Sigma Report # 0 (2001-02-25)

This report was submitted by CPT Todbringer

Pilots of Sigma Squadron and all Honourable Guests,

Greetings and salutations to you. This's my first report as a Commander of Sigma, so I'd like to sincerly welcome all of you in Sigma Squadron's quarters. Most of you already know me, so more or less you know what to expect. I'd like to inform you, taht you're all always welcomed here and I'd be honoured if you ever decide to speak on this forum.

Allright, let's get to the point.

- Most of all, we're happy to welcome a new Pilot amongst us! Thanks to the will of the Emperor, Sigma was joined by LT Cahir, who took 1-4 position. As all Sigma pilots, Cahir comes from Po'land System. He already managed to impress all of us, flying TIE-TC #166 before he was officialy assigned to the Squadron! He also completed FRE-TIE #148 for W2PL. My experience tells me that Cahir will make an excellent, most active and dedicated Pilot in the near future...! I wish good luck to him in his TIE Corps and Sigma career!

- Our competition against one of teh most famous and recognized Squadorn in the Fleet - Typhoon Sqaudron - is over! We were able to outscore them and achieve another victory! Sigma remains unbeaten! For those of you who are intersted on statistical and more detailed info, I attach a report to this mail. Sepaking of this competition, I'd like to especially thank to two of Sigma Pilots. Of course, all of us did a great job and desrve to be commended, but two of us deserve some special attention. I'm speaking about LT Cahir (who completed the battle while still on Daedalus) and LCM Gambit
(who sent me his file late at night just before the deadline, increasing Sigma participation to eight Pilots). Thank you, you've performed extremally well!

- The third news is about MAJ Al R.S. After having moments of doubts, this well-kown and liked Pilot decided to stay with us! This's most fortunate for Sigma, because Al is one of the fathers of this Squadron's succes and we all owe him a lot. Thanks, Al, it's really very nice to still see you here!

- Results of week1 of W2PL are available! Individually, we're not the best (yet!), but this's because some of the Pilots who participated destroyed neutral crafts and therefore scored much more points. This tactics howerver will be, most probably, banned in the future. There's one thing I'm especially happy, though. We have the best participation and we are leading as the entire Squadron! We must keep this, becasue team victory is - as always! - most important to us!

- The last news is about Sigma Morale Officer (MOR). LCM Koriel, after
applying for the possition, was chosen to perform this honour. Good luck, Brother Koriel, from now on you can add "Morale Officer of Sigma Squadron" to your ID Line! ...and please, don't be too cruel for us!

- Another milestone achieved! Two days ago TIE Corps membership count for the first time in its history reached 1400! This means that now there are more than 1400 Pilots in our club. Most impressive, isn't it...? I remember taht when two yers ago I joned the Fleet, there was only around 400 of us. There's one thousand more now. With this number, we can crush the Rebellion and restore peace and order to the Galaxy very soon!

- Possitions of some Proffesors of the Imperial Academy are open. If you're intersted, please visit the Imperial Academy webpage
( and contact HA Astatine (

- Graphics professor appointed! CM Daisuke Airyu of Cyclone squadron has been appointed to the position of Graphics Professor. The Graphics course will be up and operational in a week or so.

- PREX steps down. The current PREX of the Corporate Division, Admiral
Mooks, has chosen to step down from his position. Anyone interested in the position should e-mail High Admiral Kawolski (

- W2PL week 2 assignment announced! We're supposed to fly FREE-TIE #27. The deadline is Saturday, the 3rd of March, 20:00 GMT. Please send all your pilot files directly to CM Algaron ( and to me.

- Other than that, we have a very short holiday. Right now we're looking for some Squadron we could challenge. I suppose it'll take 2 or 3 days. If you have any suggestions, feel free to email me!


Sigma 1-1, Captain Todbringer
- appointed as Sigma Commander
- dealt with TC-TIE #160 bug problem for the Project Phenix
- completed TC-TIE #166
- completed FREE-TIE #148
- usual CMDR stuff

Sigma 1-2, Lieutenant Commander Obi-Kan Kysiobi
- returned from unexpected leave
- showed low Kantyna activity

Sigma 1-3, LCM Gambit
- completed TC-TIE #166
- completed FREE-TIE #148
- showed some Kantyna activity
Nice work, Brother Pilot!

Sigma 1-4, LT Cahir
- joined Sigma Squadron
- promoted to the rank of Lieutenant
- completed TC-TIE #166
- completed FREE-TIE #148
- showed excellent Kantyna activity
Extremally well done, Brother Cahir! I'm very proud of you!

Sigma 2-1, Lieutenant Commander Esm'ael Rasxus
- completed TC-TIE #166
- completed FREE-TIE #148
- showed excellent Kantyna activity
Great job, Brother Pilot!

Sigma 2-2, Lieutenant Commander Ti'Anna
- showed no activity
- in danger of being AWOL. If the lack of activity will continue for the next week, she'll be removed from Sigma roster

Sigma 2-3, TBA

Sigma 2-4, Lieutenant Commander Koriel
- completed FREE-TIE #148
- completed TIE-TC #67
- created a free mission for TIE Fighter game and sent us to test it
- appointed as Morale Officer of Sigma (MOR)
- showed good Kantyna activity
Impressive work, Brother Pilot!

Sigma 3-1, Lieutenant Commander Regis Knox
- completed TC-TIE #166
- completed FREE-TIE #148
- completed TC-FREE #41
- showed very high Kantyna activity
You're doing an excellent job, Brother Pilot! Keep it up!

Sigma 3-2, Major Al R.S.
- completed FREE-TIE #148
- decided to stay with Sigma
I'm happy with your decision, Brother!

Sigma 3-3, Commander Roger Duncan
- completed TC-TIE #166
- completed FREE-TIE #148
- showed very high Kantyna activity
Good work, Brother Pilot!

Sigma 3-4, Major Artyis
- stepped down from command of Sigma
- completed TC-TIE #166
- completed FREE-TIE #148
- showed gargantuan Kantyna activity
Brother Pilot, saying "good work" won't do this time. You're the finest example of an Imperial Officer and Pilot. Keep it up, the Empire is most proud of you!


COMMANDER: CPT Todbringer (
NICKNAME: Kramer's Scorpions
BANNER: sigma.jpg
MOTTO: Vis et Honor

Nickname: Gladius
1) CPT Todbringer (
2) LCM Obi-Kan Kysiobi (
3) LCM Gambit (
4) LT Cahir (

Nickname: Pilum
1) LCM Esm'ael Rasxus (
2) LCM Ti'Anna (
3) TBA
4) LCM Koriel (

Nickname: Scutum
1) LCM Regis Knox (
2) MAJ Al R.S. (
3) CM Roger Duncan (
4) MAJ Artyis (

FCHG Rating
- Sorry, not available this week. FCHG listing on the TIE Corps webpage
seems down at the moment...

TC-TIE Battle 77 - Verpine Encounter, Part One
TC-TIE Battle 78 - Verpine Encounter, Part Two
TC-TIE Battle 94 - The Ultimate Shield
TC-TIE Battle 104 - Spam Wars
TC-TIE Battle 109 - Eclipse the Sun
TC-TIE Battle 112 - Super TIEs
TC-TIE Battle 115 - Project Emperor's Revenge
TC-TIE Battle 116 - GA Ronin vs. Rogues
TC-TIE Battle 117 - Resh Battle
TC-TIE Battle 125 - Operation 'Silent Scream'
TC-TIE Battle 128 - Operation Yridia Alpha
TC-TIE Battle 131 - TIE Fighter Covert Missions
TC-TIE Battle 132 - Battle of the Bins
TC-TIE Battle 133 - Punishment Tour
TC-TIE Battle 134 - Damaged TIEs
TC-TIE Battle 137 - Pirate Arms War
TC-TIE Battle 141 - A New Ally II
TC-TIE Battle 148 - Secret Clone Project
TC-TIE Battle 152 - Relentless Training
TC-TIE Battle 155 - The Supplies War
TC-TIE Battle 156 - EH Wrestling Extravaganza

Allright, it seems to be all for this week! Thank you for your attention!

May the Emperor be with you!

Sigma Victor!

CMDR/CPT Todbringer/Sigma 1-1/Wing II/SSSD Sovereign
BSx2/PCx10/ISMx15/MoI/CoL/CoB/LoA/OV [PLDN]
Flight I. Gladius Flight.
Sigma. Vis et Honor.
Wing II: The Empire's Vanguard - Second to None.
* Sigma - SSSD Sovereign Flag Officers Escort Squadron *

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