Alpha Report # 0 (2004-07-04)

This report was submitted by CM Arlins Scabo

Alpha Weekly report 4th june 04

To the esteemed Wing CMDR

LT Doss Riggle joined the ranks of Alpha "Hooray "
Maj Talons could be returning soon after a very rough year.
A Sovereign Wide Compitition to rename the squad is in the works
all Alpha pilots will vote on the name/ motto they think best reflects
Alpha, or we will when the idiots who proccess the Comps actually read
the information provided ive submitted it twice and its been denied twice
and when i e-mail them to point out its Sov wide they say Sorry resubmit it
then deny it for the same reason theyve previously apologised for "DOHHH"

CM Arlins - e-mail- passed IWATS (weaponry 90 % ) did reports
activly recruiting and helping a cadet
LT Doss - did INPR- uploaded uniform-flew TC33 and TC 155 e-mail contact
LT Scott uploaded uniform- flew TC101 and 113 e-mail contact
CM Kahooli - email
Maj Talons - E-mail

Orders - Fly what you can and recruit your granny if you have to,
prepare for Imperial storm its coming to a Galaxy near
you soon.
And do IWATS weaponry course its really interesting and
not that hard.

 CM Arlins / Alpha/ condemmed by the space pope

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