Inferno Report # 2 (2005-03-20)

This report was submitted by CPT Dirty Vader

-=Inferno Squadron Weekly Report=-®

March 20th 2005


First off, sadly, MAJ Calvin Senzin, who got bored with TC has decided to leave for the RSVs. Even though I didn't get the time to know him, I wish him luck with whatever he will be doing and hope to see him back in TC again.

Quite a lot of events in the fleet this week, check out the news section. As for Inferno, activity has been great and we've greatly increased our number of citations ;P CPT Dujhod has won last week's trivia and this week, the topic will be on Boliv. The real question is does the trivia master know more about a person or that person itself. This will be very interesting, especially because the two likely winners are in Inferno.

AD Alex Foley the OPS officer has resigned his position. Not sure what will happen but February MSE awards will be delayed, so don't panic if you've not gotten anything in your mail box yet.

I've released the competitions results and trivia answers for rounds one. See below :P Note that I've included myself in the results as I like to compete, even though I don't participate officially. The medals are for you, not for me :)

-==quote of the week==-

[DirtyVader] hmmm C
[DirtyVader] how do you disable HTML in a word document?
[ChrisBRB] uhh...
[ChrisBRB] I don't know. :P
[ChrisBRB] isn't there an option? :P
[DirtyVader] bah
[DirtyVader] thanks for nothing
[ChrisBRB] you're welcome! :P
* ChrisBRB was kicked by DirtyVader (whore!

TC News/BG News/Wing News

- New Command Attache to the Flight Office, Admiral Sarin. He will remain as SHW of the DB and Combat Operations Officer. Busy man he is.

- New XWA Releases: XWA TC 44, 45 and 46. Thank god someone still makes battles for this great platform.

-New XvT Releases: XvT Free 177, 178 and 179 are out as a three part series. TIE Free 250 was also released. AD Fr0d0 and Master are on fire :P

-Revenge of the Sith trailer is out. I hear it's good so check it out.

-XVT WOW started on friday. XWA WOW starts next friday

-TIE Corps Information Directive has been implemented. Basicaly, anyone with CMDing duties will get fired if reports aren't done and uploaded.

-Internet Officer has requested that everyone who is webmaster of an EH site, send him it's details for a central database he is developing

-Check out which has just been updated with news and events around the fleet

-Admiral Joe has setup a donations account to help him fund materials and costs for Celebration III. If you have spare cash to donate and actually want to, then do it :P

-MAJ Chris Cox is the new wing VIII WC. That's the Colosus btw.

-SWGB battles should contain at least 4 missions like the other platforms or Fr0d0 will disaprove them.

-The Grey Wolf are in need of commanders, 3 in fact. haha :P

-Weekly #Wing_X meetings are now at 9 PM EST, 2 AM GMT


MAJ Calvin Senzin has left for the Reserves

-CPT Dirty Vader passed the HTML 1, Flash and Wing Management IWATS Courses.

-Citations: from 63 last week to 86 this week. 100 not far away now :P

Squadron Citations/Status/Comps


Every Monday this comp will begin anew for one month. The aim is to get the most points. Highest scorer each week gets the IS-BW/IS-BR with a very good chance of earning a merit medal too.

Here's how the point system works:

Intellectual section Fiction: 1-10 points depending on quality and humour. All submissions must be in either e-mail or .doc format.New INPRs also qualify for this section.
GFX: 1-10 points. All submissions must be in jpg or gif format.
Trivia: Each week 10 trivia questions will be sent out. You will be awarded 1 point for each question you answer correctly. +5 points to the person who answers the most questions correctly. If more that one person answers the most questions correctly (ie: 2 people have the best score of 8), then the one who sent out the answers first will gain the 5 points.
IWATS: 7 points for each IWATS completed.
To earn the medal (IS-BR) a minimum of 10 points is required in each round.

The Trivia questions will be sent out between Monday at Thursday at my discretion. So check your mail everyday to be the first to send out the answers. The questions will be Star Wars and EH related. So be prepared to google search, report search and use your brain. I won't make the questions impossible to answer.

Trivia Answers for Round One

1. What rank does Prost Varsis hold and for how long has he held it?
LCM 2 years 9 months

2.Which famous Imperial constructer manufactures TIE Fighters?
Sienar Fleet Systems

3. Name VA Bubba's FreeWorlds clone.
Pixie The Lion, he includes that name in all his communiqués like his BG report

4.Prince Xizor is the leader of what criminal organization?
Black Sun

5.Who was Tempest CMDR before Master?
Chris McCollum. Even though he never uploaded his reports, he was there for a long while

6.What was Wedge Antilles' three designations while in his cockpit during the movies?
Red 2, Red Leader, Rogue 3

7.How many CPTs in Wing_X?
Seven (Azurin, Fritz, Dan, Alex, Rover, Dujhod and DV)

8.Which high ranking rebel officer was instrumental in designing the B-Wing starfighter? Admiral Ackbar

9.What rank was Dirty Vader when he joined the TIE Corps in May? (Cadet I don't consider a rank)
LCM. I actually joined in January, but had to re-enlist because of the DB crash.

10.Whose apology was accepted by Darth Vader after he had executed him?
Captain Lorth Needa

Results for Round One

CPT Alexander Anderson: 7 correct answers for trivia. Total: 7 points.
CPT Dirty Vader: 21 points for IWATS + 5 points for INPR (INPR rated at 5/10 min mark) Total: 26 points.
CPT Dujhod: 8 correct trivia answers + 5 points for highest scorer. Total 13 points.
Winner: CPT Dujhod (IS-BR)

Flying Section
Battle/Mission Completion: 2 points for each completed mission, 2 extra points for each mission High Score. For a Battle, 2 x the number of missions in the battle.
MP Victory: 10 points for each MP victory.
FCHG advancemement: 10 points will be awarded for each FCHG advancement from Grenadier to Legionnaire. 20 points from Executor to Imperator.
To earn the medal (IS-BWs) a minimum of 15 points is required.

For both these sections there will be 4 rounds, which each round starting on Mondays. The First round will begin this Monday 14th of March.

Results for Round One

CPT Dirty Vader: 68 mission points + 2 bonus points for mission HS Total:70 points.
CM Dulcatos: 90 mission points + 10 bonus points for advancement. Total: 100 points.
CM Great Griffin: 66 mission points + 10 bonus points for FCHG advancement. Total: 76 points.
Winner: CM Dulcatos (IS-BW)


Each week I will pick a random TIE Fighter battle. Highest scorer for that battle earns an IS-BWs. Comp starts on the 11th and has 4 rounds, one round lasting 6 days. At the beginning of each round, the battle in question will be assigned to you. Those battles will count as activity for the Inferno Weekly Bonanza Comp

Results for round 1:

1. CM Dulcatos 154, 751 (IS-BW)
2. CM Great Griffin 80, 522
3. CPT Dirty Vader 68, 159 :P


CPT Dirty Vader (Inferno 1-1)

-Flew TIE TC 146
-Flew TIE TC 147
-Flew TIE TC 148
-Flew TIE TC 149
-Flew TIE TC 156
-Flew TIE TC 157
-Flew TIE TC 159 with new mission HS
-Flew TIE TC 185
-Flew TIE IW 1
-Passed the FLA IWATS Course
-Passed the IIC/1 IWATS Course
-Passed the WM IWATS Course
-Did his INPR
-E-Mail Contact
-IRC Contact
-MSN Contact
-AIM Contact
-MB Postings

COL Bill Kelso (Typhoon 2-1)

-IRC Contact

CM Great Griffin(Inferno 2-1)

-Flew TIE TC 94
-Flew TIE TC 138
-Flew TIE TC 141
-Flew TIE TC 159
-Flew TIE TC 142
-Flew TIE TC 153
-Flew TIE TC 154
-E-Mail contact
-MSN Contact
-FCHG rank advancement

CPT Alexander Anderson (Inferno 2-2)

-Sent in answers for trivia
-E-Mail Contact
-AIM Contact

CPT Dulcatos (Inferno 2-3)

-Flew TIE TC 29
-Flew TIE TC 30
-Flew TIE TC 34
-Flew TIE TC 38
-Flew TIE TC 49
-Flew TIE TC 57
-Flew TIE TC 58
-Flew TIE TC 159
-Flew TIE TC 101
-E-Mail contact
-IRC Contact
-FCHG rank advancement

CPT Dujhod (Inferno 3-1)

-Won Wing X Trivia
-Sent in answers for trivia
-E-Mail Contact
-IRC Contact

Dirty's Final Thoughts

Special commendations to the "Commander duo" CM Dulcatos and CM Great Griffin who have been flying loads this week for the competitions and citations. Keep this up guys and I'll offer you good shiny presents.

2 more IS-BWs and 1 IS-BR up for grabs next week. It can be anyone's reward.

That's it :P

Typhoon Squadron publicity

Inferno Mailing list:
Inferno Forum:
Pilot e-mails: Dirty Vader:; Bill Kelso:; Great Griffin:; Alexander Anderson:; Dulcatos:; Dujhod:

Interested in joining Inferno? E-Mail Dirty Vader, and we'll talk.
I also use mIRC (Undernet server), and can be found on #TIECorps and #Wing_X under the nick DirtyVader. Alternatively, you can reach me on MSN:

CMDR/CPT Dirty Vader/Inferno/Wing X/ISD Challenge/PCx2/ISM/MoI/IS-4BW-3SW-2SR-2GW/LoC-CSx3/DFC-Rx1/CoB/LoA [GLDR] {IWATS-AIM-FLA-IBX-ICQ-IIC/1-M/1-MP-SM/3-TLN-WPN-XTT}

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