Ranger Report # 39 (2001-01-28)

This report was submitted by MAJ Toran Dan

Another week has passed and it's time again for a report.
Squadron News
  • Maj Astin has joined our Squadron. He stepped down as WC and decided to join our Squadron.
  • CMDR Arso was promoted to RA Arso as TAC:CA. He is now the man who will solve bugs in all EH Battles.
  • CPT Banger completed over 40 missions and battles. I am thinking about a demotion for him, because he doesn't care for the health of his CMDR ;P
  • FO Theodore ordered all CMDRs to check the email addys of their pilots for deleting the dead email addys. But I think all of your addys are working fine.
  • Comodore Adrenaline is planning a competiton between the ISD Immortal and another Wing from the Rebel Squadrons, so stay tuned.
Squadron Status/Orders
  • XWA league 3 CR #2 - Mission to fly is FXWA 17. You need a patch to be able to play this mission (attached). Deadline is the 2nd February
  • BGAPL Ace Pilotleague - We have made it into the final! Now we have to fight against Hammer and Typhoon Squadron. Mission to fly is FTIE 134 until the 1st February.
Activity Reports
MAJ Toran Dan(29) - Administrative work, tons of BSF.
MAJ Astin - Joined Ranger Squadron
CM Mark Stephenson(178) - Stays in contact
LT Coyote (8) - Stays in contact and is on FTIE 134 and FXWA 17
LCM Gidda (126) - Stays in contact
CPT Banger (96) - Completed 13 FTIE missions and 3 TIE Battles

CMDR/MAJ Toran Dan/Ranger/Wing XI/ISD Immortal
BSx2/PCx12/ISMx15/MoI/LoCx4/CoL/CoB/LoA/OV [GALL] {IWATS-CBX-GFX-IIC/1/2/3-M/1/2-PHP/1/2-SM/2}
DOC/CPT Toran Dan/Reserve
http://www.corellia.de | Ranger Squadron
"Fortuna favet fortibus" - Fortune favours the Bold

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