Delta Report # 0 (2002-06-21)

This report was submitted by CPT Argon Viper

Delta Squadron Weekly Report

Squad News:

"And now for something completely different" - Monty Python's Flying Circus

-Bonzo and Kronar both got IS-BWs for beating Gen, congrats guys :)
-I, however, lost to Gen, so both of those IS-BWs will be delivered by mail-bomb ;P
-Free just can't stop shoving Bonzo, so three more planets are gone. Igmany, Natious, and Pygamy join Arthrutus in having been destroyed by Free's shoving rampage :P
-Just for fun, a vote was taken. By a mere 16:14, it was decided that Gen would NOT look better if exposed to some vacuum.

~*~Note: Not all the stories here are real. We ran a little bit short on good material, so we decided to wing it. However, we, the producers, feel that all of these events are perfectly plausible ones, and should be treated as real.

Squad Activity:
:) = Good :| = Decent :( = Bad :p = Argon

CPT Argon Viper - :p
-Mailed around a lot
-Completed TC-TIE #6
-Flew TC-TIE #10

CM Gyssler - :)
-Mailed around a fair bit
-Competing with Gen on the "Wing vs WC" thingy-ma-bobber

CM Bonzo - :)
-Mailed around a fair bit
-Won an IS-BW for beating Gen

CM Eric - :(
-Nothing... Jack-diddly-squat

CM Kronar - :)
-Mailed around a fair bit
-Worked up a citation tracker(needs updating now that I've flown a few :)) ;)
-Won an IS-BW for beating Gen

CM Anthony Starr - :|
-Still within his stated leave period

CPT Flash - :(
-I'm giving him one week until AWOL...

Squad Orders:
-Fly some more!!!
-Keep alert for news relating to the CSL
-Remember that I changed my addy to for the time being, forget what the site says ::runs and tries to cover it with his hands:: ;P

CPT Argon Viper
Psycho Whiphid
"That drunk guy..."
Delta Squadron Commander

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