Sigma Report # 2 (2003-08-17)

This report was submitted by CPT Psyko Prefect

Sigma Squadron Report #2

Squadron News

Hrrrrm, well, CM Duncan is leaving us for the Reserves due to being unable to be as active as he’d like, so, farewell to him (sniff).

LCM Granite attacking the IWATS evidently, in what appears to be an effort to pass EVERY course at the School, kudos to him :P

LCM Enneal is unable to fly due to a broken joystick, hopefully he’ll be able to do so again soon.

LCM Mateusz on Leave from the 11th of August to the 1st of September, if I read his roman numerals right :P

And in Fleet News…
Operations Officer Open For Applications
18:57 - SA Astatine []
The Operations Officer is responsible for the timely awarding of medals within the TIE Corps, providing consultive feedback on high level medals and maintaining the Operations Manual and related materials.
Selection Criteria - Essential
1. Good written communication skills.
2. An acceptable level of presence on online media such as IRC, message boards, etc.
3. Fast email response time.
4. The ability to work with a wide range of EH personnel in a diplomatic fashion.
Selection Criteria - Desirable
1. Graphics and/or HTML ability.
2. Prior experience in a similar position.
You must address each criteria with supporting evidence. Simply saying "Yes, I can do that" will not be enough. Include specific examples of your experience. You should meet at least the essential criteria to be considered for the position. You will be expected to perform the core duties of the position to an acceptable level. You must include at least three (3) references. At least one of these must be a former or current superior, preferably current. Ensure you have their permission first, as your application will be seen in a negative light if you have not gained their permission. Applications should be sent to the Fleet Commander and Executive Officer with the subject "Application for Operations Officer".
EHCOC Banner Comp
09:59 - VA Kyle Katarn []
Today started a new EHCOC Comp. For details pls check out this site.
1st place: IS-GR
2nd place: IS-SR
3rd place: IS-BR

Create A New COMM Office Banner Contest
19:21 - Fleet Admiral Aiden Cantor Karias []
And now for the moment you've all been waiting for... ... I have decided on the winner of the "Create A New COMM Banner" contest.

1st Place (IS-GR): CPT Tvan'Oris of Diamondback Squadron (
2nd Place (IS-SR): RA Davi Anthol of the SSD Avenger ( Banner #2.jpg)
3rd Place (IS-BR): LC Kodiak Kereban of Vortex Squadron ( banner.jpg)
Honourable Mention: GM Rapier of the DB (

CPT Tvan'Oris' submission will replace the old COMM Office banner.
Quick Leave
10:49 - HA Priyum Patel []
I'm going to be away from my computer from now until Sunday morning. All outstanding requests will be dealt with upon my return.
eMail Changes
01:28 - VA Kyle Katarn []
From now on you can only catch me via eMail on the following Addys. All other do not exist anymore.
Please update your Contactlists.
00:17 - AD Keldorn Cochrane []
My e-mail is now back to normal. Regretfully, however, I was not able to recover the majority of the e-mails sent during the downtime. Hence, if you have sent me an e-mail recently and do not get a reply within 24 hours please re-send it to me at the normal address (

Squadron Status:

Week 8 of the GSSP is going on, due Sunday, any pilots participating please fly!

Fly, fly, fly, umm, and fly some more!!!

STILL trying to find a squadron for us to domina…err, compete with and have a good time flying against! If anybody has some kinda grudge with another squadron, please let me know and we’ll try to get to fly them, he he he…

LCM Granite completed the IWATS Flash course with 100%!
LCM Granite passed the IWATS XML course as well with 100%

Activity Reports:

1 Flight

CMDR/CPT Psyko Prefect:
Flew XWA-Free #87
Flew XWA-IW #1
Flew XWA-TC #10
Flew XWA-TC #19

FM/LCM Enneal Voscom
Broken joystick L

2 Flight

FL/LCM Mateusz
Flew TIE-IW #1
Flew TIE-IW #11
On Leave till September 1st

FM/LCM Granite
Completed IWATS XML with 100%
Completed IWATS Flash course with 100%

3 Flight

FM/CM Roger Duncan
Requested transfer to Reserves


The Thrawn wargame between Seth, Ninj, and myself is off and running, and so far no combat’s been done, so it’s still kinda warming up, heh.

Hrrrrrm, I’d like to point out once more that I think our Wing Commander is slightly, okay, really badly off his rocker..

Jon Doyle, CMDR of Psi Squadron stepping down soon, sorry to see him have to do this.

And now, quotes >:P

wuw, the lingerie section 0_0
<`Fonzie> calm down Stele :p
i'm uhh, logging off for a while.. bbl
<`Fonzie> O_o
lol j/k =P

<`Fonzie> lesbians are so cool :p
<`Fonzie> do you agree on this Seth?
bi chicks are more fun to play with =P
<`Fonzie> O_o
<`Fonzie> :P
<`Fonzie> touché

* WilStrikr has quit IRC (Quit: "Don't worry, because I have got a plan". "A plan? Ah man, I hate plans. That means we're gonna have to do stuff. Can't we just have a strategy or a mission statement?")

"they can't see me, I can't see them." "that's because you're facing the rock." :P

* `Psyko is reading the Psi Squadron report
<`Psyko> According to rumours the FO has been heard listening to Hip-Hop, so watch
<`Psyko> out.
<`FObusy> That gaylord.
<`Psyko> heh
* Snij glances up
oh. not me.

<`Knight> that information was useless to me but oh well
well what did you want to hear?
that I love you?
<`Knight> hey i like that

timmay, i'm going to start crying soon ;/
<`TIMMAY> go get drunk. at least if you cry it dont look bad
Stele? Drunk? :P
<`TIMMAY> Ninj? Not a geek? :P

* `Psyko pulls a file outa his pants
* `Psyko goes to work
* Snij likes it a little. ok. a lot.

yeah, and I'm taking all of the boozs
Finally got it!

* Dingaway is now known as `Dingo
* `Dingo is back -( shower, wanna join me? )- gone 13 min 43 s

And, finally, the really long one (BubbaX conquering the galaxy)

* BubbaX pulls out some spam
<`Psyko> spam. evil. bad. disgusting. catfoodish. die.
* BubbaX activates his plan for galactic domination
<`Psyko> with spam?
* BubbaX kills Wil and Kell and steals the Tiger's Claw
* BubbaX kills Krax and assumes command of the TCBGs
* BubbaX activates charges he placed onteh Sov and disables it
* BubbaX scares off the ATF
* BubbaX eats the ASF
* BubbaX accepts Ronin's surrender and moves on to crush the New Republic
* BubbaX fixes the Sov and calls the ATF back
* BubbaX spits up the ASF and sends them to kill some rebels
* BubbaX takes the rest of the EH forces and heads to Coruscant
* BubbaX conquers Coruscant and declares himself Epmeror
* BubbaX then destroys the Rebel fleet
* BubbaX blows up Naboo for fun, killnig all of the Gungans
* BubbaX builds Spam Stars to patrol the galaxy and maintain order
* BubbaX lives a long life as Emperor and then flies off into space and is never seen again, although there are rumors of a warlord conquering other galaxies

Squadron Roster:
COMMANDER: CPT Psyko Prefect ( - #1277
NICKNAME: Kramer's Scorpions
MOTTO: Antiquae Famae Custodis
Nickname: Gladius
1) CPT Psyko Prefect ( - #1277
2) TBA
3) LCM Enneal Voscom ( - #6367
4) TBA
Nickname: Pilum
1) LCM Mateusz ( - #10334
2) LCM Granite ( - #10583
3) TBA
4) TBA
Nickname: Scutum
1) TBA
2) CM Roger Duncan ( - #2495
3) TBA
4) TBA

Total: 5

CMDR/CPT Psyko Prefect/Sigma/Wing II/SSSD Sovereign

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