Ranger Report # 44 (2001-03-05)

This report was submitted by LC Toran Dan

Squadron News
  • CM Gidda was awarded the Goldstar of the Empire, congratulations!
  • CPT Banger was awarded the Iron Star with Silver wings (IW-SW), congrats to you too!
  • XWA league 3 CR#4 is over and we performed very well again. Our score: 46,669
  • Ranger Squadron has won the COM's own comp. for February! A new victory banner will be available on www.corellia.de soon :-D
Squadron Status/Orders
  • Operation Cantina Run 3 - Write a piece of fiction, at least 500 words long or longer, about our Squadron, Wing Ship and/or Battlegroup in general. Participation counts! Even if you write a crap story, it will bring the Immortal points! I expect to see by everyone a story!
    All stories must be in my inbox by the 6th march
    Tomorrow is deadline and participation counts!!!!
  • We still have a Squadron Messageboard at: http://www.tiecorps.org/mb/view.asp?b=22&v=2&s=0
    Get on and post there! :P
Activity Reports
LC Toran Dan(117) - Completed FXWA 15(8), admin. work,
LCM Curly(30) - Completed FXWA8(6),16(8)
CM Mark Stephenson(273) - Completed FXWA16(8),wrote story for ECR(9)
LT Coyote(46) - Completed FXWA8(6),15(8)
CM Gidda(212) - Completed FXWA15(8),CAB2(20),TIE78(5),DB-TIE5(5)
CPT Banger(175) - Completed FXWA 15(8)

CMDR/LC Toran Dan/Ranger/Wing XI/ISD Immortal
BSx2/PCx12/ISMx15/MoI/LoCx4/CoL/CoB/LoA/OV [GALL] {IWATS-CBX-GFX-IIC/1/2/3-M/1/2-PHP/1/2-SM/2}
DOC/CPT Toran Dan/Reserve
http://www.corellia.de | Ranger Squadron
"Fortuna favet fortibus" - Fortune favours the Bold

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