Beth Report # 32 (2000-09-17)

This report was submitted by LC Sequoh Marden

Beth Squadron Report #32 - September 17th, 2000

Greetings Bethers and Beth-fans!! Here is another Squadron report (obvious statement - what do you expect?)! This week has been a huge improvement over the ones before. Flying activity has been excelent and we've more than doubled Beth's score in the SovComp up to 79!! But keep it up guys - we still have to increase that! Additionally the flying has brought us two new citations! (XWA-7 and 9!) - we now have five! Keep it up! :))

Squadron News and Activity
- Cal, Werdna and Var were at yesterday's meeting - I wasn't able to attend AGAIN! That shall change next week!
- LT Emperors Shield has been promoted to LCM! Congrats Shield!!
- LT Loor flew TC-XWA #7 and has been promoted to Grenadier in the FCHG! Good work Loor! :)
- LCM Cal has been promoted to Lancer in the FCHG! Some good flying, Cal!
- LCM Cray flew TC-XWA #9 and updated the Beth HP. Thanks Cray!
- MAJ Sequoh got an ISM for betatesting.
- LCM Cal flew IW-XWA #24, #26, FREE-XWA #7, #9, #16, #19, #17 and TC-XWA #9! Excelent work Cal! That have been 20 points for the SovComp in one week!
- LCM Shield flew FREE-XWA #18 & #19 - Well done
- MAJ Marden flew IW-XWA #23, #24, #25, #26 - These are 20 points also :)
- Beth got two new citations: one in TC-XWA #7 and another one in TC-XWA #9! Great work! :)
- LT Roy Brown went AWOL

Wing News
- CM Pete (Gimel's CMDR) has been promoted to CPT! Congratulations Pete!
- Quake has been taken away by Avenger
- The BigSovComp. continues!! Get some points by flying missions or participating in mp contests! Here are the current standings for Beth:

Sequoh Marden: 36
Cal Sinis: 15 (+ 5 when BSF approved)
Shield: 9
Loor: 5
Cray Mikalen: 5
Aeron: 4
Total for Beth: 79!! That's quite good, but we can still do better! :)

- See the WC's report for more wing news!

Fleet News
- CoLs should be awarded soon! (4 weeks now and still waiting.... ;)
- XWA Mission Creation Course released by AD Striker
The new course is available at
It deals with XWA custom mission creation with either registered or evaluation version of ALliED. Pass the exam and become the first "XAM-certified" pilot !
- A huge load of CSers retired/stepped down lately! HA Kawolski left his position of TAC to AD Striker and will now be full-time FSE. FA Rapier has stepped down from his position of Security Officer - AD Nightflyer is his replacement. The SDIR, AD Langer, has stepped down also.

- Fly to get Wing III and Beth a good rating in the MegaSovComp and show the other Wings that the XWAers can fly! :)
- Have fun
- If you're participating in Black Hawk - send your orders for turn 8 to me soon. You know...the deadline is today, but I'll probably do the evals on Tuesday....

Regular orders:
- Be active by doing anything Star Wars related and reporting it to me!
- Attend to weekly meetings
- Talk to me or anyone else!

Beth Squadron Roster
COMMANDER: MAJ Sequoh Marden (
NICKNAME: The Dark Guards
MOTTO: For the Oath, the Order and the Empire

Nickname: The Leading Eagles
Motto: Victory Through Precision
1) MAJ Sequoh Marden ( T/D Firedragon
2) LT Loor ( T/D Black Nova
3) TBA
4) TBA

Nickname: The Last Of The Big Time Drinkers
Motto: Cry Out Our Name With Your Dying Breath
1) LCM Cray Mikalen ( T/D Spoon Of The Empire
2) LCM Aeron (
3) TBA
4) CPT Werdna Elbee ( T/D Morning Glory

Nickname: Spectre Knights
Motto: Death presides on our Wingtips
1) LCM Cal Sinis (
2) TBA
3) LCM Emperors Shield (mambridge56@hotmaĆ­
4) LT Jyris Felth (

That's all for this week! (obvious statement - as always) :)

Beth Squadron Commander, Major Sequoh Marden
CMDR-TCS/MAJ Sequoh Marden/Beth/Wing III/SSSD Sovereign [DRAG]
PCx8/ISMx14/MoT -gh/MoI/LoC-CSx6/CoL/CoB/OV T/D Firedragon
DJK Sequoh Marden (Sith)/RM/Oriens Obscurum of Arcona

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