Spear Report # 1 (2001-02-12)

This report was submitted by CM Krax Tarnisar

CMDR/CM Krax Tarnisar reporting in for Spear Squadron on February 11, 2001.
[Krax drags himself up from sickbay to make this report. His color is a bit…green…and he seems unsteady as he walks to the briefing room podium. Once there, he grips it firmly with both hands and takes a series of deep breaths before going on.]

Fleet News
Check http://www.tiecorps.org/news.asp for the most recent information. There have been a number of high-level command changes, and the Tac Office just released a number of battles and Free Missions. Also, NL #71 was released last week. It’s got a new look, and is a good read. It’s even got an interview with the great GN Ricaud, as well as a couple of humorous (?) bits he put together for the NL. Check it out! You can either download it or view it at a number of locations online.

Wing News

Lots of pontification by our illustrious wing commander, GN Ricaud. ;)

Hammer Squadron continues to kick butt.

This month also marks the fifth anniversary of the ISD Relentless joining the EH fleet. Way back then, Spear Squadron was part of Wing VI (as Wing IX was called under the old numbering system) and flew TIE Bombers instead of Missile Boats. Ah, for the good old days…;-P (granted, it was only about a month and then we got the MIS, but still…)

There have also been a number of promotions (our own Commodore made VA) and some resignations (Kane stepping down as Shield CO).

Squadron News

We have a new member! TRN/CT Pirat joined us early this week after being promoted to SL and sent packing from PLT Daedalus, and is assigned to Flight I. Everybody take a moment and welcome SL Pirat to Spear Squadron!

We should also congratulate Pirat on his promotion to LT. Way to complete that INPR! If only all promotions were so easy…:P

Squadron Status
Some pilots still haven’t updated their INPRs. Let’s get this done, people!
We’ll be having a little comp next week. Nothing fancy (yet…) but heads up just the same.
Recruiting continues to be a high priority. If we get membership up to at least six pilots we can start earning battle citations again. If you know someone who’d like to join the Corps, get the world out!

I’d like to hear from each of you about Spear Squadron and TIE Corps. What got you interested in the squadron and what do you enjoy doing most? For my part, I enjoy the custom missions (designing more than flying, although I do my share of flying them) and writing FanFic set in the EH. What about you? Remember: the more I know about what motivates you to stay active in the Corps, the easier it is for me to come up with interesting competition ideas. For Spear Squadron to be active, we all have to be enjoying ourselves. So speak up!

Activity Reports
CMDR/CM Krax Tarnisar (me) – Assumed command of Spear Squadron. Had two short stories appear in NL #71. Working on a squadron competition, as well as a project for the LO. Promotions and other stuff of little interest to anyone other than the Imperial Archives Officer…;)

FM/LT Pirat – Recently joined Spear Squadron. Checked in. Completed his INPR. Promoted to LT.

FM/LT Argyle Ironfist – Checked in.

FL/CM Brad Tack – Checked in.

FM/LCM Bart – No Contact - email me ASAP.

Rumors continue to circulate that the TAC Office might actually put up a web site containing updates for those of us who have submitted Free Mission and/or Battles.

Squadron Roster

COMMANDER: CM Krax Tarnisar (miner49er@excite.com) - #4626
NICKNAME: The Fearless Spear
BANNER: http://tiecorps.org/images/banners/spear.jpg
MOTTO: Prepare to meet thy god!
MESSAGE BOARD: http://relentless.stardestroyer.org/cgi-bin/board/forums.cgi?forum=2

Nickname: Anvil
Motto: Prepare to be crushed!
1) CM Krax Tarnisar (miner49er@excite.com) - #4626
2) LT Pirat (karbu100@hotmail.com) - #6184
3) TBA
4) TBA

Nickname: Viking
Motto: Harbinger of Terror!
1) TBA
2) LT Argyle Ironfist (Argyle_Ironfist@hotmail.com) - #4227
3) TBA
4) TBA

Nickname: Stiletto
Motto: Cutlary-Our special... care to have a demonstration?
1) CM Brad Tack (btack@techie.com) - #5131
2) LCM Bart (bartklepka@optushome.com.au) - #5310
3) TBA
4) TBA

CMDR/CM Krax Tarnisar/Spear/Wing IX/ISD Relentless

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