Delta Report # 0 (2002-04-26)

This report was submitted by CPT Argon Viper

Delta Squadron Weekly Report

Squadron News
-Not much going on, but if someone wants to challenge me to a battle, I'm more than willing to give it a try. Just tell me a TIE Fighter battle you'd like to fly against me, just say so and I'll try to have it done within a week. If you do especially well, there may even be a medal in it for you ;)

Squadron Activity:

CPT Argon Viper
-Has been on IRC a few times.
-Is still flying TC-TIE #184

CM Eric - Good Activity
-Flew TC-XWA-FCHG #3

CM Mage - Decent Activity
-Requested a transfer to the reserves.
-Withdrew transfer request.

CPT Reesbon Fortis - No Activity
-I believe you only have one week left until I declare you AWOL, report in.

CPT Flash - Low Acticity
-I think I heard from you sometime this week. Please report in again.

LCM Kevin Pryde - Decent Activity
-Has promised to fly the missions I asked for on my last report.

CM Anthony Starr - Decent Activity
-Promised to fly as soon as he gets TIE Fighter to work with Windows XP(good luck ;)).

Squad Orders:
-Fly enough to raise yourself one FCHG level.

CMDR/CPT Argon Viper/Delta 1-1/Wing I/SSSD Sovereign

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