Tau Report # 13 (2003-08-17)

This report was submitted by MAJ Adren Silvori

Report number : 13
Major Adren Silvori reporting


Welcome to report number 13 pilots... Its three months since i took the post of Tau commander. We have not achieved as much as I would have liked too. but its all about getting the formula right. While I don't mean to start this statement in a bad light. I am simply saying our history demands more of us.
Over the last three months I have been talking to many pilots and commanders and getting a better image of us. and one I hope I can move off from. OF course the ATF and Tau had some choice words.. but nothing that will effect us long term.

I believe thanks to some good efforts by Myself , delak and Tack.. We have found 3 more MP pilots for the squadron. Two have been invited already and the other one I am talking with tomorrow.

With this good news said, I may have more

but anyhow i have strayed from the point.. For the people who have been here three months and more. I would like to thank you all for your efforts in turning the fortunes of the squadron round. In total Only Gistunjunge is left from the original squadron. As all the others left or quit.. due to there own reasons.

So great work people. We have a great foundation now... Time to build upwards and continue the legend.

Long Live Tau !


I have been speaking with the commander of Prae all week, and we are fleshing out a 4 week competition for septemember. The competition will start on the 8th of September and end in the last week of the month. It shall involve three free missions , then 1 week of MP challenges.

We have never lost to Prae and we shall not loose this time. So free your calendars between these dates.

The sad news this week is

I have lost most of my pilots for 2 weeks... I had to cancel a competition I had. because of this... but hey I am a nice guy I don't mind.
Packing your bags and heading back to your universities and homes.. alot of you have taken leave..
SO I look forward to your return , The lambada class shuttle is waiting for you on the launch pad and I expect to see you all back in the first week of September if not sooner.

Enjoy yourselves.





Keep you eyes open for new pilots people, IF they're good enough, talk to them and talk to me :)



We are heading for IW Space, So I think we shall have a small exercise on the way.. All pilots to deliver two locs or 1 battle this week.

Look for recruits

Buy drinks in the bar. I believe its my round. ( Bumma )


Operations Officer Open For Applications
18:57 - SA Astatine [jpboyce@indigo.net.au]
The Operations Officer is responsible for the timely awarding of medals within the TIE Corps, providing consultive feedback on high level medals and maintaining the Operations Manual and related materials.

Selection Criteria - Essential
1. Good written communication skills.
2. An acceptable level of presence on online media such as IRC, message boards, etc.
3. Fast email response time.
4. The ability to work with a wide range of EH personnel in a diplomatic fashion.

Selection Criteria - Desirable
1. Graphics and/or HTML ability.
2. Prior experience in a similar position.

You must address each criteria with supporting evidence. Simply saying "Yes, I can do that" will not be enough. Include specific examples of your experience. You should meet at least the essential criteria to be considered for the position. You will be expected to perform the core duties of the position to an acceptable level. You must include at least three (3) references. At least one of these must be a former or current superior, preferably current. Ensure you have their permission first, as your application will be seen in a negative light if you have not gained their permission. Applications should be sent to the Fleet Commander and Executive Officer with the subject "Application for Operations Officer".

EHCOC Banner Comp
09:59 - VA Kyle Katarn [Kyle.Katarn@isdcolossus.com]

Today started a new EHCOC Comp. For details pls check out this site.

1st place: IS-GR
2nd place: IS-SR
3rd place: IS-BR

( Captain malik, Win this competitom , thats an order :P )



Major Adren Silvori

Liberty wars ( 1 loc )
XVT Battle TC ( 8 )
XVT Shadow Rising ( 1 loc )

Captain Gistenjunge

XVT Shadow Rising ( 1 loc )

Captain Malik

FXvT69 & FXWA92

MAJ Brad Tack

Reported in
Recruiting pilots

Captain Saris

XVT Battle 4 ( earned the squadron a citation )
On leave ( two weeks )

Commander Bryan

Seen on IRC

Major Delak Krennel

Reported in
recruited pilots

LC Daniel Goad

On leave ( two weeks )

LT Stormrider

On leave ( two weeks )



Combat Calendar : http://www.emperorshammer.net/combat/calendar.asp
Battle listing's : http://www.emperorshammer.net/battles/battletypes.asp
IWATS Courses : http://www.imperialacademy.org/to/courses.html
Battle Stats : http://www.battlestats.com/


Elite Squadron - Open by invitation only
COMMANDER: MAJ Adren Silvori (ehdmaul@yahoo.co.uk)
NICKNAME: Dark Avengers
MOTTO: L'Outil de Douleur (The Tool Of Pain)
HOMEPAGE: http://www.knology.net/~reinthaler/

Nickname: Demon Knights
Motto: Darkness kills our enemies
1) MAJ Adren Silvori (ehdmaul@yahoo.co.uk)
2) CPT Gistenjunge (gistenjunge@gmx.net)
3) TBA
4) TBA

Nickname: Death Bringers
Motto: We strike into the heart of the enemy
1) CPT Abel Malik (ezwill@famvid.com)
2) MAJ Brad Tack (bradtack@ehnet.org)
3) CPT Angel Love Saris (angelsaris@hotmail.com)
4) CM Bryan (SHSBryan@yahoo.com)

Nickname: Black Death
Motto: We bring our enemies the Eternal Darkness
1) MAJ Delak Krennel (delkre@delakkrennel.com)
2) LC Daniel Goad (dazexeter@yahoo.com)
3) LT Mason Stormrider (imp_rogue009@yahoo.com)
4) TBA



SBM Darkmage
CMDR/MAJ Adren Silvori/Tau/MC Tripidium

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