Omega Report # 66 (2005-05-25)

This report was submitted by GN Brian

Pilots of Omega Squadron,

Looks like this week's formal report will be skipped... and I'm not even sure I'll have time to fly this week. :(

I'll be away on a business trip effective tonight, then seeing family for Memorial Day weekend. So through Monday night, Ixion gets the keys to my office. Yes, my *sarcasm* wonderful *sarcasm* job told me at 5:00pm tonight that I'm visiting a customer tomorrow morning, and that I should book the tickets.

Remember to fly for the IMPSTORM battle, files due tomorrow! Please send them to me and CC them to Ixion. May 2005 Sov SP Week 4 is due this Sunday (May 29th) as well.


CMDR/GN Brian/Omega/SSSD Sov

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