ISDII Warrior Report # 39 (2015-01-04)

This report was submitted by COM/HA Frodo March/ISDII Warrior

Colonel Gilbert H. Frown reporting for the ISDII Warrior on this Sunday the 4th of January 2015.

Acting Commodore's Thoughts

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Good evening pilots,

I am writing this report on behalf of the Commodore, who we all know has gone mysteriously missing since the new year began. I have already sent my orders for the whole wing. I shall not repeat myself! Needless to say, you may check the competitions section of this report for details.

Fine, I will repeat myself. Several clues have been sent over the Google group that will point us in the right direction for finding our illustrious Commodore. Other than that, I have ordered all Star Conflict pilots to lay waste to that galaxy in an effort to find him there, and lastly, I am assigning TIE TC 226 as the first battle to be flown in the SP portion of the competition. It is my understanding that the Commodore may have left a clue as to his whereabouts in that particular simulation. It is due for the 11th of January.

I have attempted to mimic as best as possible the Commodore's style of report. As it is my nature to be thorough at administration, I believe I have done a fantastic job.

The MSE awards for last month were awarded and are noted in the awards section of this report. MSEs for December will be due to me for 10th of January at the latest. The two CMDRs who already sent theirs in need not worry, as I have no sense of privacy, and have found them in the Commodore's things... Amongst other items that would make one shudder.

Lastly, in an effort to fill the void in the command team, I have to appoint an acting wing commander: Congratulations TIE the Goat, who will assume my functions of WC as I perform the duties of the COM. I am sure you will perform admirably, WC TIE.


- MSEs Due
- Commodore is Missing. COL Frown assumes command.
- Fly TIE TC 226 for the SP Competition due on the 11th via regular BSF.


BS to LC Plif
ISM to CM Hawkins
ISM to GN Pickled Yoda
ISM to CM Yun
ISM to GN Exar Kit
ISM to CM Nolij
ISM to LT Spiffy the Chicken
ISM to COL Jarek La'an
IS-SW to GN Pickled Yoda
IS-SR to CM Lanil Jast
IS-SR to MAJ Flelm
IS-BW to MAJ Wraith
IS-BW to LC Plif
IS-BR to GN Pickled Yoda
IS-BR to CM Lanil Jast
IS-BR to COL Mark Schueler

LoCs: CPT Wondra, CM Nolij

Ship Competitions


All pilots are to help me solve a series of a clues in order to find the Commodore.

Full details here:


All SC pilots are to search for the COM in the "Star Conflict" galaxy. Destroying any enemy ship that gets in the way. The ones who cause the most collateral damage will be rewarded handsomely, because I don't like that place.

Full details here:


I have chosen several training missions made by the Commodore that could prove useful in our search for him. Knowledge is power!

Full details here:

Competitions Centre for Fleet and Squadron comps:


39 (Even)

Question From the Plebs... I mean Pilots

Due to my immense popularity, whit and charm, I get asked a lot of questions by the pilots of Wing II. Every week I read and answer one.

This week's question came from COL Jarek La'an. He Asks:

Q: Which fighter will you use if it comes down to it in this search for the COM?

A: Well, Colonel, I heard that there was actually plenty of room in that semi-authorized shuttle you call a fighter, so I shall be bunking with you. Naturally, we're going to change the designation, as I abhor Theta Squadron. Did I say that last part out loud? Oops.

Want your question answered by Colonel Frown? send it in to


I hope that my command of the Warrior is only temporary, which I am sure is much to everyone's dismay. Feel comfortable in knowing that I will do my utmost to find our Commodore.

In the meantime, go ahead and get to know your CMDR... Since I do have an open door policy, but not the kind you're accustomed to.

In service,

Colonel Gilbert H. Frown,
Wing Commander, Wing II
WC/COL Gilbert H. Frown/Wing II/ISD Warrior

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