Mem Report # 200 (2003-08-23)

This report was submitted by LC Yoman

Greetings, everyone! The past week's biggest news is probably the closure of the SSSD Sovereign Squadron League. After many months of bitter fighting, the competition is finally over. Although the participation level of Mem dropped sharply after our first round playoff exit, I'd like to once again thank you all for participating. And special thanks to the few who kept submitting pilot files to the very end. Your dedication and loaylty is commendable!

That said, let's get on with the report :

Squadron News :

- LC Jesseb Skyrauch's new email address is

Other Stuff :

- A new feature has been added to this report, one that you'll be seeing every week from now on: Mem High Scorers! I thought it would be appropriate to honour our best performers with a section of their own. At the moment, LCM Dvader is the Champ with a total of 6 High Scores (1 BHS+5 MHS's).

Current Events :

- As stated above, the Squadron League has finally reached it's end. Our participants to the finals were CM Ryan Chi'Cath and LCM Dvader. Good work, both of you! Stay tuned for the final results.

- The Mem Squadron Banner Design Contest is on, but I've yet to receive any submissions for it! The deadline is tomorrow, and I'll be very disappointed indeed if we end up with zero submissions. Create a new stunning banner for our squadron and win an Iron Star - Bronze Ribbon (IS-BR)! Check the competition info at

- Don't forget the Wing Commander's Challenge, details below :

Competition Name/Title Wing Commander's Challenge
Submitted by: WC/COL Gen Es'mith/Wing V/SSSD Sovereign
Start Date (mm/dd/yy) 7/15/2003
End Date (mm/dd/yy) 10/15/2003
Parties Involved Wing V and it's assigned squadrons and pilots.
Missions/Battles Used Pilot's choice of free missions from the TIE95, XvT or XWA platforms.
Medals to be Awarded Bronze Wings
Miscellaneous Information This is to be a competition where the pilots challenge the Wing Commander to a scoring duel on a free mission of his/her choice. If the pilot defeats the Wing Commander, the pilot is awarded the bronze wings.

So far, three MEMbers (myself, CM's Ryan and Nick Chi'Cath) have challenged our beloved WC, and three times we've won the draw! Excellent work, everyone!

A quote from COL Es'mith: "CPT Terrak promises a mission soon, why are the rest of you hiding? The odds are in your favor." - That's right, all of you who haven't challenged our WC yet, do it now! There's nothing to lose.

- The Summer Patrol is on its ninth week now, and (as usual) Ryan has already completed the assigned missions. The Summer Patrol site can be found at

Miscellaneous :

Wing V homepage at
Wing V message board at

FCHG Rankings :

CM Ryan Chi'Cath : Executor [EXCR] - 858 points (+19 pts)
LC Yoman : Centurion [CNTR] - 456 points
CM Nick Chi'Cath : Paladin [PLDN] - 381 points
LCM Dvader : Paladin [PLDN] - 302 points (+1 pt)
LC Jesseb Skyrauch : Dragoon [DRAG] - 135 points
LCM Francis Matheson: Fusilier [FUSL] - 82 points
LT Moldy : Hussar [HUSS] - 54 points

Mem High Scorers : *A NEW FEATURE*

LCM Dvader : Battle High Scores [1] Mission High Scores [5]
LC Yoman : Mission High Scores [4]

Squadron Roster :

NICKNAME: The Emperor's Vengeance
BANNER: mem.gif
MOTTO: Nostros Vindictatis! - Vengeance is ours!

Nickname: The Lucky Four
Motto: Don't let the combat cramp your style!
1) LC Yoman (
2) LCM Dvader (
3) TBA
4) TBA
Nickname: The Rebelkillers
Motto: Loyalty never dies
1) CM Ryan Chi'Cath (
2) LCM Francis Matheson (
3) TBA
4) LC Jesseb Skyrauch (
Nickname: The Hot Shots
Motto: No one hits better than we do!
1) CM Nick Chi'Cath (
2) LT Moldy (
3) TBA
4) TBA

Total: 7 pilots
Squadron Citations (8)

Here endeth the report. Until next week!

CMDR/LC Yoman/Mem/Wing V/SSSD Sovereign
GS/BSx2/PCx6/ISMx7/MoI/MoT-1rh/IS-8BW-1BR-11SW/CoLx2/CoB/OV-4E [CNTR] {IWATS-SM/1/2/3-TT}

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