Ranger Report # 108 (2002-06-22)

This report was submitted by CM VinDoros

CMDR/CM VinDoros reporting in for Ranger Squadron, 22.06.02
Squadron News:
  • I'm thinking about changing our "Citations" to "Rollercoaster"...they go up...then they go down...
  • My first month as Ranger CMDR, and I'm still alive :P
  • COL Boromir was transferred to the Reserves. Let's wish him well.
  • Ranger has a new Pilot! Let's welcome SL Anson Darkrider! Its been a while since Ranger has had a newbie! That means that now there are five pilots on the Immortal with the word "Dark" in their name :P Drinks are on us!
  • IWATS: Your fearless leader(yes, that's me) has completed the SM/3 course with a 90%! Considering that the test took me over an hour to complete, I'm just happy I passed. :P
  • Medals for the week: Major Gidda was awarded LoCx2 (only two? :P), and I walked away with LoCx3...I'm catching up to Gidda :)
  • Ranger vs. Trapper Results: I'm still shaking my head over this one, but here are the scores from this one... 
Trapper Squadron:
LCM Ketan-Shej - Score: 1051 (951+100)
CM Xanatos Screed - Score: 1064 (964+100)
LT Rage Beer - Score: 1015 (915+100)
LT Petko Kostov Kostov - Score: 3843 (2793+1050)
3 didn't fly
Total: 6973
Average: 996.14
Ranger Squadron:
Maj Gidda - Score: 24552 (22252+2300)
CM VinDoros - Score: 12210 (10710+1500)
Total: 36,762
Average: 9190.5
Note: 4 eligible pilots(2 on leave)
2 didn't fly :(
Ranger Wins! (How'd that happen :P)
I know this mission was tough. I blame myself for this one, since I picked the mission. I've cataloged XWAF 44 under, "Don't fly anytime soon unless you like pain." Big Congrats to Major Gidda, who won the IS-BW for getting the high score for the comp (also note he only missed beating the HS by 10, yup that's right TEN points).
  • Also, just to let you guys know, LC Gunman of Phantom Squadron has challenged us! I'll be getting together with him soon, to work out the details.
Sqadron Status/Orders:
  • WC's Own for June: Fly, do Multiplayer, post on the Message Boards, and do IWATS! Overall, I think we're doing a good job, but a little more effort could win us this one.
  • Comp against Phantom, keep alert for details.
  • WC's Beer Challenge: 50 BSF's for the month and keggers are on Spear! This goal is still attainable, and I can't fly them all myself :P
  • Thursday is "The Night of the Lost Souls". The ISD Immortal multiplayer competition will take place from 20 GMT to 22 GMT (15:00 - 17:00 EST) and will be held on #ISD_Immortal and #EHCOC (Undernet servers).
Internet Recon: A big "Thank You" goes out to CM Jene Starwind, who found these for me. Everybody give Jene a hug! :P
Activity Reports:
-CM VinDoros
Posted on Ranger Runon, completed IWATS SM/3, awarded LoCx3, completed XWAF44 for Ranger vs. Trapper Comp, completed XvT-DB 2,3,5, and 6
-CM Alex Foley
no contact, still on leave
-LCM Zexiphir Van Taelyan
Posted on Ranger Runon, irc and email contact
-LCM Braxton
no contact
-Maj Gidda
Awarded LoCx2, updated Ranger Homepage, Completed XWAF44 for Ranger vs. Trapper Comp, awarded IS-BW for highest score in Ranger vs Trapper Comp(why am I not surprised?) :P 
-CM Jene Starwind
Posted on Ranger Runon, internet recon, email and irc contact
-SL Anson Darkrider
reported in
LURP of the Week: This week I'm awarding this to CM Jene Starwind. The effort he is putting forward for the Squadron is excellent, considering he has a broken arm. He still tries to come into the irc, and how he managed to post on the Runon is still a mystery to me. Nice work Jene!
Squadron Roster:

COMMANDER: CM VinDoros (myrlyn29@hotmail.com)
NICKNAME: Champions of the Empire
BANNER: ranger.jpg
MOTTO: The Elite shall live, the Weak shall perish
HOMEPAGE: http://digilander.iol.it/RangerSquadron/
MESSAGE BOARD: http://www.emperorshammer.net/mb/view.asp?b=22

Nickname: Nightmare's Reality
Motto: Virtute Siderum Tenus
1) CM VinDoros (myrlyn29@hotmail.com)
2) CM Alex Foley (alexfoley@dombek.com)
3) TBA
4) TBA

Nickname: Hellfish
Motto: Fly with us or choose your fate and die
Homepage: http://www10.brinkster.com/rshellfish
1) LCM Zexiphir Van Taelyan (athes02@earthlink.net)
2) LCM Nicolai Braxton (njb15@ix.netcom.com)
3) MAJ Gidda (ehgidda@libero.it )
4) TBA

Nickname: Shadows of Space
Motto: Those who are brave can only succeed
1) CM Jene Starwind (Jenestarwind0@yahoo.com)
2) SL Anson Darkrider (hit4cycle@hotmail.com)
3) TBA
4) TBA

Total: 7
FCHG Listings | Combat Ratings | Squadron Reports (105)

Squadron Citations (23):
   TIE-TC Battle 1 - Capture of Zaarin
   TIE-TC Battle 10 - Battle for the DeathStar
   XWA-TC Battle 1 - Avenger Encounter
   XWA-TC Battle 2 - First Contact
   XWA-TC Battle 3 - The Darkon Mystery
   XWA-TC Battle 4 - Privateer
   XWA-TC Battle 5 - Show of Force
   XWA-TC Battle 6 - Enemy Defector
   XWA-TC Battle 7 - Assault on Chimera
   XWA-TC Battle 8 - Hammer to Anvil
   XWA-TC Battle 9 - Defection of Kusanagi
   XWA-TC Battle 10 - The Phare Encounter
   XWA-TC Battle 11 - Heroes of the Immortal
   XWA-TC Battle 12 - Imperium Deception
   XWA-TC Battle 13 - Hammer to Anvil Part II
   XWA-TC Battle 14 - The History of the ISD Immortal
   XWA-TC Battle 15 - Nasty Surprise
   XWA-IW Battle 22 - Abyssi Ianua - Gates to Hell
   XWA-IW Battle 23 - Rion's Shadow Campaign: Infiltrate Rion
   XWA-IW Battle 24 - Rion's Shadow Campaign: Seeds of Corruption
   XWA-IW Battle 25 - Rion's Shadow Campaign: Eliminate Friendship
   XWA-IW Battle 26 - Rion's Shadow Campaign: Ambassadors
   XWA-IW Battle 27 - Rion's Shadow Campaign: Tactical Withdrawal


Respectfully Submitted,

CMDR/CM VinDoros/Ranger/Wing XI/ISD Immortal


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