Alpha Report # 0 (2005-03-05)

This report was submitted by MAJ Talons Pryde

Good morning,

I intend on changing the positions of the members of this squadron in the coming week. The first change, effective immediately, is that Kahooli is transfered to flight 2 as flight leader. The roster change will become official by Wednesday in the coming week.

The second change is the need to find out who is and who is not around in the squadron. Therefore, I am asking for a report in from all members of the squadron by Friday (20050311.0001 -- March 11 by 12:01 AM EST). Reporting in will require either a direct e-mail, a call, or in person. I must know your status by Friday.

Third, I have a problem. I have Windows 2000 Pro. With service pack 4 and Application Compatability tool 3.0 installed with DirectX 9.0c and all updates for video and audio drivers in place. Unfortunately, TIE95 is not acknowledging the Direct3D installation (it is now integrated in DX9.0c from what I understand) and as a result, the game will not allow me to get past the startup menu. Does anyone have a way around this problem or know of the fix to allow the game to start? I also have this problem with X-wing95. Without this problem being fixed, Jenn and I are not going to be able to fly TIE95 (our core platform). Incidentally, I did download and install the compatability fix.

I have standing orders as follows:

• Gain 6 pilots to place 2 in each of the flights. Projected date to have 6 pilots and all active in some way: 20050401
• Have all three flight pages up and running with proper maintainance and links to the Squadron's Homepage: 20050501
• Gain citations in all Wing I member made battles and free missions for TIE95, XvT, and XWA.
Projected Date for TIE95: 20050601
Projected Date for XvT: 20050801
Projected Date for XWA: 20051001
Projected Date for X-Wing: 20051015
• I am hoping to hone the skills of each of the pilots in areas other than flying by nurturing thier writing capabilities through debriefing texts of each battle they fly. I am hoping to have an extensive archive of past and present pilots exploits complete with flight recorders and debriefings available for newer pilots to observe and learn to better thier own capabilities. As a member of the Order of the Krath, I feel it will help the pilots reason a battle through more successfully and enable them to learn from thier own mistakes by reviewing thier flights in slow motion and from the perspective of other ships.

In light of the above, I would like to see submitted with pilot files a written debreifing based on your flight recorder. This debriefing is not yet going to be manditory. Do note the projected dates for completion for each goal. 6 good pilots by April, all three flight pages up to date by May, all TIE95 wing and squadron made battles and free missions by June, all XvT (I hope to find my missing disk by then) ones by August, all XWA by October, and all X-wing95 by the middle of that month. This will be the basis of our squadron. We support each other and the Wing. This is our way of doing both. All new recruits will have to meet these requirements by the dates above or within 60 days of entrence into the squadron whichever is later. Please e-mail me with your flyable platforms so that I may make some direct exceptions.

I want to see a comprehensive INPR from everyone in the squadron by the end of this month. Please do not fail me in this reguards. I want our squadron to be both fly capable as well as RPG capable. The better we are at both, the greater the chance we have of competing against the elite in both worlds. And I for one want Alpha to be the best. We are the first squadron on the flagship of the fleet. Let us be that in both word and deed!

If there are any questions, please contact me and I should get back to you within 72 hours.

I have pilot files from Kahooli that I still need to BSF. I am working hard to get a few bugs in my terminal fixed so bear with me there. This past week has been a bit on the hectic side as we have been thrying to get a few RL problems fixed and it has taken a bit of a priority over here. Remember RL is a priority. If for some reason you are unable to meet a deadline, let me know with a legitimate reason. If you just do not feel like flying one month, let me know. Do not lie to me -- that will set me off like nobody's business. I will help you where I can and will slam you when I must. Ask the older people (if they are still around) I invented (or at least brought it to the public eye) the Air-Lock punishment. It is not pretty.

Ladies and gentlemen! Dismissed!

Shadow Knight Major Talons Pryde, Alpha Commander, Wing I, Sovereign class SuperStar Destroyer Sovereign reporting.

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