Psi Report # 0 (2002-08-27)

This report was submitted by LC Jon Doyle

all the comms of Psi squadron pilots blasted the constant droning, All pilots report to briefing rooms, All pilots report to briefing rooms.

in no time at all the pilots of psi squadron were assembled in the briefing room. ok this week we have some very odd orders. we are to be teaming up with wing III it seems proton has designs on something. the title of this operation will be project phoenix.

Squadron News.

Well I haven't heard back from a few of you but so far it seems a consensus that Sundays will be the best time for a weekly squadron meeting. I'm going to try and get our first meeting going this week on sun. now I know allot of you think meetings are boring hopefully I can shake this trend there will be little set cut and pasted info. It will act more as a feedback forum. I will be giving out brief squadron news however most of the time for the meeting will be for everyone to get to know each other, to help each other etc. this is my aim anyway. we shall see how it goes. Now to set a time. The meeting will take place this Sunday in channel #Psisquadron at 21:00 GMT and will last a min of 15 mins. As usual this will be on Undernet on IRC.

LT Dra Ven Zul I need to hear from you b4 then end of the week, If I don't I will be forced to AWOL you. I don't want to do that please just send me a mail let me know what's going on.

Wing News

Now onto the Important stuff. The Deadline for the Sovereign Bombing run blow out competition is the 30th at 00:00 EST. I will need all Graphics/fiction and mission submissions to me by then. I particularly want a good effort with the flying section. Last week we got a 50% participation rate and because of this are only slightly behind omega Squadron. now if we can get a 100% participation rate I feel that we will easily beat omega squadron. (saurons tips for mission 2 are attached.)

Also I would like every pilot to attempt the fiction and graphics section. Ink has done a wonderful cartoon. I'm working on a hand sketch of a T/B. it doesn't have to be marvellous just please attempt something. the same goes for fiction. (sauron and Cahir have made superb starts to this section.)

Secondly. This relates to the intro to this weeks report. There is now a wing II v's wing III competition going on. The Divisions are fly, fiction and graphics.

Fiction: this is no ordinary fiction competition, this is based on the sovereign message board, it is a run-on between the 2 wings. Best submitting to the run-on gets awarded an IS-SR (judged by proton)

Graphics: Simply design a graphic of a phoenix.... well I never said it was simple

Flying: there will be 1 XWA mission and 1 TIE mission. highest scoring pilot will get a medal for both categories. As far as I can tell the missions haven't actually been announced yet.

This should be a walk in the park for wing II we should trounce wing III and show em what a good TIE wing can do. We can also show Turr that he was in the wrong wing a month ago ;p

please note if you are looking to e-mail Jack stone his e-mail address has changed. it is now

Wing II has been on officially named WWII wing.

Fleet news.

Wing XIII Resigns
07:16 - FA Priyum Patel []
Something I forgot to put into my report: The Wing Commander of Wing XIII, Colonel Wes Janson, has decided to step down from WC and take up a Flight Member's position in Phoenix Squadron. Applications for a new WC are being accepted, and requirements will be posted shortly.

Flight Office Report
07:10 - FA Priyum Patel []
Rejoice, another FO report is out. It contains some important information, so use the mouse thing to click here!

Vanguard Commodore Selected
05:26 - FA Priyum Patel []
Congratulations to the former Wing XV WC, Rear Admiral Ekim Yellek, who has been selected as the new Commodore for the ISD Vanguard!

Vanguard Commodore
11:29 - FA Priyum Patel []
The Vanguard COM, Vice Admiral Bevel Leeson, has been appointed as the new CA:IO. This obviously means that the position of VanCOM is vacant, but applications are NOT being accepted.

Reminder about mission skipping
03:57 - FA Striker []
You are not authorized to skip any mission. Bug or not. All missions of the Compendium have been completed one day or another, you may have misunderstood the way to complete the mission. Fatal bugs are very rare, and if it happens to be that, just wait for it to be corrected and hold on your pilot file, do not submit it. DON'T SKIP ANY MISSION. The battle would be anyway removed later from your profile. Just a waste of time for everyone.

Commodore Appointments
10:53 - FA Priyum Patel []
I'm pleased today to be able to promote two individuals to the position of Commodore...

~ ISD Relentless COM - Rear Admiral Theodore
~ ISD Subjugator COM - Rear Admiral Smitrock

Both are veterans of the TIE Corps, and I'm sure they'll enjoy every success in their new positions. Congratulations!

Auroran News Network Submissions
22:18 - FA Ari []
Well, in case some of you haven't heard of it yet, the Auroran News Network is a fictional EH newspaper that's based on real newspaper style (an example would be ANN will be taking over the TC Battlecry, so anything you had to submit for it, send in for ANN. ANN is meant to have a mainly humorous aspect to it, but serious articles will be accepted. Please try to keep the articles fictional though - for example, an article about your wing competition would probably not be so interesting. However, if you made it seem like a real story like a real reporter, describing the grudges between wings, certain events, the outcome, but all in a fictionalized way, that'd be good. The main purpose of this is to be entertaining. You can find a list of the topics at Please try to get in your articles ASAP, no later than about the 1st or 2nd week in September. I'll give a more firm date in later IO reports. Send your articles to Fleet Admiral Ari & Fleet Admiral Priyum.

Subjugator COM Retires
09:56 - FA Priyum Patel []
The Commodore of the ISD Subjugator in the ATF, Vice Admiral Grail SoulChaser, has decided to retire from active service in the Emperor's Hammer. Grail was a great COM and he will be missed.

For the time-being, applications for a replacement Commodore are NOT being accepted, so please don't send them. Same goes for Relentless COM.

Squadron Orders

Fly Sbrb Mission 2. (attached to last weeks report)

Write a piece of fiction about the T/B, make a graphic with the T/B in.

contribute to the run-on currently taking place on the Sov MB.

Make a graphic of a phoenix.


MAJ Jon Doyle
23/8/02 - Flew XWA MP for Sbrb
20/8/02 - Flew XWA MP for Sbrb.

LT Cesium
No Activity

LT Josepy Killrath
23/8/02 - Flew Sbrb Mission 2

LCM Cahir
20/8/02 - Went on leave

LT Dra Ven Zul
No activity

CPT Koriel
On Leave

CM Sidain
No Activity

CM Zekk Terrik
Broke Joystick and bought a replacement
23/8/02 - Flew SbrB Mission 2

CM Sauron Tarrke
25/8/02 - Submitted Fiction for Sbrb

COL Inkwolf
26/8/02 - Submitted Graphic for Sbrb.


Song of the week: Weezer - Buddy Holly

QotW: yours is longer than mine

other misc Quotes

Smitrock ( Quit (When I'm mad; I like to Moon Walk through your kitchen drinking a 7UP....)

why no ops ?
*** LC_Jon sets mode: -o CPT_Lost
I should have gotten it on connect
*** LC_Jon sets mode: +o CPT_Lost
or not ? :)
*** CPT_Lost has joined #airlock54
*** X sets mode: +o CPT_Lost
you had ops
you got it on connect :P
huh ?
you are making fun of me
* von_Ninj stomps off frusated.
* LC_Jon too

hermann: hmm.. no, you're famous for me;P
Im impressed
you should be:))

Also there was a bit of a brawl in the WII cantina, please find attached 2 logs from Airlock54 funny reading.

Well that seems to be it for this week. Happy reading and fly high and watch out for each other ;p

CMDR/LC Jon Doyle/Psi/wing II/SSSD Sov

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