Ranger Report # 35 (2000-12-31)

This report was submitted by MAJ Toran Dan

Greetings ! Well guys, the year breathes its last breathes and we are going into the new millenium. This is the last report of me in this millenium and I hope we will continue our success in the next year. You may noticed that Demon squadron has become COM's own squadron which mean we have lost our elite status within the Immortal. But that isn't a reason to resign. We will will take it back!
Squadron News
  • CPT Pikachu is hard working on the new ISD Immortal website. He is inlcuding *.ASP sites which are really cool :-)
  • MAJ Toran Dan recieved an ISM for assisting IO/AD Absolutek with the Greeting card center (CCC)
  • Ranger Squadron is back on full active status
Squadron Status/Orders
  • Battlecry 10 - Everyone should be working hard to fly the missions for battlecry 10!  Let's prove the fleet again! why we are the best XWA ship around by cleaning up in this division -- SS for the winner!! yippee. Also be sure to check out the other contests, Fiction, Graphics and mission design! http://www.emperorshammer.ca/battlecry/battlecry10/contest/contest.htm
  • XWA League 3 - Yes, it's coming again ! XWA league 2 was a big milestone in Ranger's history because we won it :P So I hope we will be such successfull again. It shall start next sauturday so clean your joysticks and prepare for combat.
Activity Reports
MAJ Toran Dan(22) - Helped AD Absolutek,
CPT Pikachu(3) - Working on new ISD Immortal website with ASP, completed XWA 8
CM Mark Stephenson(157) - Completed FTIE 137
LCM Gidda(98) - Completed FXWA 5
CPT Banger(34) - Completed FXWA 24
I wish all of you a good slide into the new millenium (1st me and Gidda, then the 3 brits) and make a hell of a party! :-)
CMDR/MAJ Toran Dan/Ranger 1-1/Wing XI/ISD Immortal
BSx2/PCx11/ISMx15/MoI/LoCx4/CoL/CoB/OV [GALL] {IWATS-CBX-M/1/2-SM/2-GFX-IIC/1/2/3-PHP/1/2}{AoT-SPAG-Gen-IRC-Infil}
DOC/CPT Toran Dan/TC/ISD Immortal/Reserve
"Fortuna favet fortibus"  (Fortune Favors the Bold)

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