Crusader Report # 43 (2004-03-26)

This report was submitted by LC Vladet Xavier

Crusader Weekly Squadron Sarcasm

Weekly Squadron Sarcasm

This is LC Vladet Xavier reporting in for Crusader Squadron on March 26th, 2004

From the Commander's Office

We're still relaxing from SC:VI.

Easter Egg Hunt is kapoot. Yes, it's all done for at least three months. There's only so many places I can keep hiding eggs, and so there's no point anymore.

Congratulations to Marcus for being awarded the Silver Star of the Empire; he was awarded it for Tactical Office work. I was awarded the Bronze Star for my SC:VI performance.

Check out the Squadron Website for updated news, and stupid little things here and there that are somewhat funny and hilarious. Do it. Now. Yeah, just click the link. Shut up and do it.

Wolfpack News

The Grey Wolf is the official winner of Supremacy Comp VI, and is now the new Flagship of the Aggressor Strike Force. Standings wise, the squadron got 4th overall! This is just plain awesome. Excellent work to everyone on the ship and in the squadron.

Valkyrie needs a new Commanding Officer. Apply!

Our ship website, ISD Grey, contains updated point totals for both individual and squadrons.

Fleet News



Silver Star to CM Marcus Caine for TAC work
Bronze Star to LC Vladet Xavier for SC:VI activity

Activity Report

CMDR-TCS-PROF/LC Vladet Xavier
-All activity is classified.

-All activity is classified.

FM/CPT Panaka
-All activity is classified.

FM/CM Repulsor
-All activity is classified.

FL/LCM Vance Blackguard
-All activity is classified.

FM/LCM Artur Knight
-All activity is classified.

FL-TCS/CM Marcus Caine
-All activity is classified.

FM/MAJ Keiran
-All activity is classified.

Commander's Forum

Nothing really noteworthy in Star Wars Galaxies this week. After the initial shock of the game, I've done a lot of XP grinding. It's not a whole lot of fun I assure you, but you can't do anything (combat-wise) without it. Soon enough I'll have enough to start fighting other players (and not die from it).

In service of the Emperor's Hammer!

Lieutenant Colonel Vladet Xavier
Lieutenant Colonel 
( - "Roster Killer"
CMDR-TCS-PROF/LC Vladet Xavier/Crusader/Wing XIII/ISD Grey Wolf

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