Crossbow Report # 14 (2004-07-08)

This report was submitted by CPT Jarek La'an

CPT La'an Reporting for Crossbow Squadron, ISD Relentless, 08/7/04

TIE Corps News

Countdown to Oblivion and Sith Murder
01:15 - AD Khameir Sarin []
This Saturday the ASF is hosting Countdown to Oblivion. This is a Fleet wide multi-player event that will include both XWA and XVT platforms. The competition will take place at two times: 09:00-13:00 Eastern and 20:00 to 23:59 Eastern. Each time slot will award LoCs, DFCs, and Iron Stars for each platform. The competition will take place in #ehcoc

Also this Saturday following the #EHDB meeting is a Sith Order competition hosted by the SHW/COO Sarin. This competition is listed on Tie Corps website because it will also be taking place in #EHCOC. I will award LoCs to TC Pilots who defeat Sith Pilots and CoFs to Sith Pilots who defeat TC pilots. In the future I plan on having several more "Cross" Subgroup competitions. If you are interested in putting the Honor of your little squad or wing against someone from the DB Sith Side, I will attempt to make a competition happen :p

Oops! [Notes on XvT/BoP Mission Flying.]
15:46 - FA Ender mBind []
It seems that in my enthousiasm I overlooked something when I posted that it is alright to play XvT and BoP missions in Co-Op. g

If you are flying Co-Op or are interested in doing so, please read my post at. (on the Technical Support Forum).

New Wing Commander for Wing XIV sought
08:16 - FA Cyric []
With Vice Admiral Frodo’s retirement from the Intrepid Commodore spot, Rear Admiral Gidda has been promoted to the spot. Thanks to Frodo for his service, and congratulations to Gidda. Rear Admiral Gidda requests that the following requirements be addressed for Wing XIV WC applications:

  • At least one CMDR Tour of Duty successfully completed.
  • Good knowledge of XvT/XWA multiplayer and the ability to play those games online.
  • E-Mail turn around rate of at least 24 hours.
  • Being dedicated, loyal and able to quickly fulfill all tasks the position requires.
  • Good communication skills.

All applications should be sent to AD Khadgar ( and RA Gidda (

Notes on XvT/BoP Mission Flying.
08:02 - FA Ender mBind []
Many of our XvT and BoP missions give you the option to pick the Flight Group you fly with, meaning that you don't always need to take the first FG selected by default.
If you see other craft types and or flights/squadrons at the bottom of the briefing you can drag and drop your pilot name to them.
This generally offers you more choice in craft, warheads and tactics. (1 FG might be fighters, the other bombers for example.)

Additionally many of these missions are enabled for Co-Op flying (as usually noted in their readme.txt). To do this when using EHBL, move the MISSION.LST out of your /Misc folder into /Train. Then all players launch via EHBL, one hosts a MP game and the others join. Select the mission in "Training" and there you go. (Make sure all players have the same game version.)
Co-Op flying is a lot of fun, does not create more lag then a melee and afterwards each of the players can just have their pilotfiles BSFed. (I've flown a few battles like this myself.) Obviously this makes a mission easier (no stupid AI wingmen), however it can mean that your scores are lower because the amount of targets is devided over the players. (Some battles compensate for this by giving more targets if there are more then 1 or 4 players.)

Squadron News

Squadron Website is still in progress, thanks to Nuno. Also, we have assignments to fulfill for the WC's comp, and the weekly flying. Nuno's activity is picking up, id like to see all ofyou do thesame. Also, thoseof you without ELS handles, get one... and tell Thorin so you can access the wonderful new Rel site at.

Wing News

Not much as far as i know. Bubba's LoA continues, while MAJ Mosh continues to wrestle with the mangy crew that is Hammer. Other than that, life is carrying on as normal.

Wing Competitions

Two competitions of note. Firstly, the WC's challenge. The battle this week is in fact a single free mission, even easier for you guys. It starts tomorrow, so plenty of time to fly, im still waiting on first round results. See below for assignments;

Splot - XWA Free 6

Zept - XWA Free 8

Nuno - XWA Free 10

Fav - XWA Free 9

Filla - XWA Free 13

I expect you all to have submitted at least by next week - participation means points, winning means more.

Secondly, the weekly battle this week will mostly be... XWA TC-16

Also, give the TCBG a new Motto. Give the TCBG a new Nickname. While also writing a short fiction which details how you made your choices of name. This will take no effort and has the potential for medals, follow the below link for more…

Squadron Activity

CPT Jarek La'an, Crossbow 1-1 – WSR Completed, Flown XWA TC 1 & 8

LCM Splot, Crossbow 1-2 – No Contact

CM Zept Leeartic, Crossbow 2-1 - IRC Contact, MSN Contact

LT Favdaukar, Crossbow 2-2 – MSN Contact

MAJ Nuno, Crossbow 3-1 - MSN contact, Flew XWA TC 20 & Free 100, High score on TC 36 - CONGRATS!, beginning LoA

CPT Mikkel Filla, Crossbow 3-2 – No Contact

Squadron Roster

COMMANDER: CPT Jarek La'an (
NICKNAME: Vision of the New Order
BANNER: crossbow.jpg
MOTTO: We are the eyes of the New Order, and there is nothing we do not see

Nickname: Scythes
Motto: Knowledge Is Power

  1. CPT Jarek La'an (
  2. LCM Splot (
  3. TBA
  4. TBA

Nickname: Blades
Motto: Strength In Vision

  1. CM Zept Leeartic (
  2. LT Favdaukar (
  3. TBA
  4. TBA

Nickname: Swords
Motto: Look Forward, But Always Look Behind

  1. MAJ Nuno (
  2. CPT Mikkel Filla (
  3. TBA
  4. TBA


As always, Nuno is handling these. His battle report should be out early next week, so I want you all to see what you can fly, and mail Nuno if you want to do more and be assigned some more missions. I want to see more citations – there’s only 6 of us – so it should be easier to get then –get flying!

In-Roster Changes

None this week


CPT La'an, Crossbow 1-1, ISD Relentless

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