Sin Report # 17 (2001-01-07)

This report was submitted by CPT Stele Pellaeon

CMDR/CPT Stele Pellaeon reporting in for Sin Squadron 1.7.01

Someone say Ouch!! Activity in the squadron has dropped tremendously this week but Flight 3 has an excuse. They were out on extended patrol (ISP problems) but thankfully they all made it back to the Sov in one piece. CPT Mordred has been fully briefed of updates in the squadron and his wingmen should have the information already. But lets dedicate our efforts for the "Squeaker Hunt" boys. Not much is going on this next week so relax and enjoy the hunt!

And one more thing.... Happy Birthday CPT Mordred!! I wish you a happy and safe year! God bless you and your family.

Squadron News

Flight 3 has arrived back and will continue squadron activities.

The GLADIATOR CHALLENGE is back on. GLADIATOR LT Desmos still holds the title as GLADIATOR OF SIN but will CPT Mordred be able to take it from him? This is a classic fight of younger pilot vs older pilot. LT Desmos has decided to use his pilot file from his TC-19. CPT Mordred, you are to fly this battle and is due by next Sunday. Good luck to both of you.

The Wing II competition "Squeaker Hunt" started the 1st of this month and will continue until the end of the month. It is based upon finding Private Squeaker, LC Inkwolf's ground crew member. There will be flying, writing, graphics, and message board hunting and medals will be given out. Further details in the Squadron Orders.

Normally I wouldn't tell you guys of cadets interested in joining our squadron because 90% of those who tell us they will usually don't join us. But there is a special cadet I ran into a couple weeks ago. His name is Cadet Steel. He joined the EH/TC not knowing what it was exactly. He was only looking for a mission editor but I emersed him into the EH world. He can't wait to join us and is eager to play against our first competitors. Expect him to join us this week. If not, well

Squadron Orders

For the Wing II Where's Squeaker competition, fly TC-107
-at random times of January, Inkwolf will order missions to be flown and must be turned in within 24 hrs of that order. So keep your eyes peeled through mail and on the Wing 2 messageboard
Sergeant Akela and Melvin will be making a search
of the Emperor's Hammer. Each day in January, a message will be posted on one of the EH messageboards, possibly with a clue
as to where the next post will appear. Can you
keep up to Akela and Melvin? Post a reply to
their message within 24 hours to prove your
Squeakorienteering prowess!
Several Wing 2rs and myself have been posting but it's not too late to join the fun. Just check the first message on the Wing 2 messageboard to catch up to the following messages on the other ones.
Submit a graphic showing Squeaker's current location!
Write a work of, er, documentary dealing with the
disappearance and return of Squeaker!
-Not only will medals be awarded in each category,
but there will also be medals for whoever
participated the most! If, in Inkwolf's opinion, the
wing has not shown any particular effort, medals
will not be awarded. So be sure to take part.
Send all TFRs to me, CPT Stele Pellaeon, send all
graphics and fiction files to Inkwolf directly (cc your
CMDR!) Good luck to all, and may your Squeaker
hunt be successful!

Well, we didn't get a citation for TC-32 but that's ok. If you like, you're welcome to fly it. But I'd like to focus our efforts on another citation. I found one while skimming through the mission compendium. It's TC-TIE-26 "The Dark Troopers." Sounds creepy and fun. Lets all fly this one by January 22nd. (Attached)

As usual, check your squadron and or flight webpage to keep posted on orders and such.

Fly to your hearts content...

Activity Reports

CMDR/CPT Stele Pellaeon 1-1
-12/1-7 kept up with every message post for "Squeaker Hunt"

FL/LCM MacCredu 2-1
-no reported activity

FM/LT Desmos 2-2
-no reported activity

FL/CM Pendragon 3-1
-ISP problems

FM/LT Strahd Pendragon 3-2
-ISP problems

FM/LT Squall Lionheart 3-3
-ISP problems


TC News

XWA League III
19:13 - LC Badlands []
XWA League III has begun the mission to fly for the next 2 weeks is Free-XWA 4. Get that here Reports are due in on the 20th of January. More details can be found at my Combat Operations II site

Medals are available for this competition so any XWA fliers should check it out.

6 Years of the Emperor's Hammer
00:03 - GA Ronin []
Today...Jan. 7th...marks our 6th anniversary...Congrats everyone !!!!

Fast CO homepage access
16:54 - SA Kawolski []
If you want to see one of the Command Staff (CS-12)'s homepage, just use their CO

For example, to view the IO's homepage, go to

Outer Rim
14:45 - AD Zsinj []
One requirement to play in the OR War is to have a login PIN # at Once you have that setup send me an e-mail with your ORDB PIN# and your PIN# so that I can award your LoC's. My e-mail is

XvT BSF Pilot forms complete
15:13 - SA Kawolski []
After a long wait, the X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter BSF forms that allow you to upload an XvT pilot file is now up and running! They're not ready for Balance of Power, though.

Wing combat ratings
16:11 - SA Kawolski []
Wing rosters now have a link to list combat ratings of all the pilots in the wing.

Squadron citations
16:01 - SA Kawolski []
The Squadron Citations page has been updated to include a total count of the number of citations held by each squadron.

EH Poland Meeting quick reminder
14:49 - CPT Marcin Szydlowski []
Members of EH, fellow pilots and officers. As you all probably know, there will be an EH meeting in Poland this year. Time is running with only 6 months left. Would you like to know more? Would you like to confirm your arrival? Or maybe you got some suggestions? E-mail me!

IWATS passes 6,000
09:12 - HA Astatine []
IWATS has just passed 6,000 (six thousand) graduates.

Picture Archive & Visual Arts Gallery
14:14 - AD Absolutek []
I'm combining the EH:PA (Picture Archive), and the EH:VAG (Visual Arts Gallery) into one site. This is to facilitate easier administration, and a single uniform PHP codebase. However i need you, the EH membership, to help me come up with a new name for this combined site. There is a poll up at the IO Site ( with several ideas i have come up with, if you have a better idea then the ones i've come up with please add a comment to the poll.

ASF: Supremacy II Competition Results
18:19 - AD Priyum []
After a long month of hard activity, the Supremacy II competition has finally come to a close and the results have been announced:

Winning Ship: ISD Grey Wolf - The crew of the Grey Wolf amassed an amazing total of 8943 points, and rightfully retain their title of ASF Flag Ship

Winning Squadron: Tartarus, Wing XIII - Winning by over 200 points (2251 in total), all members of the Squadron showed great activity of the past four weeks. The squadron becomes the new ASF Escort Squadron

The most hard fought, and probably the most exciting part of the competition was the individual Pilot race. The final top three pilots are:

1st: CPT Raven Arestar, Tartarus ( - 1050 points. Awarded with the Silver Star of the Empire
2nd: CPT Brucmack, Vortex ( - 886 points. Awarded with the Bronze Star of the Empire
3rd: LT Mace, Vortex ( - 491 points. Awarded with the Bronze Star of the Empire

Many congratulations to all the medal winners, and thanks for making this competition fun to run! Full details of the final results can be found at

Squadron Roster

SIN SQUADRON OF WING II : Long-Range Support
COMMANDER: CPT Stele Pellaeon ( - #3448
NICKNAME: Wing of the Darknesses
MOTTO: Whoso dares to strike us, Will never survive in our darkness

Nickname: The Skulls
Motto: Worthy skulls are used as our paper weights
1) CPT Stele Pellaeon ( - #3448
2) TBA
3) TBA
4) TBA

Nickname: Skeletons in the Closet
Motto: You tag em we'll bag em and set em on the shelf
1) LCM MacCredu ( - #4176
2) LT Desmos ( - #5665
3) TBA
4) TBA

Nickname: Every Mother's Nightmare
Motto: We are the horrors your mother warned you about
1) CPT Mordred Pendragon ( - #1047
2) LT Strahd Pendragon ( - #5420
3) LT Squall Lionheart ( - #3387
4) TBA

Total: 6

Squadron Citations (9):
TC-TIE Battle 2 - Strike at Calamari
TC-TIE Battle 4 - Recapture Zaarins Technology
TC-TIE Battle 17 - Zaarins Missile Boats
TC-TIE Battle 19 - The Tethys Honeymoon
TC-TIE Battle 76 - Mirror Universe
TC-TIE Battle 133 - Punishment Tour
TC-TIE Battle 148 - Secret Clone Project
TC-TIE Battle 156 - EH Wrestling Extravaganza
CAB Battle 4 - Battle for Kronos


Respectfully submitted,
CMDR/CPT Stele Pellaeon/Sin/Wing II/SSSD Sovereign
SS/PCx4/ISMx8/MoT-5bh/LoCx3/CoB [GALL] {IWATS-SM/2}

"Running away from the battle while outnumbered by the enemy has never killed me; but coming back with reinforcements has killed them."

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