Omega Report # 28 (2004-07-20)

This report was submitted by GN Brian

Omega Squadron members, honored guests,

Squadron News:
- Sovereign Squadron League 2004 Semifinals are here.

Sin and Hunter squadrons should be strong opponents. We will need 100% participation to ensure we have a chance of success.

- Two potential new recruits have been contacted. Ixion's initial results will follow separately. Please discuss whether or not we should extend invitations or not as soon as you find out from him what the details are...

Squadron Orders:

TIE-DB 15, XWA-DB 14 are the missions. The sooner we start flying, the sooner we can help everyone out. Tips are definitely welcome this time around. Deadline is 6 August.

- XvT Week or War on, this is ongoing... isn't it?

EH-wide News:
- Summer Patrol about to begin!
A weekly series of missions and battles to fly. Those who complete the required missions every week win cool stuff. 8 weeks long, it's more difficult than you think. This week's battles are due July 25 (Sunday).

- New Tactical Office website:

- Fleet Medical Office banner awards will be IS-GR, IS-SR, and IS-BR, not a SS...

- Wing XV WC sought.

Activity Reports:
CMDR/GN Brian - no activity.

FM/GN Compton - no activity.

FL/COL Ixion Deathbringer - (very busy) looking for new recruits.

FM/LC Yoman - no activity.

FL/MAJ Artyis - On leave through 31 July. Running Sov Squadron League...

FM/COL Todbringer - On leave through 31 July. Running Sov Squadron League...

FWIW, Shuttle XPC's and other small form factor ( ) systems are a pain in the butt to troubleshoot. We're building a couple thousand at work right now, and I am less than amused with the difficulty of repairing failed units...

CMDR/GN Brian/Omega-1-1/SSSD Sovereign
SM/1/2/3-WPN] T/D-"Rain" TC PIN: 413

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