Beth Report # 21 (2002-06-02)

This report was submitted by CPT Aeishline Strathaven

Beth Squadron Report #1


First, I’m sorry for delay of this report.

It occurred due to little misunderstanding between me and going on leave CMDR Strathaven :)

Anyway, let’s get going.
I expect from you Beth pilots two big things during upcoming week:
Taking part in 'Blitzkrieg' Competition and in War of the Squadrons Competition.
There are also a few changes on roster. Congratulations to LCM Dierdre Varn of Flight III Leader position.
We have also new pilot Mithrandir. Welcome among us, poor soul ;>
Also during week Homepages of Beth and Flight II should be updated so please be patient.
Also I would like to ask you for attention in showers, I found there proton torpedo that should be placed in tube of vessel of our WC. ;) As I didn’t get any explain what our WC wanted to do with it there I ask Security Office for investigating this case. :)

Holonet News

° There are new pilot among us: Mithrandir. Congratulation of promotion on LT.
° New Flight III Leader is Dierdre. Congratulations and personally I feel pity Rebels as now every cruiser that meet our MIS what be the same.
° 'Blitzkrieg' Competition started. I encourage to take part.
° War of the Squadrons Competition starts soon...


° Participate in 'Blitzkrieg' Competition. Detail are at:
° Participate in War of the Squadrons Competition. Detail are at:
° Fly missions and battles to improve our citations.
° Post on MB:
° Get on IRC, Undernet Server, and channel: #beth and #wing_iii.
° T/D pilots report to me: on Fridays with your activity please, it will allow me to keep Reports accurate.
° MIS report to FL/LCM Dierdre Varn (
° Be Pre-active.

° CPT Aeishline Starthaven [#7805]:
v On leave.
v Flew: XWA-TC 28 (BAC Submission)
XWA-FREE 1,2,3
TIE-TC 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10
° LCM Zekk Thyne [#7307]:
v Reported in after some RL problems.
v Email activity.
° MAJ Nurel Turr [#2375]:
v Semi leave.
v Email activity.
v Flew: TIE-TC 11
° LT Kane Reese [#8958]:
v Maintaing Homepages: Beth and Flight II.
v Competed IWATS TM course.
v Flew: TIE-TC #1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
XWA-TC #28, XWAF #1, 2, 3.
v Wrote XO Tactical Review on XWA-TC #28.
° LT Mithrandir [#9180]:
v Joined in. Reported in.
v Email activity.
v Flew: XWA-TC 1 and XWA-IW 23
° LCM Dark Damian [#8538]:
v Semi-Leave.
v Email activity.
° LCM Dierdre Varn [#7184]:
v Morale Officer.
v Reported in.
v Email activity.
v Appointed on Flight III Leader.
° LCM Kolos Murdock [#9003]:
v No report.
Please contact in.
° LT Mordred [#7088]:
v No report.
v RL problems.

Beth Squadron Roster

COMMANDER: CPT Aeishline Strathaven (
NICKNAME: Pirouettes of Death
BANNER: beth.gif
MOTTO: Break the Silence with Silver Scream!

Nickname: Enchanted Shadows
Motto: Let the Doors of Pain be opened!
1) CPT Aeishline Strathaven (
2) TBA
3) LCM Zekk Thyne (
4) MAJ Nurel Turr ( )

Nickname: Whispering Wraiths
Motto: From Shadow we strike, whispering Song of Damnation
1) LT Kane Reese (
2) LT Mithrandir (
3) TBA
4) LCM Dark Damian (

Nickname: Spectre Knights
Motto: Death presides on our Wingtips
1) LCM Dierdre Varn (
2) LT Kolos Murdock (
3) TBA
4) LT Mordred (

That's all for today.

Clear skies.

A-CMDR--FL/LT Kane Reese/Beth 2-1/Wing III/SSSD Sovereign
Beth Squadron Executive Officer
Acting as Commander of Beth Squadron

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