Beth Report # 23 (2000-07-09)

This report was submitted by LC Sequoh Marden

Beth Squadron Report #23 - July 9th, 2000

We were beaten in CR#4 of the XWA League! While we're still second place overall, Ranger Squadron now has about 35000 points more that we have! That has happened, because they nearly got twice as many points in CR#4 than we did! If we aren't careful enough and get some more points in the next CR, Daleth squadron will take over our second place! Get to your fighters and do some flying!

Squadron News and Activity
- Cray, Werdna, Var, Shield and me were at yesterdays meeting, but for some reason mIRC didn't log it.... It would be nice if someone could send the logs through the mailing list....
- CPT Werdna flew F-XWA 11, 12, IW-XWA 23 and 24 and was promoted to Hussar in the FCHG! Congrats Werdna!
- CM Var flew TC-TIE 76 and 133
- LCM Cray and LT Seth flew TC-XWA 7
- MAJ Seq flew TC-TIE 113 and F-XWA 13
- LCM Cray Mikalen was promoted to Flight Leader of Flight II
- Additionally Cray got two PCs! One for betatesting and one for the creation of the Wing III uniform archive (! Excelently done!
- Var got an ISM and a PC for betatesting - Congrats!
- MAJ Sequoh got two ISMs for betatesting
- XWA League CR#4 results have been released! The new mission is FREE-XWA #13! Fly!
- LCM Cal Sinis is still away - LT Loor should be back today

Wing News
- As always, see the Wing report ;-)
- The Wing III mentoring program started! See my other mail for details.
- The top gun contest is still on....
- Wing membership @ 40

Fleet News
- We have ourselves a new FO! Congratulations go to VA Sarriss (, previously CA:FO, who has been chosen as the next Flight Officer!
- TC-XWA #8: Hammer to Anvil and three new FREE-XWA missions have been released to the fleet!
- Newsletter #66 is now availale for download from (~3.57 MB) - you can also view it online at
- TO Comp. #5 results have been elemninated by a Rebel spy! Read more about it here.

- Fly the attatched FREE-XWA #13 for XWA League CR#5!!!
- Send in your orders for Black Hawk until tomorrow!
- Fly for the Wing III top gun contest!
- Have fun!! :)
- Attend to the Beth/Wing III meetings
- Fly some battles, especially XWA-1, XWA-3 or IW-22 - we don't want to have only one citation forever!
- Participate in multiplayer events

Beth Squadron Roster
COMMANDER: MAJ Sequoh Marden (
NICKNAME: The Dark Guards
MOTTO: For the Oath, the Order and the Empire

Nickname: The Leading Eagles
Motto: Victory Through Precision
1) MAJ Sequoh Marden ( T/D Firedragon
2) LT Loor ( T/D Black Nova
3) LT Yodabot (
4) TBA

Nickname: The Last Of The Big Time Drinkers :P
Motto: Cry Out Our Name With Your Dying Breath
1) LCM Cray Mikalen ( T/D Charon
2) LT Mandeep (
3) LCM Cal Sinis (
4) CPT Werdna Elbee ( T/D Morning Glory

Nickname: Spectre Knights
Motto: Death presides on our Wingtips
1) CM Var Zoraan ( MIS Proud Eagle II
2) LT Seth Rommel (
3) LT Emperors Shield (mambridge56@hotmaĆ­
4) LT Jyris Felth (

Serving with the Best,
Beth Squadron Commander, Major Sequoh Marden
CMDR/MAJ Sequoh Marden/Beth/Wing III/SSSD Sovereign [DRAG]
PCx7/ISMx12/MoT -gh/MoI/LoC-CSx6/CoL/CoB/OV T/D Firedragon
DJK Sequoh Marden (Sith)/RM/Oriens Obscurum of Arcona

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