Ranger Report # 5 (2002-11-29)

This report was submitted by CPT Loor

Weekly Squadron Report


[ Weekly Squadron Report #5 ]
[ November 29th, 2002 ]
[ Introduction ]
I started a little competition this Monday and I hope I will see submissions from all my pilots. I will try to give you more smaller competitions in different categories.
[ News ]
  • I was selected Oblivion Leader again.
  • The Ranger site is coming along. Still working on the admin section. If someone is willing to do some work, contact me.
[Orders ]
  • Fly XWA-FCHG 1 and XWA-TC 30.
  • Participate in Ranger Graphics competition.
[SP Flying ]
[ Courses ]
CM Alex Foley: IWATS BOT course (100% - Great job!)
[ Other activity ]
[ Medals & Promotions ]
[ Competitions ]
  • Excerise Cantina Run: Waiting for final phase.
  • Ranger Graphics: Create a logo for Ranger Squadron. Deadline December 1st.

Captain Loor, Commander of Ranger
CMDR-ROA/CPT Loor/Ranger/Wing XI/ISD Immortal
[ Archon ] || "200 Club"

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