Sigma Report # 0 (2001-01-02)

This report was submitted by CPT Artyis


Greetings and salutations, Sigma's Pilots and honorable guests!
It's the first Sigma report in 2001, so before we start let me wish all of
you Happy New Year and, overall, Happy 3rd Millenium!

Now, back to business.


- Today is the day of Marathon's end. This nearly 2-month long in-squad
competition gave us 377 FCHG points, 8 Squadron Citations, and - what's most
important - lot of fun!
For more details check Squadron Status part of this report.

- Wing II Hunting season is open!
All other details of this competition are, as presented in Wing II Report
#100, in Squadron Status part of this report.

- Wing IV Commander, General Alec Ricardo has announced "Know Your Ewok"
competition. For further details turn to

- Bad news from Tactical Office: Fleet Admiral Striker is about to resign
from CS-4 position. In the latest TAC Report he said : "with great sorrow I
hereby announce my resignation as Tactical Officer; resignation which will
be effective as soon as a suitable replacement has been chosen by GA Ronin."
In the same report we could read about "resignation of VA Wlodek". Well,
although both of them is going to stay in the Fleet, the year 2001 seems to
be rather unstable...

- From the brighter side of life: TAC report brings a good news for
Commander Thunder; Brother, it looks like that after TAC revision we all
will be able to fly your FREE-TIE "Patrol"! At last :)

- All Sigma Weekly reports since March 2000 have been added to database (you
can access them at )

- LucasArts game wins award
"In what I have stated several times was the worst hyped up Star Wars game
to help lead the downward trend of more low-quality games from LucasArts
(with the possible exception of Rebellion, some may debate), Gamespot has
awarded this awful game 2000's Most Disappointing Game of the Year
Congratulations, Force Commander!" - FSE/SA Kawolski

- XWA Screenshot takers needed for Fleet Man pics
"I need a few people with high end (i.e.. can run XWA at full detail options
smoothly) to take screenshots of a large number of craft. If it sounds mind
numbingly easy, its because it is, however there are a lot of craft :P So
just to give a bit of warning, this could be a little time consuming and not
just easy medals.
Additionally, I will be after a person or two who knows their way around 3DS
max, and is familiar with rendering meshes taken from the SWMA site. Of
course, anyone rendering assistance in either way will be rewarded
appropriately." - SCO/AD Kermee

- TIE Tactics course closed
"Due to real life circumstances, the IWATS TIE Tactics course is now
*closed*. I will attempt to send marks to all those who have been waiting so
very very long. You have my deepest apologies for my lapse.
If you or anyone you know would be interested in running an IWATS TIE
Tactics course, e-mail myself and TO Astatine. Thank you again for your
patience in this difficult time." - LC Tiberius

- The Return of Outer Rim
"Outer Rim nights will be returning as of next week! There are several
changes. One is that the clubs participating include: the RS, the SV, the
VE, the LSF, the NR and now us! The rules are posted at: The games supported are:
XvT, XWA, and JK! For more information on OR check: Check for updates here for more
information!" - COO/AD Zsinj


- "Where's Squeaker Competition" (cited from Wing II Report #100)
"This is our big wing competition for January!
Find [Private Squeaker] before the big Ground Squirrel festival (Deadline is
Feb 1)! There are many ways to participate, and many medal opportunities!
Squeaker was heard to say something about saying farewell to some old
friends aboard the ISD Vanguard. I have volunteered you for duty aboard
that ship. Look alive, and keep an eye out for Squeaker as you fly TC 107,
Farewell to Old Friends!! (File attached. Important--read Buggy.txt before
flying Mission 6!)
At random times throughout the month, reports of Squeaker sightings will be
investigated as I send you out to fly missions in the area. Fly the
assigned mission within 24 hours of the announcement to qualify! Due to the
trouble with e-mail delays, sighting announcements will be made both by
e-mail and by posting on the Wing II messageboard. Check the board
Sergeant Akela and Melvin will be making a search of the Emperor's Hammer.
Each day in January (starting tomorrow), a message will be posted on one of
the EH messageboards, possibly with a clue as to where the next post will
appear. Can you keep up to Akela and Melvin? Post a reply to their message
within 24 hours to prove your Squeakorienteering prowess!
Submit a graphic showing Squeaker's current location!
Write a work of, er, documentary dealing with the disappearance and return
of Squeaker!
Not only will medals be awarded in each category, but there will also be
medals for whoever participated the most! If, in my opinion, the wing has
not shown any particular effort, medals will not be awarded. So be sure to
take part. Send all TFRs to your squadron commander, send all graphics and
fiction files to me directly (cc your CMDR!) Good luck to all, and may your
Squeaker hunt be successful!" - WC/LC Calzeo Inkwolf

- Battlecry Big Competition:
All EH Members are encouraged to take part. There're 4 main contest in it:
Flying, EH-related Fiction, EH-related Graphic and Mission Design. The
winners of three last ones will be awarded Palpatine Crescents. Winners of
Flying one - in each of three platforms: TIE, XvT, XWA - Silver Star, Bronze
Star and Palpatine Crescent. Moreover there's an Imperial Security Medal for
each pilot of squadron with the highest participation ratio.
All three missions you'll find attached.

Well, Pilots, it seems the time for summing up our in-squad 8-week long
competition - the Marathon - has finally come. The most important thing -
the names of its winners - are already known, but I could bet you'll find
other important information over here as well.

Before we start counting our achievements however I would like to inform
those of you who aren't familiar with it, what the Marathon is. The Marathon
started on November, 1st, and lasted for 8 weeks. Each week we had to
complete 1 TIE battle on hard difficulty, what gives 8 battles in 8 weeks at
all. It may seem as an easy task, but I assure you - it isn't: during
Christmas and New Year's weeks we encountered lack of time problem, which
only 6 of us were able to preserve. On the other hand, now I can be sure
that Marathon was a competition, which tested as well Sigma Pilots piloting
skill as their determination and loyalty to the club, even in very
unfavorable terms!

Okay, let's get started.

NOTE: (*) means High Score held currently by Sigma member.

* Combat Run #1
Battle: TC-TIE #104 - Spam Wars

High Scores
(*) Total 281,661 CPT Devlin
Mission 1 41,128 MAJ Monaghan
Mission 2 37,814 MAJ Mini Minkus
(*) Mission 3 50,799 CPT Devlin
Mission 4 69,322 CM Kaneda Pellail
Mission 5 96,654 COL Bilbo

Participation: 11/12
Sigma 1-1, Commander Artyis
Sigma 1-2, Sub-Lieutenant Lasombra Vitae
Sigma 1-3, Lieutenant Commander Gambit
Sigma 1-4, Captain Devlin
Sigma 2-1, Lieutenant Commander Esm'ael Rasxus
Sigma 2-2, Lieutenant Commander Ti'Anna
Sigma 2-4, Lieutenant Commander Koriel
Sigma 3-1, Lieutenant Commander Regis Knox
Sigma 3-2, Major Al R.S.
Sigma 3-3, Commander Roger Duncan
Sigma 3-4, Captain Todbringer

* Combat Run #2
Battle: TC-TIE #109 - Eclipse the Sun

High Scores
(*) Total 294,372 CPT Artyis
(*) Mission 1 89,068 CPT Artyis
(*) Mission 2 94,101 CPT Artyis
Mission 3 102,923 RA Calias
(*) Mission 4 77,897 CPT Artyis
(*) Mission 5 47,998 CPT Artyis

Participation: 10/12
Sigma 1-1, Commander Artyis
Sigma 1-2, Lieutenant Lasombra Vitae
Sigma 1-3, Lieutenant Commander Gambit
Sigma 1-4, Captain Devlin
Sigma 2-1, Lieutenant Commander Esm'ael Rasxus
Sigma 2-4, Lieutenant Commander Koriel
Sigma 3-1, Lieutenant Commander Regis Knox
Sigma 3-2, Major Al R.S.
Sigma 3-3, Commander Roger Duncan
Sigma 3-4, Captain Todbringer

* Combat Run #3
Battle: TC-TIE #141 - A New Ally II

High Scores
Total 344,112 LCM Renorion
Mission 1 44,406 CM Corran Halcyon
(*) Mission 2 72,958 LCM Regis Knox
(*) Mission 3 87,315 CPT Devlin
Mission 4 85,132 LCM Renorion
(*) Mission 5 128,556 CPT Artyis

Participation Ratio: 8/12
Sigma 1-1, Commander Artyis
Sigma 1-4, Captain Devlin
Sigma 2-1, Lieutenant Commander Esm'ael Rasxus
Sigma 2-4, Lieutenant Commander Koriel
Sigma 3-1, Lieutenant Commander Regis Knox
Sigma 3-2, Major Al R.S.
Sigma 3-3, Commander Roger Duncan
Sigma 3-4, Captain Todbringer

* Combat Run #4
Battle: TC-TIE #117 - Resh Battle

High Scores
Total 403,784 LCM Bart
Mission 1 81,414 LCM Bart
(*) Mission 2 95,079 CPT Devlin
(*) Mission 3 106,729 CPT Devlin
(*) Mission 4 91,017 LCM Esm'ael Rasxus
Mission 5 60,421 LCM Bart

Participation Ratio: 6/12
1-1, CM Artyis
1-4, CPT Devlin
2-1, LCM Esm'ael Rasxus
2-4, LCM Koriel
3-2, MAJ Al R.S.
3-4, CPT Todbringer

* Combat Run #5
Battle: TC-TIE #112 - Super TIEs

High Scores
(*) Total 255,229 CPT Artyis
(*) Mission 1 32,106 CPT Artyis
(*) Mission 2 39,008 CPT Artyis
Mission 3 50,514 SA Compton
(*) Mission 4 47,779 CPT Artyis
(*) Mission 5 54,752 CPT Artyis
Mission 6 48,463 MAJ Zorn Starn

Participation Ratio: 6/12
1-1, CM Artyis
1-4, CPT Devlin
2-1, LCM Esm'ael Rasxus
2-4, LCM Koriel
3-2, MAJ Al R.S.
3-4, CPT Todbringer

* Combat Run #6
Battle: TC-TIE #152 - Relentless Training
High Scores Total 406,537 COL Oldham
Mission 1 41,118 MAJ Mini Minkus
Mission 2 38,499 LC Reaper
Mission 3 120,345 CPT Dax Corrin
Mission 4 54,711 MAJ Mini Minkus
Mission 5 82,560 MAJ Mini Minkus
Mission 6 98,800 COL Oldham

Participation Ratio: 6/12
1-1, CPT Artyis
1-4, CPT Devlin
2-1, LCM Esm'ael Rasxus
2-4, LCM Koriel
3-2, MAJ Al R.S.
3-4, CPT Todbringer

* Combat Run #7
Battle: TC-TIE #94 - The Ultimate Shield

High Scores
(*) Total 193,207 CPT Artyis
Mission 1 39,357 LCM Daniel Bonini
Mission 2 84,898 COL EmpReach
Mission 3 63,440 COL EmpReach
(*) Mission 4 50,105 CPT Artyis

Participation Ratio: 6/12 (LCM Koriel on medium level)
1-1, CPT Artyis
1-4, CPT Devlin
2-1, LCM Esm'ael Rasxus
2-4, LCM Koriel
3-2, MAJ Al R.S.
3-4, CPT Todbringer

Combat Run #8
Battle: TC-TIE #116 - GA Ronin vs. Rogues

High Scores
(*) Total 168,092 CPT Devlin
Mission 1 45,271 LCM Elvaron Starfire
Mission 2 65,154 COL Fireclaw
(*) Mission 3 43,493 CPT Devlin
Mission 4 98,819 COL Fireclaw

Participation Ratio: 6/12
1-1, CPT Artyis
1-4, CPT Devlin
2-1, LCM Esm'ael Rasxus
2-4, LCM Koriel
3-2, MAJ Al R.S.
3-4, CPT Todbringer

During these 2 months of flying we earned a nice looking amount of FLEET
COMMANDER HONOR GUARD and some new ranks.

Points earned:

Sigma 1-1: 5, 23, 7, 5, 26, 6, 14, 4 = 90
Sigma 1-2: 5, 5, -, -, -, -, -, - = 10
Sigma 1-3: 5, 5, -, -, -, -, -, - = 10
Sigma 1-4: 17, 5, 7, 9, 6, 6, 4, 14 = 68

Sigma 2-1: 5, 5, 5, 7, 6, 6, 4, 4 = 42
Sigma 2-2: 5, -, -, -, -, -, -, - = 5
Sigma 2-3: -, -, -, -, -, -, -, - = 0
Sigma 2-4: 5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 4, 4 = 40

Sigma 3-1: 5, 5, 7, -, -, -, -, - = 17
Sigma 3-2: 5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 4, 4 = 40
Sigma 3-3: 5, 5, 5, -, -, -, -, - = 15
Sigma 3-4: 5, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 4, 4 = 40

Overall: 377 - not bad I guess ;)

We also achieved 5 BATTLE HIGH SCORES and 17 MISSION HIGH SCORES, and, what
definitely more important: 8 SQUADRON CITATIONS!

And now, the winners of The Marathon competition! Only 6 of us were able to
complete all 8 battles and thus deserve an Imperial Security Medal!
NOTE: to be honest one of pilots recommended for the award, Lieutenant
Commander Koriel, has completed the TIE-TC #94 on medium difficulty level
(an oversight I presume) and due of Christmas trip wasn't able to refly it.
However, as there's any difference between medium and hard difficulty in
this battle I decided to accept it as it was completed on hard. In my
opinion the dedication to squadron - he completed the last battle although
he knew he hadn't chance for award any longer - shouldn't stay without

So, here they are, Ladies, Gentlemen, all the six - the MEDALISTS:

Sigma 1-1, CPT Artyis
Sigma 1-4, CPT Devlin
Sigma 2-1, LCM Esm'ael Rasxus
Sigma 2-4, LCM Koriel
Sigma 3-2, MAJ Al R.S.
Sigma 3-4, CPT Todbringer

Congratulations, gentlemen! You earned your medals well!

That's all. Marathon is a history now. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I
did. If so - don't despair over it's end - who knows when the idea would be
restored... If not... well, better prepare for more ;P

Vis et Honor!

- Wing II has been defeated by Omega in first round of WIIvsO Competition.
Bad luck we hadn't chance to participate in... :( The winning General
Devin's story however (attached "an EH fact") is worth of reading - it
guarantees you a good laugh (as long as you don't remember who's the victim
of devilish Omegans plot... :P )

Sigma 1-1, Captain Artyis
- usual Squadron Commander stuff (200 c)
- completed TC-TIE Battle #116, GA Ronin vs. Rogues (280 c)
- earned 420 c for TC-TIE Battle #3, New Dimensions
- earned 420 c for TC-TIE Battle #152, Relentless Training
- earned 660 c for TC-TIE Battle #94, The Ultimate Shield (a Battle High
Score; a High Score in Mission #4!)
Earned: 2160 c

Sigma 1-2, Lieutenant Lasombra Vitae
- considered AWOL, end of activity record tracking

Sigma 1-3, Lieutenant Commander Gambit
- usual Account Officer stuff (200 c)
- showed very low Kantyna activity
Earned: 400 c

Sigma 1-4, Captain Devlin
28.12 - completed TC-TIE Battle #116, GA Ronin vs. Rogues (720 c; a Battle
High Score; a High Score in mission #3!)
28.12 - completed TIE mission for Battlecry Competition
- showed very low Kantyna activity
Earned: 1000 c

Sigma 2-1, Lieutenant Commander Esm'ael Rasxus
31.12 - completed TC-TIE Battle #116, GA Ronin vs. Rogues (270 c)
- showed moderately low Kantyna activity
Earned: 470 c

Sigma 2-2, Lieutenant Commander Ti'Anna
- showed low Kantyna activity
Earned: 200 c

Sigma 2-3, Commander Thunder
- showed low Kantyna activity
Earned: 240 c

Sigma 2-4, Lieutenant Commander Koriel
27.12 - completed TC-TIE Battle #94, The Ultimate Shield (140 c)
31.12 - completed TC-TIE Battle #116, GA Ronin vs. Rogues (240 c)
- showed low Kantyna activity
Earned: 580 c

Sigma 3-1, Lieutnenant Commander Regis Knox
- usual Logistic Officer stuff (200 c)
28.12 - completed TIE mission for Battlecry Competition
- showed moderately low Kantyna activity
Earned: 400 c

Sigma 3-2, Major Al R.S.
30.12 - completed TC-TIE Battle #116, GA Ronin vs. Rogues (250 c)
- earned 250 c for TC-TIE Battle #94, The Ultimate Shield
- showed low Kantyna activity
Earned: 820 c

Sigma 3-3, Commander Roger Duncan
- usual Technical Officer stuff (200 c)
- showed low Kantyna activity
Earned: 440 c

Sigma 3-4, Captain Todbringer
27.12 - completed TC-TIE Battle #116, GA Ronin vs. Rogues (260 c)
- earned 270 c for TC-TIE Battle #94, The Ultimate Shield
- showed low Kantyna activity
Earned: 810 c


COMMANDER: CPT Artyis ( - #501
NICKNAME: Kramer's Scorpions
MOTTO: Vis et Honor

Nickname: Gladius
1) CPT Artyis ( - #501
2) LT Lasombra Vitae ( - #4711
3) LCM Gambit ( - #2676
4) CPT Devlin ( - #1660

Nickname: Pilum
1) LCM Esm'ael Rasxus ( - #2142
2) LCM Ti'Anna ( - #1386
3) CM Thunder ( - #1387
4) LCM Koriel ( - #4323

Nickname: Scutum
1) LCM Regis Knox ( - #3156
2) MAJ Al R.S. ( - #1739
3) CM Roger Duncan ( - #2495
4) CPT Todbringer ( - #499

Total: 12

FCHG Listing:

Centurion [CNTR] (400 points)
[436] CPT Artyis

Paladin [PLDN] (300 points)
[359] CPT Devlin
[345] CPT Todbringer

Cavalier [CAVL] (150 points)
[195] MAJ Al R.S.
[170] LCM Esm'ael Rasxus
[167] CM Thunder
[151] LCM Koriel

Dragoon [DRAG] (100 points)
[124] LCM Regis Knox
[124] CM Roger Duncan
[109] LCM Gambit

Fusilier [FUSL] (75 points)
[94] LCM Ti'Anna

Grenadier [GREN] (10 points)
[11] LT Lasombra Vitae

Squadron Citations (21):
TC-TIE Battle 32 - Assassinate the Fleet Commander?
TC-TIE Battle 77 - Verpine Encounter, Part One
TC-TIE Battle 78 - Verpine Encounter, Part Two
TC-TIE Battle 104 - Spam Wars
TC-TIE Battle 109 - Eclipse the Sun
TC-TIE Battle 112 - Super TIEs
TC-TIE Battle 115 - Project Emperor's Revenge
TC-TIE Battle 116 - GA Ronin vs. Rogues
TC-TIE Battle 117 - Resh Battle
TC-TIE Battle 125 - Operation 'Silent Scream'
TC-TIE Battle 128 - Operation Yridia Alpha
TC-TIE Battle 131 - TIE Fighter Covert Missions
TC-TIE Battle 132 - Battle of the Bins
TC-TIE Battle 133 - Punishment Tour
TC-TIE Battle 134 - Damaged TIEs
TC-TIE Battle 137 - Pirate Arms War
TC-TIE Battle 141 - A New Ally II
TC-TIE Battle 148 - Secret Clone Project
TC-TIE Battle 152 - Relentless Training
TC-TIE Battle 155 - The Supplies War
TC-TIE Battle 156 - EH Wrestling Extravaganza

That's all, Sigma members, move to your fighters now!

CMDR/CPT Artyis/Sigma 1-1/Wing II/SSSD Sovereign
Flight I: Gladius Flight.
Sigma. Vis et Honor.
Wing II: The Empire's Vanguard - Second to None.

SW Artyis (Sith)/House Caliburnus of Clan Scholae Palatinae, SC/WR/DC/(BN)

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