Sigma Report # 0 (2002-09-23)

This report was submitted by CPT Koriel

After 257 days Sigma Squadron returned to Wing II like
Phenix from the ashes.That time some of us spend in
Psi and Theta squads or in the TC Reserves.I'm glad
to see all of you again in Sigma.Our squad will rule
once again.Next part tonight in our Cantina,now first
squad weekly report.

-Finnaly Squadron was reopened.

-LCM Cahir becomes Flight II Leader

-CM Regis Knox becomes Flight III Leader

-Couple of medals has beeen awarded to MAJ Artyis and
LCM Cahir for W2 vs W3 comp,details in Wing News section.

-First orders:Fly SBRB-4 mission(attached),I expect 100%
participation in this comp.

-I need volounteer to MORale oficer position :).Anyone who
wonts shout at other people fully legal shall contact me.

[from WII site]
Well, we put up a tremendous fight against Wing III but it wasnt enough.
Good news is that they didn't slaughter us Final score was 107 to 104. VERY

As for medals, 4 are awarded to the pilots of Wing II. For XWA, COL Stele
Pellaeon is awarded the IS-SW while MAJ Artyis takes the IS-BW. For TIE, LCM
Cahir takes IS-SW while MAJ Artyis takes another IS-BW for his uniform.

We had no one participate in graphics and actually one submission would have
won us the competition but, we did alright =P

As for full results:
LCM Cahir with 72479 (1)
MAJ Artyis with 65137 (2)
LT Zyrax with: 58917 (4)
COL Stele Pellaeon with 58403
COL Inkwolf: 52732
LT Josepy Killrath: 38045
CPT Koriel: 51821
CM Zekkie: 17903

CM Ace Hobbes with 62,285 (3)
LCM Kane Reese with 45,296
CM Yun with 27,418

COL Stele Pellaeon with 7742 (2)
MAJ Artyis with 4146 (4)
LCM Timmay with 3259
CPT Koriel: 3206
LT Josepy Killrath: 1882
LCM Viper: 1757
CM Zekkie: 1366

LCM Kane Reese with 8,295 (1)
CM Ace Hobbes with 5,975 (3)
LT Keller with 3,071
MAJ Josh Popelka: 2,353
LT Pokemaster: 1,540
MAJ Aeishline Strathaven: 960

TIE Corps site and database should be avilable within 4-5 days.
Details in SA Astatine report.


1-1 CPT Koriel
-activity traking started
-usual CMDR's stuff

1-2 LCM Gambit
-activity traking started

1-3 LCM Ti'Anna
-activity traking started

1-4 CM Usagi
-activity traking started

2-1 LCM Cahir
-activity traking started
-awarded IS-SW for TIE part of W2 vs W3 comp

2-2 LT JhonyBee
-activity traking started

2-3 LT Enneal Voscom
-activity traking started

3-1 CM Regis Knox
-activity traking started

3-2 LC Todbringer
-activity traking started

3-3 MAJ Artyis
-activity traking started
-awarded IS-BW for TIE part of W2 vs W3 comp
-awarded IS-BW for XWA part of W2 vs W3 comp

3-4 CM Roger Duncan
-activity traking started

---temporarly unavailable---


CMDR/CPT Koriel/Sigma 1-1/Wing II/SSSD Sovereign
Sigma.Vis et honor.
Wing II:Second to None

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