as well as many other marvelous pieces of work.

Career Histories
22:42 - RA Ramos []
The Logistics Office is now starting a new project to collect the personal histories of TIE Corps and Emperor's Hammer members. The LO would like all EH members who wish to submit their personal histories for posting on a database shortly to email their career portfolios/stories to with your name and rank in the Subject. A template will be released shortly to help you compile your careers and if you need any assistance what so ever please email Rear Admiral Ramos Kanzco for more information.

FMC Celebrates first anniversary
22:41 - AD Mike []
The Fleet Medical Corps is now one year old. Last year, on the eleventh of January, the MedCorps was founded with the activation of the medcorps egroup. What once was an interesting project has become a 44-people pseudo-subgroup wich is now celebrating its anniversary!

(There was a celebration held today which I apologize for not posting about sooner - HA Kawolski)

Outer Rim Changes Servers!
15:19 - AD Zsinj []
Outer Rim for now will be on Innernet. It will still be in #outerrim, and here are Servers to possibily join:

XO gets a rank bump
14:48 - HA Kawolski []
As posted on

Looks like my previous rank as Sector Admiral was only an honorary one! Grand Admiral Ronin has informed me that I'm now back to being a High Admiral (what I was before I left the TAC position). If I do well in my position, within a month's time, I may be promoted to a full Sector Admiral.

Updated battles
09:04 - FA Striker []
A bunch of battles which should have been uploaded some time ago have been updated:

TC-TIE Battle 23
TC-TIE Battle 28
TC-TIE Battle 66
TC-TIE Battle 87
TC-TIE Battle 106
TC-TIE Battle 115
TC-TIE Battle 117
TC-TIE Battle 123
TC-TIE Battle 165
FREE-TIE Mission 133
DB-TIE Battle 1
BHG-TIE Battle 1
BHG-TIE Battle 2
TC-XWA Battle 7
TC-XWA Battle 12

Logistics Office needs your help
09:19 - CM Ramos Kanzco []
Now that New Years has passed by and the fact we are a week into the year 2001, the Logistics Office has come back from the dead and several setbacks to bring to you many new projects. The biggest of which is to be announced later in the week. Moving on, The LO needs your help in gathering fiction, graphics, old rosters, INPRs, Personal Histories, Ship Histories, Subgroup Histories, Monumental EH desicions, Wing Histories, Squadron Histories, Histories of CS officers, old Subgroup manuals, old subgroup webpages, old subgroup commander histories, and anything else you think can be essential or non essential in helping the Logistics Office in archiving the history of the EH. Eventually after we collect all this data it will be submitted to the Training Office for placement in the EH Encyclopedia(being compiled by HA Astatine).

Here are a list of email addresses you can submit data and information to. You will be rewarded for submitting information:

Also a plan is in the works to appoint a ship/wing historian to compile their wing/ship's history into one large work and submit it to the LO. We need many people to help out with this so if you could email Commander Ramos Kanzco and tell him if you are interested in becoming your ship's historian. This will be an unofficial posistion and will not be added to your ID line.

Thank you and if you have any comments or questions feel free to email me(

Squadron Roster

SIN SQUADRON OF WING II : Long-Range Support
COMMANDER: CPT Stele Pellaeon ( - #3448
NICKNAME: Wing of the Darknesses
MOTTO: Whoso dares to strike us, Will never survive in our darkness

Nickname: The Skulls
Motto: Worthy skulls are used as our paper weights
1) CPT Stele Pellaeon ( - #3448
2) TBA
3) TBA
4) TBA

Nickname: Skeletons in the Closet
Motto: You tag em we'll bag em and set em on the shelf
1) LCM MacCredu ( - #4176
2) LT Desmos ( - #5665
3) TBA
4) TBA

Nickname: Every Mother's Nightmare
Motto: We are the horrors your mother warned you about
1) CPT Mordred Pendragon ( - #1047
2) LT Strahd Pendragon ( - #5420
3) LT Squall Lionheart ( - #3387
4) TBA

Total: 6

Squadron Citations (9):
TC-TIE Battle 2 - Strike at Calamari
TC-TIE Battle 4 - Recapture Zaarins Technology
TC-TIE Battle 17 - Zaarins Missile Boats
TC-TIE Battle 19 - The Tethys Honeymoon
TC-TIE Battle 76 - Mirror Universe
TC-TIE Battle 133 - Punishment Tour
TC-TIE Battle 148 - Secret Clone Project
TC-TIE Battle 156 - EH Wrestling Extravaganza
CAB Battle 4 - Battle for Kronos


Respectfully submitted,
CMDR/CPT Stele Pellaeon/Sin/Wing II/SSSD Sovereign
SS/PCx4/ISMx8/MoT-5bh/LoCx3/CoB [GALL] {IWATS-SM/2}

"Running away from the battle while outnumbered by the enemy has never killed me; but coming back with reinforcements has killed them."

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