Sigma Report # 0 (2000-06-05)

This report was submitted by CPT Artyis

Sigma Squadron on 05.06.2000.

It looks like we have had an another busy week... in Real Life. Some of
our pilots are currently involved with school obligations and aren't
able to be as active as we are usually. Unfortunately for them and Sigma
itself it's been a busy week in the TIE Corps as well - we had a
deadlines for Wing vs. Wing competition and (few of us) the first round
of TIE League second season. We can't forget also about changes in our
wing... So - in one word - it's-been-a-long-week...

Wing and squadron news:

- we've a new Wing Commander. The place has been taken by a long-lasting
WingII-er Major Harkonnen, former Rho pilot and Theta commander. It's
also my pleasure to announce that he has been (at last, after 26 months
of service as a Major!) promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel.
Congratulations, Lieutenant Colonel Harkonnen, as well on your
appointment and a promotion!

- General... erm, pardon me, Colonel-yet - Gallows, our former boss, and
since a latest Sunday a "VIP-bodyguard" in Omega on 1-3 has been awarded
Grand Order of the Emperor because of his exemplary service as a Wing II
Commander. Congratulations, Colonel! We know it is well-deserved one!

- Lieutenant Commander Calzeo "Mad Doc" Inkwolf has been appointed Rho
squadron commander! Congratulations, Commander Inky!

- there is a new commander in Theta as well - former leader of the
second flight Lieutenant Commander Michael Emrys has been named
commander of all Theta pilots. Congratulations, Commander Michael!

- our own commander, Captain Al R.S. has had a serious accident in Real
Life. He has a broken arm and will be on sick-leave at least two weeks.
It's worth of note that despite complete unability of using his left arm
he was able in some way to complete a battle #148 for a Wing vs. Wing
competition on... hard level! Well, if it isn't worth of a Commendation
of Bravery - there is nothing what is in fact!

- because of our commander inability to command a squadron in a proper
way there were necessarity of an acting commander appointment. Captain
Al R.S. decided (after a long discussion with former Sigma commander,
Captain Todbringer - looks like an sinister plot for me...) to give this
honour to me. Since this moment I am in command over you all, and I tell
you - you will be trully sorry of our commander accident ;> Muaahahahaa!

- on Saturday passed the deadline of the first round of TIE League II.
Sigma has a impressive representation in this event, six of us (CPT Al,
CM Thunder, LCM Ti'Anna, LCM Gambit, LT Obi-Kan Kysiobi and me) are part
of. The results of this however aren't so impressive: only one pilot, CM
Artyis was able to achive a winning in this round. Pilots, I know it is
very start of this competition, but bear in minds that every loose has a
huge influence on overall score...

* Well, the last but definitely not least: it is obvious for me now, why
the majority of Polish internet users seem to be permanently...
irritated while they speak about the "quality" of services given by
Polish Internet Provider - TPSA. As you probably already know I've been
touched by world-wide famous "Polish TPSA Course" yesterday - the same
day we had a deadline for Wing vs. Wing competition. All the day the
access to my own inbox was denied (I've even had a talk with Captain
Todbringer about this). Moreover - when I at last at midnight was able
to connect with, it turned out that I won't be able to receive all of
expected emails: some have stuck somewhere on the server what forced me
to make updates to already sent results... The worst thing is that the
latest one has been sent 6 hours after deadline (Lieutenant Knox' one)
and it is only my hope it will be eventually counted.
Brothers pilots - it looks like that sedning any important files one day
in advance is a must in our country...
And one more thing - I shoudn't wonder that it happend exactly when I
really was in need of using it (Murphy's Laws), but... you really made a
mistake, 'tepsa', your very last in existance - Sigma won't forget it,
you might be sure of this...

Squadron Status:

- nothing but TIE League #2 (due to 10th of June) - FREE #121 - Psi
Squadron's Reunion (attached; BTW: seems to be interesting one). We
should however be prepared on SL CR#10 which will be annouced soon.

- reminder: there's a new Wing banner competition. If you have
significant graphic skills and an interesting idea - why not to try?

- we're waiting on results of CPT Todbringer's "One year in the TIE
Corps" competition. I hope we will know the winner of a new shiny ISM

Activity report:

Sigma 1-1
- on sick leave since the beginnig of the week;
- despite of broken arm - completed TIE Battle #148 for Wing II vs.
Wing X competition with really good score;

Sigma 1-2
FM/LT Haggis McMutton
- hasn't contacted me at all (has a hard time at school);

Sigma 1-3
FM/LT Gambit
- hasn't contacted me at all (has a hard time at school);
- completed TIE Free Mission #106 for the CR#9 of Squadron League;
- completed TIE Free Mission #16 for the first round of TIE League
Season Two;

Sigma 1-4
FM/LCM Esm'ael Rasxus
- showed excellent cantina activity;
- completed TIE Battle #148 for Wing II vs. Wing X competition;

Sigma 2-1
FL/CM Thunder
- showed quite good cantina activity (has a hard time at university);
- completed TIE Battle #148 for Wing II vs. Wing X competition;

Sigma 2-2
FM/LCM Ti'Anna
- has contacted me twice;
- completed TIE Free Mission #106 for the CR#9 of Squadron League;
- completed TIE Free Mission #16 for the first round of TIE League
Season Two;

Sigma 2-3
FM/LT Obi-Kan Kysiobi
- showed very good cantina activity;

Sigma 2-4

Sigma 3-1
FL/LCM Roger Duncan
- showed very good cantina activity;
- completed TIE Battle #148 for Wing II vs. Wing X competition;

Sigma 3-2
FM/CM Artyis (acting commander)
- completed TIE Free Mission #16 for the first round of TIE League
Season Two;
- completed TIE Battle #148 for Wing II vs. Wing X competition;
- doing usuall commander stuff;

Sigma 3-3
FM/LT Regis Knox
- completed TIE Battle #148 for Wing II vs. Wing X competition (hope it
will count...);

Sigma 3-4
FM/CPT Todbringer
- has contacted me twice (hard time at university);
- completed TIE Battle #148 for Wing II vs. Wing X competition;

Miscellaneous (just copied from the previous one - fortunately for me
* Just a quick reminder about your pilot uniform - CM Artyis is
tailoring them, so if you are in the need of a one, don't hesitate to
contact him!
* Please remember that our Cantina is open to any Pilot or loyal Empire
Citizen, so if you know anyone who would like to join us feel free to
him (or her)! The signing process is a very simple one and requires only
the sending of a single e-mail to and
replying to the confirmation message.
* Please remember, that the calendar at our Cantina homepage
( will list all our future competitions,
and two e-mail reminders will be send to all Cantina members
automagically two and one day before any deadline.
* If you want to help EH Deep Space Reconnaissance Team in their hard
work with Space combing, check ours Team Homepage at Seti@home - The Rebels
must be out here!

Squadron Roster:

COMMANDER: CPT Al R.S. ( - #1739
NICKNAME: Kramer's Scorpions
MOTTO: Salus Imperii Suprema Lex

1) CPT Al R.S. ( - #1739
2) LT Haggis McMutton ( - #3544
3) LCM Gambit ( - #2676
4) LCM Esm'ael Rasxus ( - #2142

1) CM Thunder ( - #1387
2) LCM Ti'Anna ( - #1386
3) LT Obi-Kan Kysiobi ( - #3286
4) TBA

1) LCM Roger Duncan ( - #2495
2) CM Artyis ( - #501
3) LT Regis Knox ( - #3156
4) CPT Todbringer ( - #499

Total: 11

Squadron Citations:
TC-TIE Battle 77 - Verpine Encounter, Part One
TC-TIE Battle 78 - Verpine Encounter, Part Two
TC-TIE Battle 115 - Project Emperor's Revenge
TC-TIE Battle 125 - Operation 'Silent Scream'
TC-TIE Battle 131 - TIE Fighter Covert Missions
TC-TIE Battle 132 - Battle of the Bins
TC-TIE Battle 133 - Punishment Tour
TC-TIE Battle 134 - Damaged TIEs
TC-TIE Battle 137 - Pirate Arms War
TC-TIE Battle 148 - Secret Clone Project

Respectfully submitted,

FM/CM Artyis/Sigma 3-2/Wing II/SSSD Sovereign
Sigma. Salus Imperii Suprema Lex.
Wing II:The Empire's Vanguard - Second to None.

DJK Artyis (Sith)/House Caliburnus of Clan Scholae Palatinae

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