Beth Report # 30 (2000-09-03)

This report was submitted by LC Sequoh Marden

Beth Squadron Report #30 - September 3rd, 2000

It's been a very slow week for Beth... What has happened? I've seen no submissions for the Wing III multipart comp. or the BigSovComp. on my desk so far! Remember, the deadline for the Wing comp. is September 10th! We need some participation or otherwise Beth may look like the worst squadron in the Wing, but we all know this isn't true! Let's go and fly this single, simple mission - I want at least some entrys for the flying section!

Squadron News and Activity
- Cal, Shield, Var and maybe some other people were at the "Wing" meeting yesterday. I was there for 2 minutes, but had to leave because of RL obligations....
- Cray flew TC-XWA #2 and IW-XWA #25
- Seq helped Var creating a banner for Asp Squad.
- Loor completed the M/1, M/2, IIC/1, IIC/2 and GFX IWATS courses! Good work Loor!
- Werdna flew IW-XWA #25
- Cray finished the M/1/2, IIC/1/2/3 and the GFX IWATS course! Nicely done!
- Aeron flew TC-XWA #1
- Cray recieved a PC for the creation of the Wing III mentoring homepage
- Werdna has been awarded a PC from Kramer personally for his ship pride an general attitude - Keep it up Werdna!
- Cray updated the website
- Cal has been promoted to FL of Flight III! Congrats again!
- LT Roy Brown, please contact me immediately!!

Wing News
- CoLs should be awarded soon! (I know they have been telling this for nearly the last two weeks, but maybe it's true this time.... ;)
- The BigSovComp. has started! In this big competition which will last for the whole September every person, Squadron and Wing on the Sov. can gain points for getting FCHG points! --- Get flying! (Actually this were SovNews(TM), but I added it to the Wing news anyways)
- See the WC's report for more wing news!

Fleet News
- The EH domain has been updated -
- Lots of new battles! Here are the XWA ones:
TC-XWA #9: Defection of Kusanagi
FREE-XWA #16: Clearing the Way For the ISD Intrepid
FREE-XWA #17: Recon at Semag
FREE-XWA #18: Ambush on the Border
FREE-XWA #19: Attack at Abaddon
IW-XWA #26: Rion's Shadow Campaign: Ambassadors
You could gain many points in the SovComp. by flying them all! :)
- See for more Fleet News!

- Fly many, many, many, many, many battles and free missions to get Wing III and Beth a good rating in the MegaSovComp and to eventually earn yourself a BS!!! :)
- Have fun
- If your name is Roy Brown - report to me immediately!
- If your name is Var Zoraan - sent Black Hawk orders to me immediately!

- Fly the "Duel" mission for the flying devision of the Wing III comp!
- Attend to weekly meetings
- Be active by doing anything Star Wars related and reporting it to me!
- Don't assasinate the WC (just to make sure nobody sais "Hey, I thought you said we should just not assasinate him while you were away...")

Beth Squadron Roster
COMMANDER: MAJ Sequoh Marden (
NICKNAME: The Dark Guards
MOTTO: For the Oath, the Order and the Empire

Nickname: The Leading Eagles
Motto: Victory Through Precision
1) MAJ Sequoh Marden ( T/D Firedragon
2) LT Loor ( T/D Black Nova
3) LT Roy Brown (
4) TBA

Nickname: The Last Of The Big Time Drinkers
Motto: Cry Out Our Name With Your Dying Breath
1) LCM Cray Mikalen ( T/D Spoon Of The Empire
2) LCM Aeron (
3) TBA
4) CPT Werdna Elbee ( T/D Morning Glory

Nickname: Spectre Knights
Motto: Death presides on our Wingtips
1) LCM Cal Sinis (
2) TBA
3) LT Emperors Shield (mambridge56@hotmaĆ­
4) LT Jyris Felth (

Beth Squadron Commander, Major Sequoh Marden
CMDR-TCS/MAJ Sequoh Marden/Beth/Wing III/SSSD Sovereign [DRAG]
PCx8/ISMx14/MoT -gh/MoI/LoC-CSx6/CoL/CoB/OV T/D Firedragon
DJK Sequoh Marden (Sith)/RM/Oriens Obscurum of Arcona

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