Scorpion Report # 16 (2003-10-03)

This report was submitted by MAJ Alec Qarni

<Gustan> Frothy and Hero are RL brothers, Lenvik
<Lenvik> would explain the......similar...oddness of you both :P
<Frothy> and why I'm cooler
<BubbaAFKX> And shorter



Yay. Uhmmmmm it’s a new month so woo. Maybe if you do something this month I’ll forgive you for all the other months… not counting Drax of course. I have a week-long break next week, so I’ll be able to actually do stuff. (!)

New CMDR-types, I think. Cor and Lenvik. Semi-new, anyway.

Uhmmmmmmm just in case anyone decides to fly a battle, they have to be flown using EHBL starting November. Get in practice now. Or not. See if I care.

Alec Qarni's Game of the Week: Snake (Nokia or something)
CD of the Week: Near Miss- The Gentle Art Of Making Enemies


No XO= No report.



1-1: MAJ Alec Qarni: Did stuff…. Really I did. MSE and such. IRC, MBs
1-2: COL Drax Remlinger: nuttin… I’m worried.
1-3: LC Strahd: MSN, or so I hear. Where be ye, Strahdie?
1-4: N/A

2-1: Nice and vacant.
2-2: LCM Victor Kage: On his last legs…
2-3: LT Steel: No contact… LIVE! or DIE!
2-4: Vacant… Recruit, people!

3-1: Ne personne.
3-2: SL Cobalt Specter: No Contact… he and Steel have been emailed with the ultimate… ultimatum!
3-3: N/A
3-4: See 3-3



1: Deal with Real. (Yay corniness!) Real life is where it's at, and nothing in the TC can supersede it, so remember that this is all fun… not an obligation.

2: Fly! Please find some time, whatever you’re doing, to just fly a battle here and there, or hang around in #ehcoc and try to get a game or something.

3: Do other stuff! Anything and everything to better Scorpion or the EH as a whole is happy.



Design a new Vanguard website, we need a new site as the current one will be gone soon, so all you web designers out there get making a new one, the best will receive a IS-SR and be used as the new home website for the VAN.

Deadline Sunday, 06/10/03

Beat The WC at MP
Simple MP, Fly COL Nightmare as much as you can. the one who beats him the most will win the IS-SW the one who loses vs Nightmare the most will get the IS-BW. Medals awarded the end of each month.

Anti-High Scores Comp #1
Using: XWA TC #25
Unlike high scores comps, the goal of this comp is the try to reach a predetermined score instead of the top score, this should make it a little harder to get the object score... The scores for this battle are as follows:
M1: 2,000
M2: 2,000
M3: 2,000
M4: 2,000
Battle Total: 8,000
Closest pilot to these scores will win...

Anti-High Scores Comp #2
Using: TIE TC #24
Unlike high scores comps, the goal of this comp is the try to reach a predetermined score instead of the top score, this should make it a little harder to get the object score... The scores for this battle are as follows:
M1: 10,000
M2: 10,000
M3: 10,000
M4: 10,000




Gladiator [GLDR] (1000 points)
· [1391] COL Drax Remlinger (+0)
· [1219] LC Strahd (+0)
· [1199] MAJ Alec Qarni (+0)
Knight [KNGT] (250 points)
· [252] LCM Victor Kage (+0)

Top Ace 1st (400 points)
· [419] LC Strahd (+0)
Top Ace 4th (250 points)
· [278] MAJ Alec Qarni (+0)
Officer 3rd (40 points)
· [40] COL Drax Remlinger (+0)
Trainee (1 point)
· [3] LCM Victor Kage (+0)

Well boo. Let’s get moving, people, before the squad has to be shut down…

^Scorpion-style salute

MAJ Alec Qarni
The Scorpion King
AIM PROF (Take it, foo'!)
PIN 7191

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