Beth Report # 12 (2000-04-16)

This report was submitted by LC Sequoh Marden

Beth Squadron Report #12 - April 16th, 2000

That was a good week for Beth! Not only did we get a new pilot, SL Treize
Nal, I also managed to get the writing contest approved and Beth got its
second citation! Good job. Keep this up!

Squadron News and Activity
- SL Treize Nal has joined Beth. Welcome to Beth Squadron!
- LCM Var, LT Cal Sinis, CM Werdna, (LT Lavos) and CM Sequoh attended to
this week's meeting
- LCM Cray Mikalen has done the uniforms for Werdna, Nylad, me and himself!
(attatched) Good work, Cray!
- LCM Cray has recieved an ISM for this work. Congrats.
- CM Sequoh (me! me!) recieved two ISMs for his betatesting work.
- I flew Free-XWA 8, TC-XWA 4, TC-XvT 3 and Free-XvT 3 and 4
- I reached the FCHG rank of Hussar ( [HUSS] )
- We have recieved our second citation! Well done, guys!
- The writing contest has started! Send in your submissions until the 3rd of

Wing News
- MAJ Azazel stepped down as CMDR of Aleth and went to the SSD Avenger.
- SL Jace Sossin, Gimel Squadron, was promoted to LT.
- Wing membership @ 37

Fleet News
- Battlecry Issue 3 Released
Issue 3 of the TIE Corps Magazine 'Battlecry' has now been published and is
available at in both online
and offline formats.

- New XWA Free mission released!
FREE-XWA #8: Rescue the Phoenix is now avalable for download.

- Op. Imperial Storm news!
The red capital fell to our Blue forces; the Red forces attacked the
undefended Aurora Prime, Setii, Carrida and Phare

- INPRs are now online! Log into the database and fill out yours!

- Fly some battles, especially XWA-1, XWA-3 or IW-22.
- Participate in multiplayer events
- Continue your work on your stories/websites and send the results to me!
- Participate in the Battlecry flying competition! (mission attatched!) Send
your pilot files to VA Sauron ( by April 29th
and CC me.

Beth Squadron Roster
COMMANDER: CM Sequoh Marden (
NICKNAME: The Dark Guards
MOTTO: For the Oath, the Order and the Empire

Nickname: The Leading Eagles
Motto: Victory Through Precision
1) CM Sequoh Marden ( T/D Firedragon
2) TBA
3) LCM Nylad ( T/D Black Blur
4) LCM Cray Mikalen ( T/D Brass King

Nickname: The Last Of The Big Time Drinkers :P
Motto: Cry Out Our Name With Your Dying Breath
1) CM Werdna Elbee ( T/D Morning Glory
2) TBA
3) LT Cal Sinis (
4) LT Merrik Stele ( T/D Escalibur

Nickname: Spectre Knights
Motto: Death presides on our Wingtips
1) LCM Var Zoraan ( MIS Proud Eagle
2) LT Seth Rommel (
3) SL Treize Nal (
4) TBA

Serving with the Best,
Beth Squadron Commander, Commander Sequoh Marden
CMDR/CM Sequoh Marden/Beth/Wing III/SSSD Sovereign [HUSS]
PCx5/ISMx8/MoI/MoT -gh/LoCx4/CoL T/D Firedragon
JH Sequoh Marden (Sith)/Oriens Obscurum of Arcona

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