Inferno Report # 6 (2005-04-17)

This report was submitted by CPT Dirty Vader

-=Inferno Squadron Weekly Report=-®

April 17th 2005


First off something new I thought I'd write for this issue of the Inferno Weekly Squad Report.

-Dirty Philosophy-

First off, I was thinking one night before ultimately falling asleep and came to the following conclusion: " I want to be a dog". You might find yourselves snickering at that last line or just rolling your eyes. And where you should not! I urge you to listen on or rather read on, since this is writting not sound. Nevermind.
I'm thinking, and in a few moments, I will fall asleep for 6 hours like I do more than 300 days a year. My body asks for 10 hours but this silly society in which I live in, obliges me to wake up otherwise I'll end up not going to work/school/other. I have to go to work, school, other every day otherwise I'll end up on the streets in no time. I have to make food everyday otherwise I'll starve and actually work for the food otherwise I'll starve. Now you may see where all this is going.
A dog. When called a dog, a human being automaticaly feels insulted. And where they should not! For a dog doesen't have to wake to go to work, or work to feed himself and maintain a healthy marriage. He can sleep the amount of time his body asks. He doesen't have to worry about ending up on the streets unless of course he has been abandonned or lives with a homeless person. While we consider dogs inferior to us because we've adopted them and hold a leash around their neck, they ironicaly hold a leash around our necks. Who takes them outside to play ball or catch the stick? Who wakes up to make and serve them food? Who pays for their medical treatments? We are the slaves to these animals and they're laughing at us, and why shouldn't they? We do everything for them. They eat everyday without lifting a finger, play around in parks, dig holes, smell other dogs's you know what, swim in ponds, enjoy intercourse when master isn't watching... Hell they have a great life! They get stroked nearly 24 hours a day, which is our equivalent of a massage. Imagine being massaged 24 hours a day, without even paying a penny! They get to do everything we all dream off with no effort at all, while we go out their working our asses off without being sure how we'll end up in the future.

-Now moving to more appropriate matters. Activity this week was quite low for Inferno standards, even I have been slacking of this week. But no more! I have set up two new comps this week, and I urge all of you to take a look and participate in what you can.

-Oh and btw, while I'm writting this report, I'm enjoying a nice lemon and vanilla cake with cocunut bits

-==QUOTE OF THE WEEK==- [LT_Rad] Debric|gf <--- gf?
[LC_Archangel] Girlfriend probably
[D1rtyV4d3r] that means Rad...
[D1rtyV4d3r] he's uh... getting dirty... if ya kno what I mean? hmmm? hehehehe
[LT_Rad] ¬
[LT_Rad] :P
[LT-Bjorn] or its what all nerds want and never get unless thay pay and even then its a big if
[D1rtyV4d3r] to be less descreet...
*** D1rtyV4d3r is now known as DV|Sex
*** DV|Sex is now known as D1rtyV4d3R
[LT_Rad] lol
[`sTOart] wow... that was quick
[D1rtyV4d3R] heeeheeeeee
[`sTOart] no wonder you cant keep a gf

TC News/BG News/Wing News

-Imp storm need new creators to make skirmish files for MP and such. Bah!

-There's a topic about a revamp on the MBs. There's also something else about websites too. Its all under the emperor's hammer forum.

-COO website fixed, together with the 24/7 submission form. If you fly the occaisional MP match, is the new place to go to report.

-There's a new poll in your admin survey center about your thoughts on how EP III is going to be. So what do you think?

-ISD Grey Wolf COM, Ass Admiral Pickled Yoda has been promoted to Vice Admiral.

-People wanting to help out running the EH booth during Celebration 3 need to e-mail AD Joe the RO, fairly quick. The celeb 3 site is:

-New TAC staff needed. Check for details on how to become a Tactical Surveyor (beta tester) or Tactician (correcter).

-Newsletter 106 has been released. The pic on the welcome page is pretty awesome, check it out:

-Flight Office has been moved to

-VA Bubba no longer VA Bubba. Oh noooo, it is now AD Bubba! :P Wooooozaaaaa

-LC Coranel Both was awarded a Silver Star. Woooooozooooooo


-COL Bill Kelso has been awarded an IS-SR for his joint win in the "Locke vs MAJ Locke" comp!

-CPT Dirty Vader has been awarded a BS for his time in Avenger Elite Squadron and 2 LoAs.



I'm in need of a new name for my ship. I've been constantly changing names myself, but I have never found one that I really like. You the Inferno pilot, will find me a name, and if I like it enough I will use it. The best submission I egt will get the IS-BR. Any name that better reflects my personality will be great, perverse will be excellent ;P

INFERNO'S OBJECTIVE COMP First pilot to complete one of the following objectives wins the IS-BWs each week.

-Objective no 1: Fly 4 battles
-Objective no 2: Fly 8 Frees
-Objective no 3: Fly 3 battles and 2 Frees

There are four rounds, one round for each week. The first round has started and finishes on Saturday the 23rd 23:59 pm (GMT 4:59 AM)


You have until Saturday 23rd 23:59 pm (GMT 4:59 AM) to get your pilot files in. Winner wins the IS-BWs

Fly TIE TC 151

Good luck :P


CPT Dirty Vader (Inferno 1-1)

-Flew TIE TC 186
-E-Mail Contact
-IRC Contact
-MSN Contact
-AIM Contact

COL Bill Kelso (Typhoon 1-2)

-IRC Contact

LCM Ryan (Typhoon 1-3)

-No contact

CM Great Griffin(Inferno 2-1)

-Flew TIE Free 244
-MSN Contact

CPT Alexander Anderson (Inferno 2-2)

-AIM Contact

CPT Dujhod (Inferno 3-1)

-Flew TIE TC 67
-Won Inferno Weekly Flying comp round one
-E-Mail Contact

LT Narraku (Inferno 3-2)

-MSN Contact

Pilot of the Week

CPT Dujhod! Good work.

Dirty's Final Thoughts

I'd like each of you to participate in the comps. Nice work to Duj on earning himself an IS-BWs.

Oh and by the way, that cake was exquisite.

That's it.

Typhoon Squadron publicity

Inferno Mailing list:
Inferno Forum:
Pilot e-mails: Dirty Vader:; Bill Kelso:; LCM Ryan:; Great Griffin:; Alexander Anderson:; Dujhod:; LT Narraku:

Interested in joining Inferno? E-Mail Dirty Vader, and we'll talk.
I also use mIRC (Undernet server), and can be found on #TIECorps and #Wing_X under the nick DirtyVader. Alternatively, you can reach me on MSN:


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