Beta Report # 2 (2005-02-19)

This report was submitted by CM Serin Jansj

Beta Echelon :|: Beta Squadron Report #2

Beta Squadron
Beta Squadron Report #2

Saturday, February 19th, 2005

"The quiet hum of the holoprojector whirled to life, casting an azure glow over the speaking Squadron Commander. 'Greetings pilots. Look lively. Now, onto the briefing...'"

Squadron News

I hope everyone had a good week. As with the week before, there wasn't a great of activity. The good news is that two people flew for the weekly activity this week: J'Lek, and myself. This is a good start, and with SL Trollstein having reported in as well, things are looking quite decent. There's another free mission for this issue's Weekly Activity; try to fly if you can, as it's only a few minutes at most to complete.
Though there haven't been any official roster changes this week, we still have Max transferring out to Thunder Squadron, which I'm working to resolve. Additionally, two pilots in our squadron, Captain Death Angel, and Lieutenant Miles Teg have gone for long periods of no contact. Unfortunately, I will have to declare one of them AWOL and the other MIA most likely soon unless contact is received. We will recover, however.
Beta Echelon has been updated this week with this report and the communique for week two. The History / Canon section of the site is being worked on this very moment, and soon that portion of the site should be completed to allow me to move on my next projects in Beta, which I can't reveal at this time. ;)
I'm still thinking about the squadron and flight mottos, nicknames, mascots, etc. I didn't receive any contact on this last week, but there's still time. I'll let you guys know what I come up with before I do anything. I'd like to hear what you think when I do, if possible. Other good news is that CM Coldsteel has given me a copy of his excellent squadron patch for Beta, and I'm hoping we can implement that as our official symbol soon to complement our banner. Thanks again, Firzam.
Finally, on a slightly different note, Serin Jansj has been spotted in some of the darker, forgotten hangar bays, working on some unfathomable project. J'Lek Arcanos departed the SSSD Sovereign on a Corellian freighter; word in the cantinas points to his return this coming Monday or later. The dark figure emerging from the bacta chambers has been positively identified as a very groggy, disoriented Viktor Trollstein, and Conker Blackwood is still on one week remedial latrine duty, with his normal complement of a ysalamari and a wooden spoon. :P
None this week.
CM Max transferred out to Thunder Squadron (pending).
None at this time.


None at this time.

Activity Records

CM Serin Jansj - "Yakman"
Released a Commander Communique.
Updated Beta Echelon.
Flew TIE-TC 17.
Flew TIE-TC 18.
Flew TIE-FREE 149.
CM Conker Blackwood - "DrunkFool"
No activity noted.
On latrine duty for one week.
In continual contact through Email, AIM, and IRC.
CM Max - "Sharp Shooter"
No activity noted.
Transferring out to Thunder Squadron.
In regular contact through AIM.
SL Viktor Trollstein - "Space Troll"
No activity noted.
Reported in. Good to have you back with us, Viktor.
LCM J'Lek Arcanos - "Tac!"
Flew TIE-FREE 149.
In semi-regular contact through AIM and Email.
LT Hunter - "Python"
No activity noted.
No contact this week. Please drop me a line.
CPT Death Angel - "DA"
No activity noted.
No contact. To be declared Missing in Action.
LT Miles Teg - "Harrower"
No activity noted.
No contact. To be declared Absent Without Leave.


Unfortunately, nothing amusing enough really happened this week. :-\ In the meantime, however, until real humor can be found, please accept this carbon based substitute.
[00:57] * KP_Conker extends the exlaxing of the yaks by 2 days
[00:58] [Jansj] Eh, your mess. Hope the wooden spoon holds up. :P
[00:59] [KP_Conker] serin...ive got 4 kegs of napalm..and a hell of alot of thermite....[eyes yakmans office]
[01:00] [KP_Conker] and you...and your..enterauge...look a bit...flammable
[01:01] [Jansj] Foolish cyborg. Demolitions are for adults. :P Feel free to try, though. That's what the stormtroopers are for. You'll work off your time though in time.. in the acid mines. :P

Weekly Activity

This week, I'd like to propose for the squadron to fly another single free mission: TIE-FREE Battle #167 - I Just Work Here. You can find it in the Mission Compendium (for the irrepressibly lazy, here's a link: It's only a few minutes of time, and it looks to be pretty funny as well. For those of you who only have XWA working (read: Conker), a substitute is XWA-FREE Battle #98 - Operation Divide and Conquer: Part 1 (It's located at this link:
Otherwise, have a good week. That's not a recommendation. That's an order. :)

General Directives

  • Always try to keep in touch with your CMDR. Let me know you're active by email, contact on AIM, or IRC. I'm here to help.
  • Fly if possible, even if it's only a free mission here and there. Let's keep our skills honed for possible future challenges.
  • Try to do the weekly activity if possible. Check the weekly report for details.
  • Try to get on AOL Instant Messenger, IRC, the Message Boards, or the Beta Squadron email list when you can. Let's get to know each other.
  • Try to be active in some way. Even if you can't fly at the moment, you can take an IWATs course, write a piece of fiction or poetry for the website, create a graphic, write an INPR or touch one up, or contribute to the squadron in some other way.
  • Try to visit the squadron website now and then. You can find current competition listings, the current roster, squadron news, archived reports, communiques, and much more there.
  • If you can, try to recruit some new members into the squadron. Even if they don't want to come to Wing I or Beta, you can always offer a helping hand to a new pilot on Daedalus.
  • Remember that wherever you go, there you are. The Force is strong with Beta.

    Duty Roster

    COMMANDER: CM Serin Jansj
    NICKNAME: Sovereign's Cavaliers
    BANNER: beta.jpg
    MOTTO: Honor, Courage, Death and Glory.
    HOMEPAGE: Beta Echelon
    Nickname: Death's Messengers
    Motto: There is no fate, but what we make.
    1) CM Serin Jansj
    2) CM Conker Blackwood
    3) CM Max
    4) SL Viktor Trollstein
    Nickname: The Stalkers
    Motto: Failure is not an option
    1) LCM J'Lek Arcanos
    2) LT Hunter
    3) TBA
    4) TBA
    Nickname: The Pathfinders
    Motto: Last thing you'll hear is the sound of our TIEs
    1) TBA
    2) CPT Death Angel
    3) LT Miles Teg
    4) TBA

    Bad Pun of the Week

    In the days of old, when Genghis Kahn's men were running over Asia, they set their sights on further shores. Rather than 'huns', these warriors were known as Kahn's men, or simply, Kahns. When they had conquered all the way to the water's edge, they build boats, gathered their loot, and bravely went to sea. By a sad twist of fate, they encountered an island of lepers, which resulted in most of the crew being infected. Hastily leaving that island, they set sail again, but by the time they reached Ireland, there wasn't much left of them. Disembarking on stubby limbs, they set forth, but were soon set upon by the natives for the riches they carried.
    Rotted away, but still clever, they hid on the island and awaited rescue, and the locals never did get their hands on the treasure.
    And that's how the story of the little people got started in Ireland - the leper Kahn's and their pots of gold.

    The Last Word

    This has been a very decent week, overall, I think. I'd like to see a bit more activity on the Mailing List this week, and I will do my best to set an example so we can get to know each other and bond into a more efficient, more fun squadron. As with last week, please try to participate in the Weekly Activity if possible. Who knows what this week will bring? I look forward to it with anticipation. :)
    For this week, however, it's your commander signing out.
    "Oh, and just like the river, I've been runnin', ever since."
    Serin "Yakman" Jansj
    CMDR/CM Serin Jansj/Beta/Wing I/SSSD Sovereign

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