Mem Report # 20 (2000-02-05)

This report was submitted by LC Benjamin Jahou Morgan

Greetings, everyone!

Welcome to the 20th Mem report during my reign as the squadron commander. That means that I've been in the helm of Mem for about 5 months now. Hope that there will be another 5 months waiting...Anyway, no time to get sentimental, on with the report :

Squadron News :

- Just after I had sent the last week's report on its way, Mem received yet another new pilot. He's been already promoted to LT, so the new face is LT Joshua Es'mith, part of the infamous Es'mith family [:-P]

- SL BlackHero was also promoted to LT during the week. Congratulations!

- LT Spooky was awarded an Imperial Security Medal for his long and loyal service to this squadron. Congrats to you also!

- And finally...LT Xander Tirr was given the job of Ship Doctor of Wing V.

Other Stuff :

- If you are experiencing any kind of trouble with the Mem website, report to me immediately. I got a mail from the Internet Office this week, saying that the site's navigation bar went AWOL, but after checking it out the site all worked smoothly. Weird.

Ongoing Events :

- Squadron League CR #3 has been announced; it's FREE-TIE The Nightshift, submissions due to 14th February. We got yet another 100 % participation in the previous round, that's two rounds in a row! Keep this up and make me (and the whole wing as well) proud! On a more sad note, the results for the first round haven't still been published. Three weeks and they get nothing done...

- Training Office Comp. #5 is proceeding in the background, with 3/5 missions available. The next mission will be my design, by the way. Check the TO site for details : - The new TIE Corps Magazine, Battlecry, has also a contest available. It's just one mission, so if you have some extra time, participate! There are good awards for the winner(s). Check the TIE Corps website for the magazine's URL.

FCHG Rankings :

LT BlackHero has flown battles like a maniac and is now only a point behind LCM B.J. Morgan. Great first week for our new guy!

CPT Yoman : Paladin [PLDN] - 305 points (+9 points)
LCM B.J. Morgan : Lancer [LANC] - 35 points
LT BlackHero : Lancer [LANC] - 34 points (+34 points)
LT Spooky : Grenadier [GREN] - 17 points
LT Xander Tirr : Grenadier [GREN] - 11 points (+6 points)

LT Jackson : No rank - 2 points
LT Joshua Es'mith : No rank - 1 point (+1 point)

Mem Roster :

NICKNAME: The Emperor's Vengeance
BANNER: mem.gif
MOTTO: Nostros Vindictatis! - Vengeance is ours!

1) CPT Yoman (
2) LT Jackson (
3) LT Spooky (
4) LT Joshua Es'mith (

1) TBA
2) TBA
3) TBA
4) TBA

1) LCM Benjamin Jahou Morgan (
2) LT BlackHero (
3) LT Xander Tirr (
4) TBA

Total: 7

I believe that's about it.

"Remember to fry as many Rebels and recruit as many Cadets as you can (not vice versa)."

CPT Yoman

CMDR/CPT Yoman/Mem/Wing V/SSSD Sov
PCx2/ISMx5/MoI/MoT-rh [PLDN] {IWATS-TT-SM/1}

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