Typhoon Report # 24 (2003-09-26)

This report was submitted by CPT Elwood the Brave


Welcome to my Typhoon Squadron Report #24 (23rd September – 26th September)!



EH News:

TC News:

Wing X News:
Wing X WC spot is open. Anyone who wants to go for it should check the TC Newspage for the requirements.

Squadron News:
Typhoon is still alive? I thought it wouldn´t take this long till Typhoon would be closed. Maybe it´s gonna stay with only me as member? Anyway. The AWOL requests for Jack, John, Yokel and ZArn are approved, even if those are still listed on the database. guess that´s why typhoon isn´t closed so far. But what is a man without hope? So I start hoping again that Typhoon might not be closed. Even if that´s more like a good wish then a realistic hope.

Beside that the Mission Compendium is still undergoing some sort of renovation. That´s the only reason that prevented me from flying! And I had a lot of spare time for flying this week, only no missions/battles to fly.


none atm



E-Mail activity
CMDR stuff (even if there wasn´t much to do without pilots ;P)
IRC activity

Total of 0 missions

Jack Dawl:
waiting for removal

John Pennl:
waiting for removal

waiting for removal

waiting for removal

Typhoon total missions: 0
IWATS total: 0


Squadron Rooster:

COMMANDER: CPT Elwood the Brave (Markus.Friebis@gmx.de)
NICKNAME: The Storm from Hell
BANNER: typhoon.jpg
MOTTO: We will fly the winds of death!
HOMEPAGE: http://www.typhoonsq.de.vu
MESSAGE BOARD: http://www.ehnet.org/mb/viewforum.php?f=72

Nickname: Deathriders
Motto: Olface faeces meas; non valeo
1) CPT Elwood the Brave (Markus.Friebis@gmx.de)
2) TBA
3) TBA
4) TBA

Nickname: Stormfliers
Motto: We will blow you away
1) TBA
2) TBA
3) TBA
4) TBA

Nickname: Nature's Warriors
Motto: The foolish and brave face us; both fail
1) TBA
2) TBA
3) TBA
4) TBA

What happened in the last report :

Is it the end? Guess it is…

Woody looked on his Desk with a bottle of beer in his hand. It wasn’t his first one, so his look was a bit dull. He checked his last reports and his last requests. “How could all this happen? What went wrong?” he spoke to himself with a sad shade in his voice. “If I only knew why all this good men lost their effort and went AWOL!” He took another swig out of his bottle and stood up to bring the last report and the AWOL requests for his last pilots to RA Sephirot, knowing that with this step Typhoon would be really dead.

He stepped out of his office and onto the corridor. There he watched up and down the Typhoon Quarters. They’ve been his home for a long time now. First as a FM/SL back in the time when COL Callista was Typhoon CMDR. The great old times of Typhoon, when all Rebels looked around in fear only by the sound of the name of Typhoon. Then as FL under Callista, and a couple of other CMDR’s. And the last 6 months as CMDR himself.

When he took command of Typhoon he thought he could stop the falling down of Typhoon. But he was wrong. He tried all he could to prevent Typhoon from dying, but he was unable to get his pilots to the activity levels that ones made Typhoon one of the best SQs in the fleet.

And now he is the CMDR that ends the long and proud history of Typhoon. Knowing that he would never get rid of this shame, he also knew that there was no other possibility then going that long and hard way to Seph’s office and telling Seph about his failure to keep Typhoon alive.

Alone with this thoughts he tottered down the corridors to Seph’s office, not recognizing any of the other crew members he met.

“Step in!” came the voice of the RA out of his office after Woody knocked on the door. Woody opened the door and stepped in and looked into the face that was the last he wanted to see now, cause it meant that he made the final step on Typhoons way to the graveyard.

“Sir, I ha..I ha..I..” he stuttered, not finding the right words. “What’s the problem Woody? Anything wrong?” “Yes, Sir. Everything is wrong. But…ehm…I don’t…ehm…I am unable to find the right words…ehm…to tell you…ehm…” He gave the reports to the RA and continued. “that Typhoon…I have failed. I was unable to lead Typhoon back to the place it once stood. I … I’ve killed the spirit of Typhoon…I was the wrong man to save Typhoon from falling down.”

Nearly crying out the last words Woody turned around and stepped toward the door to leave the RA’s office.

And now what happened afterwards:


respectfully submited


CMDR/CPT Elwood the Brave/Typhoon/Wing X/ISD Challenge

BTM/Novice Elwood the Brave//Black Omega/Ronin/Alvaak


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