Omega Report # 56 (2005-02-28)

This report was submitted by GN Brian

Omega Squadron members, honored guests,

This week's Omega squadron report. It's been three weeks now and I still haven't had a good, uninterrupted night's sleep...

Squadron Orders:
- Ongoing: find and evaluate new recruits.

- Sovereign poll regarding Multiplayer: please answer.

Squadron News:
- Once I get some free time, we'll initiate contact of new recruits and their COs. In the meantime, we continue to look.

EH-wide News:
- EH presence at Celebration 3:
April 21-24 in Indianapolis, Indiana. AD Joe needs help staffing the EH booth at the convention.

- TO report #1 is out:

- ISD Subjugator closed.

- Kane Reese is now SSD Avenger COM.

- TAC updates: XvT-TC 108, XWA-TC 42, 43 released.

Activity Reports:
CMDR/GN Brian - no activity.

FM/GN Compton - no activity (very busy with SWG:JTL).

FL/COL Ixion Deathbringer - no activity.

FM/LC Yoman - no activity.

Well... I'm interviewing for a new job this week. If that goes well, I should be able to devote more time to EH-related stuff. As it is, we all look pretty busy through March and possibly April, so hopefully Omega squadron members will find time to squeeze in some activity somewhere.

The thought of taking my TIE Guardian to work someday instead of my oil-burner might spice up my week, though... hmm...


CMDR/GN Brian/Omega-1-1/SSSD Sovereign
SM/1/2/3-WPN] T/D-"Rain" TC PIN: 413

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