Ranger Report # 41 (2001-02-12)

This report was submitted by MAJ Toran Dan

Another, eventfull week is over, a successfull week !
Squadron News
  • Ranger Squadron has been given the title "Battle Group Squadron of the month" for January. A great success for our Squadron. Our hard worked payed out I would say
  • CM Mark Stephenson has been awarded the ISM, congrats!
  • CPT Banger has been awarded the ISM, congrats too!
  • MAJ Toran Dan passed IWATS VBS course with 100% (easy one :P)
  • I have decided who Ranger's first XO will be. I thought long about a competiton for the decision but instead I appointed CM Mark Stephenson for the job. He is now Ranger's first XO.
  • The BGAPL was shutten down by BGCOM Jarak. Because of this VA Adrenaline decided to to open the IAPL (Immortal Ace Pilot League). For more infos, read her mail.
Squadron Orders/Status
  • XWA league 3 CR#3 - Mission to fly is FXWA 12 until the 16th February
  • IAPL - If you want to fight for honor and beer, challenge the current IAPL Ace CPT Lito Rendal until monday.
Activity Reports
MAJ Toran Dan(71) - Administrative work, passed IWATS VBS course, completed XWA 10(+6),11(+4);TIE 44(+5),165(+6)
LCM Curly (8) - Stays in contact, sent in some funny pictures :P
CM Mark Stephenson(215) - Completed TIE 13(+6),20(+7),29(+5)
LT Coyote(24) - Stays in contact
LCM Gidda(152) - Completed TIE83(5),142(5)
CPT Banger(136) - Completed TIE29(5),32(4),38(5),39(4),40(6)
That was it for this report. I hope you all will have a nice and productive week :P

CMDR/MAJ Toran Dan/Ranger/Wing XI/ISD Immortal
BSx2/PCx12/ISMx15/MoI/LoCx4/CoL/CoB/LoA/OV [GALL] {IWATS-CBX-GFX-IIC/1/2/3-M/1/2-PHP/1/2-SM/2}
DOC/CPT Toran Dan/Reserve
http://www.corellia.de | Ranger Squadron
"Fortuna favet fortibus" - Fortune favours the Bold

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