Delta Report # 0 (2002-09-14)

This report was submitted by CPT Argon Viper

Delta Squadron Weekly Report

Squadron Activity

All right, squadron activity was decent this week, out of our six members (only four of which can fly it), we had three reports for SBRB3 :) Anyways, on to the rankings.

:) = Good :| = Decent :( = Bad ;P = Argon

CPT Argon Viper - ;P
-Started bugging German cadets on the Daedalus

Orders: Fly something...

CM Bonzo - :|
-Stayed in contact with his FMs
-Didn't submit an FL Report :(

Orders: Get your FL Reports in! And fly the next SBRB ;)

LT Hendl Fin'Rotha - :|
-Hopefully on his last month of leave...

Orders: None

LT Sirik Xirok - :)
-Completed SBRB3
-Flew TC-TIE #185
-Passed the AIM IWATS Course with 91% (and he even forgot to answer one of the questions!)

Orders: Great work, just keep it up and I'll be perfectly happy :)

CM Gyssler - :)
-Completed SBRB3
-Passed the SM/3 IWATS Course with 89%
-Submitted his FL Report

Orders: Great work, keep it up and I'll be perfectly happy :)

CM Eric - :|
-Spent the week in job training

Orders: Well, I'll see what happens next week ;)

Squadron Roster

Squadron News

"History is on the move, those who cannot keep up will be left behind, and those who get in our way will not watch at all" - Grand Admiral Thrawn

-All right, this is the first edition of my new style of Squadron Report. I've changed a few things, so I'll explain a bit. The squad activity section is all the activity that I'm aware of for that week, and underneath it in italics will be my orders for the coming week. Also, I'm gonna be checking the battle boards and telling people certain battles to fly so that we get some citations :) On the squadron news section, I'm going to put a random quote from somewhere at the start, hopefully it raises someone's spirits somehow ;) Anyways, on with some news.

-Scientists produce evidence of "wuss" genes in BG pilots! This investigation was sparked by a heated argument between AD Mike and GN Compton. It appears that Compton was right, BG pilots are wimps...

-The Apocalypse has been averted. Yup, that's right, I might have gotten two reports from my FLs last week, but it wasn't able to repeat itself :(

CPT Argon Viper
Psycho Whiphid
"That drunk guy..."
Delta Squadron Commander
Wing Sociopath and Fiction Writer

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