Sin Report # 16 (2000-12-31)

This report was submitted by CPT Stele Pellaeon

CMDR/CPT Stele Pellaeon reporting in for Sin Squadron 12.31.00

Can you believe it? The year has finally come to an end and soon we'll be starting another year and another millenium. This next year is a year to start a new as people and perhaps that can apply as pilots too. As pilots we can participate more through activities, talking back and forth, and just being yourself. I hope you guys have a fun and SAFE New Years Day.

And lets not forget, gentlemen of Sin Squad, that we have a birthday boy today! Happy birthday Mac! I wish you an enjoyable birthday as well as a happy new year. Say hello to your family for me and have fun today!

Squadron News

Flight 3 is temporarily out of contact with us due to ISP problems. They have not been able to get any mail from me or any of us. Hopefully things will be straightened out soon.

The GLADIATOR CHALLENGE will temporarily be postponed until CPT Mordred contacts me. Until then I'll need to know what your decision will be LT Desmos. Will you use TC-19 or choose another battle to fly against CPT Mordred, your challenger.

The Ace for this month who receives an ISM for flying the most missions is LT Desmos. Congratulations Desmos! It took a lot of effort to fly all those missions in one month. You're not too far from me in the FCHG rankings; I better start flying some more :P You should receive your ISM within the next few days.

The Wing II competition starts Jan 1 and ends Feb 1. It is based upon finding Private Squeaker, LC Inkwolf's ground crew member. There will be flying, writing, graphics, and message board hunting and medals will be given out. Further details in the Squadron Orders.

Squadron Orders

Fly TC-32 "Assassinate the Fleet Commander?" for our next citation by January 8th. (attached) I've flown it so hopefully we can all fly it.

LT Desmos, you are to choose whether to use TC-19 for this next challenger of yours or to choose another TC battle. Let me know ASAP.

For the Wing II Where's Squeaker competition, fly TC-107 (attached)
-at random times of January, Inkwolf will order missions to be flown and must be turned in within 24 hrs of that order. So keep your eyes peeled
Sergeant Akela and Melvin will be making a search
of the Emperor's Hammer. Each day in January
(starting tomorrow), a message will be posted on
one of the EH messageboards, possibly with a clue
as to where the next post will appear. Can you
keep up to Akela and Melvin? Post a reply to
their message within 24 hours to prove your
Squeakorienteering prowess!
Submit a graphic showing Squeaker's current location!
Write a work of, er, documentary dealing with the
disappearance and return of Squeaker!
-Not only will medals be awarded in each category,
but there will also be medals for whoever
participated the most! If, in Inkwolf's opinion, the
wing has not shown any particular effort, medals
will not be awarded. So be sure to take part.
Send all TFRs to me, CPT Stele Pellaeon, send all
graphics and fiction files to Inkwolf directly (cc your
CMDR!) Good luck to all, and may your Squeaker
hunt be successful!

Fly to your hearts content...

Have a Happy New Years Day boys!

Activity Reports

CMDR/CPT Stele Pellaeon 1-1
-12/29 flew TC-32
-12/29 played XWA with LCM MacCredu

FL/LCM MacCredu 2-1
-ICQ chats
-12/29 played XWA with CPT Stele

FM/LT Desmos 2-2
-won the ISM for most flying activity this month

FL/CM Pendragon 3-1
-ISP problems

FM/LT Strahd Pendragon 3-2
-ISP problems

FM/LT Squall Lionheart 3-3
-ISP problems


TC News

LucasArts game wins award
00:20 - SA Kawolski []
In what I have stated several times was the worst hyped up Star Wars game to help lead the downward trend of more low-quality games from LucasArts (with the possible exception of Rebellion, some may debate), Gamespot has awarded this awful game 2000's Most Disappointing Game of the Year! Congratulations, Force Commander!

XWA Screenshot takers needed for Fleet Man pics
17:00 - AD Kermee []
I need a few people with high end (i.e.. can run XWA at full detail options smoothly) to take screenshots of a large number of craft. If it sounds mind numbingly easy, its because it is, however there are a lot of craft :P So just to give a bit of warning, this could be a little time consuming and not just easy medals.

Additionally, I will be after a person or two who knows their way around 3DS max, and is familiar with rendering meshes taken from the SWMA site. Of course, anyone rendering assistance in either way will be rewarded appropriately.

TIE Tactics course closed
20:11 - LC Tiberius []
Due to real life circumstances, the IWATS TIE Tactics course is now *closed*. I will attempt to send marks to all those who have been waiting so very very long. You have my deepest apologies for my lapse.

If you or anyone you know would be interested in running an IWATS TIE Tactics course, e-mail myself and TO Astatine. Thank you again for your patience in this difficult time.

The Return of Outer Rim
21:01 - AD Zsinj []
Outer Rim nights will be returning as of next week! There are several changes. One is that the clubs participating include: the RS, the SV, the VE, the LSF, the NR and now us! The rules are posted at: The games supported are: XvT, XWA, and JK! For more information on OR check: Check for updates here for more information!

Larry Holland Interview
23:10 - HA Astatine [] has an interview with Larry Holland, founder and lead designer of Totally Games and part of the design team for LucasArts that made games such as Secret Weapons of the Luftwaffe, X-Wing, TIE Fighter, XvT and X-Wing Alliance. You can check out the interview at

Squadron Roster

SIN SQUADRON OF WING II : Long-Range Support
COMMANDER: CPT Stele Pellaeon ( - #3448
NICKNAME: Wing of the Darknesses
MOTTO: Whoso dares to strike us, Will never survive in our darkness

Nickname: The Skulls
Motto: Worthy skulls are used as our paper weights
1) CPT Stele Pellaeon ( - #3448
2) TBA
3) TBA
4) TBA

Nickname: Skeletons in the Closet
Motto: You tag em we'll bag em and set em on the shelf
1) LCM MacCredu ( - #4176
2) LT Desmos ( - #5665
3) TBA
4) TBA

Nickname: Every Mother's Nightmare
Motto: We are the horrors your mother warned you about
1) CPT Mordred Pendragon ( - #1047
2) LT Strahd Pendragon ( - #5420
3) LT Squall Lionheart ( - #3387
4) TBA

Total: 6

Squadron Citations (9):
TC-TIE Battle 2 - Strike at Calamari
TC-TIE Battle 4 - Recapture Zaarins Technology
TC-TIE Battle 17 - Zaarins Missile Boats
TC-TIE Battle 19 - The Tethys Honeymoon
TC-TIE Battle 76 - Mirror Universe
TC-TIE Battle 133 - Punishment Tour
TC-TIE Battle 148 - Secret Clone Project
TC-TIE Battle 156 - EH Wrestling Extravaganza
CAB Battle 4 - Battle for Kronos


Respectfully submitted,
CMDR/CPT Stele Pellaeon/Sin/Wing II/SSSD Sovereign
SS/PCx4/ISMx8/MoT-5bh/LoCx3/CoB [GALL] {IWATS-SM/2}

"Running away from the battle while outnumbered by the enemy has never killed me; but coming back with reinforcements has killed them."

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